Roads in Serbia

Serbian motorway network.
  in service
  under construction

Roads in Serbia are the backbone of its transportation system and an important part of the European road network. The total length of roads in the country is 45,419 km, and they are categorized as "state roads" (total length of 16,179 km) or "municipal roads" (total length of 23,780 km).[1][2] All state roads in Serbia are maintained by the national road construction company JP Putevi Srbije.

State roads

Major roads in the country are designated as "state roads", all of which are paved. They are categorized into class I and class II, each with two sub-classes, A and B.[3]

State roads, class IA

Roads that are motorways are categorized as state roads, class IA, and are marked with one-digit numbers (the "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4" or "A5" road designations represent "autoput", the Serbian word for motorway).[4] As of April 2018, there are 792 km of motorways (Serbian: аутопут, аutoput) in total.[5] Motorways in Serbia have three lanes in each direction (including the hard shoulder), signs are white-on-green, and the normal speed limit is 130 km/h.

Designation Route Planned In service
A1 Border with Hungary near Horgoš - Subotica - Novi Sad - Belgrade (Belgrade bypass) - Niš - Leskovac - Vranje - Border with Macedonia near Preševo 588 km 554 km
A2 Belgrade (intersection with A1) - Preljina (intersection with A5) near Čačak - Požega - Border with Montenegro near Boljare 258 km 53 km
A3 Belgrade (intersection with A1) - Sremska Mitrovica - Border with Croatia near Batrovci 93 km 93 km
A4 Niš (intersection with A1) - Pirot - Border with Bulgaria near Gradinje 105 km 92 km
A5 Preljina (intersection with A2) near Čačak - Kraljevo - Kruševac - Pojate (intersection with A1) 112 km 0 km
Total 1,154 km 792 km

State roads, class IB

Roads categorized as state roads, class IB are 4,481 km in total length and are marked with two-digit numbers.[6] They have one lane at the each direction, signs are black-on-yellow and the normal speed limit is 80 km/h.

Some of these roads are or will be partially expressways (Serbian: Брзи пут, Brzi put), such as the 24 km-long stretch of State Road 24 between Kragujevac and Batočina (intersection with A1 motorway) and the planned upgrade of the 27 km-long section of State Road 21 between Novi Sad and Ruma (intersection with A1 motorway). Expressways, unlike motorways, do not have emergency lanes, signs are white-on-blue and the normal speed limit is 100 km/h.

Designation Route
10 Belgrade - Pančevo - Vršac - Border with Romania near Vatin
11 Border with Hungary near Kelebija - Subotica - Motorway A1
12 Subotica - Sombor - Odžaci - Bačka Palanka - Novi Sad - Zrenjanin - Žitište - Nova Crnja - Border with Romania near Srpska Crnja
13 Horgoš - Kanjiža - Novi Kneževac - Čoka - Kikinda - Zrenjanin - Čenta - Belgrade
14 Pančevo - Kovin - Ralja (intersection with State Road 33)
15 Border with Hungary near Bački Breg - Bezdan - Sombor - Kula - Vrbas - Srbobran - Bečej - Novi Bečej - Kikinda - Border with Romania near Nakovo
16 Border with Croatia near Bezdan - Bezdan
17 Border with Croatia near Bogojevo - Srpski Miletić
18 Zrenjanin - Sečanj - Plandište - Vršac - Straža - Bela Crkva - Border with Romania near Kaluđerovo
19 Neštin (Intersection with State Road 12) - Erdevik - Kuzmin - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Sremska Rača
20 Motorway A3 - Sremska Mitrovica - Bogatić - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Badovinci
21 Novi Sad - Irig - Ruma - Šabac - Koceljeva - Valjevo - Kosjerić - Požega - Arilje - Ivanjica - Sjenica
22 Belgrade - Ljig - Gornji Milanovac - Preljina - Kraljevo - Raška - Novi Pazar - Ribariće - Border with Montenegro near Mehov Krš
23 Pojate - Kruševac - Kraljevo - Preljina - Čačak - Požega - Užice - Čajetina - Nova Varoš - Prijepolje - Border with Montenegro near Gostun
24 Batočina - Kragujevac - Kraljevo
25 Mali Požarevac - Mladenovac - Topola - Kragujevac
26 Belgrade - Obrenovac - Šabac - Loznica - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Mali Zvornik
27 Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Trbušnica - Loznica - Osečina - Valjevo - Lajkovac - Ćelije - Lazarevac - Aranđelovac - Topola - Rača - Svilajnac
28 Mali Zvornik - Ljubovija - Rogačica - Kostojevići - Užice - Kneževići - Kremna - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Kotroman
29 Border with Montenegro near Jabuka - Prijepolje - Nova Varoš - Sjenica - Novi Pazar
30 Ivanjica - Ušće
31 Raška - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (checkpoint Rudnica)
32 Ribariće - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (checkpoint Tabalije)
33 A1 - Požarevac - Kučevo - Majdanpek - Negotin - Border with Bulgaria near Vrška Čuka
34 Požarevac - Veliko Gradište - Golubac - Donji Milanovac - Poreč bridge (intersection with State Road 35)
35 Border with Romania near Đerdap - Kladovo - Negotin - Zaječar - Knjaževac - Svrljig - Niš - Merošina - Prokuplje - Kuršumlija - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
36 Paraćin - Boljevac - Zaječar - Border with Bulgaria near Vrška Čuka
37 Selište - Bor - Zaječar
38 Kruševac (Makrešane) - Blace - Beloljin
39 Pirot - Babušnica - Vlasotince - Leskovac - Lebane - Medveđa - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
40 Vladičin Han - Surdulica - Border with Bulgaria in Strezimirovci
41 Bujanovac - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
42 Motorway A1 - Preševo - Boundary line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
43 Niška Banja - Bela Palanka - Pirot - Dimitrovgrad - Border with Bulgaria at Gradinje
44 Mala Kopašnica - Vladičin Han - Vranje - Bujanovac - Levosoje
45 Entirely in Kosovo[lower-alpha 1]
46 Ravni Gaj - Knić - Mrčajevci
47 Belgrade (printing company) - Krnjača - Belgrade (Bogoslovija)

State roads, class IIA

State roads, class IIa, are marked with three-digit numbers, the first digit being 1 or 2. The total length of these roads is 7,781 km. [7]

Designation Route
100 Horgoš intersection - Subotica - Bačka Topola - Srbobran - Novi Sad - Inđija - Stara Pazova - Belgrade
101 Border with Hungary near Bački Vinogradi - State Road 100 at Bački Vinogradi
102 Kanjiža - Senta - Ada - Bečej - Temerin - Novi Sad (Temerin intersection)
103 Border with Hungary near Đala - Novi Kneževac
104 Novi Kneževac - Banatsko Aranđelovo - Mokrin - Kikinda - Vojvoda Stepa - Begejci - Srpski Itebej - Border with Romania near Međa
105 Border with Hungary near Bajmok - Bajmok - Bačka Topola - Senta - Čoka - Mokrin - Border with Romania near Vrbica
106 Kljajićevo - Bački Sokolac
107 Sombor - Apatin - Bogojevo
108 Bačka Topola - Kula - Despotovo - Silbaš - Bačka Palanka - Border with Croatia near Bačka Palanka
109 Bačka Topola - Bečej
110 Kula - Odžaci
111 Odžaci - Ratkovo - Silbaš - Bački Petrovac - Rumenka - Novi Sad
112 Bačko Novo Selo - Bač - Ratkovo - Despotovo - Sirig - Temerin - Žabalj
113 Feketić - Vrbas - Zmajevo - Rumenka
114 Bačko Gradište - Čurug - Žabalj - Šajkaš - A1 motorway
115 Srbobran - Nadalj - Čurug
116 Novi Bečej - Melenci
117 Novi Bečej - Bašaid - Banatsko Karađorđevo
118 Žitište - Torak - Srpski Itebej
119 Border with Croatia near Neštin - Beočin - Sremska Kamenica
120 Border with Croatia near Šid - Šid - Kuzmin - Sremska Mitrovica- Ruma - Pećinci - Bečmen - Obrenovac
121 Border with Croatia near Sot - Šid - Adaševci - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Jamena
122 Border with Croatia near Ljuba - Erdevik
123 Sviloš - Sremska Mitrovica (intersection with State Road 20)
124 Sremska Mitrovica - Drenovac - Šabac
125 A1 motorway - Maradik
126 Ruma - Putinci - Inđija - Stari Slankamen
127 Putinci - Stara Pazova - Stari Banovci
128 Golubinci - Pećinci
129 Kać - Šajkaš - Titel - Perlez - Kovačica - Sečanj - Border with Romania near Jaša Tomić
130 Ečka - Kovačica - Jabuka - Pančevo
131 Čenta - Opovo - Jabuka
132 Plandište - Alibunar
133 Uljma - Straža
134 Kovin - Vračev Gaj - Bela Crkva
135 Badovinci - Mačvanski Prnjavor
136 Majur - Bogatić - Petlovača
137 Šabac - Volujac - Zavlaka - Krupanj - Gračanica
138 Lipnički Šor - Tekeriš
139 Krst - Korenita - Krupanj - Radaljska Banja - Radalj - State Road 26
140 Zvezd - Vladimirci - Lojanice
141 Debrc - Banjani - Ub - Novaci - Koceljeva - Šabačka Kamenica - Donje Crniljevo - Osečina - Gunjaci - Pecka - Ljubovija
142 Draginje - Šabačka Kamenica - Valjevska Kamenica - State Road 27
143 Pričević - Pecka
144 Obrenovac - Stubline - Ub - Slovac
145 Stubline - Brgule - Lajkovac
146 Ub - Brgule
147 Lipovica Forest - Barajevo - Dučina - Mladenovac - Smederevska Palanka - Velika Plana - Žabari - Petrovac - Kučevo
148 Barič - Mislođin - Stepojevac - Veliki Crljeni - Junkovac - Sibnica - Dučina
149 Beli Potok - Ralja - Đurinci - Vlaško Polje
150 Đurinci - Sopot - Aranđelovac - Belanovica - Ljig - Mionica - Divci
151 State Road 25 - Markovac - Aranđelovac
152 Topola - Donja Šatornja - Rudnik - Bućin Grob
153 Leštane - Grocka - Petrijevo - Ralja - A1 motorway
154 Leštane - Bubanj Potok - A1 motorway
155 Petrijevo - Mladenovac
156 Ralja - Smederevska Palanka - Natalinci
157 Rača - Cerovac
158 Mala Krsna - Velika Plana - Batočina - Jagodina - Ćuprija - Paraćin - Aleksinac - Niš - Leskovac - Vladičin Han - Vranje - Bujanovac - Border with Macedonia
159 Požarevac - Kostolac
160 Požarevac - Žabari - Svilajnac - Despotovac - Dvorište - Resavica - Senje - Ćuprija
161 Bratinac - Salakovac - Malo Crniće - Petrovac - Žagubica - Brestovac
162 Veliko Gradište - Makce - Boževac - Ranovac - Petrovac - Tanovac - Dubnica - Svilajnac
163 Golubac - Zelenik - Lješnica
164 Donji Milanovac - Majdanpek - Debeli Lug - Jasikovo - Žagubica
165 Porečki most - Klokočevac - Miloševa Kula - Rgotina - Vražogrnac - Zaječar - Zvezdan
166 Bor - Zagrađe
167 Kladovo - Korbovo - Milutinovac
168 State road 35 - Dušanovac - Border with Romania near Kusjak
169 State road 33 - Veljkovo - Šipkovo - Zaječar - Lenovac - Bučje
170 Valjevo - Poćuta - Debelo Brdo - Rogačica - Bajina Bašta - Kaluđerske Bare - Kremna
171 Dub - Bajina Bašta - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Bajina Bašta
172 Bajina Bašta - Perućac
173 Kremna - Dubci
174 Užice - Karan - Kosjerić - Seča Reka - Varda - Jakalj - Kostojevići
175 Županjac - Bogovađa - Mionica - Brežđe - Divčibare - Kaona
176 Valjevo - Brežđe
177 State road 21 - Čestobrodica - Gojna Gora - Pranjani - Beršići - Takovo- Gornji Milanovac - Nevade - Vraćevšnica Bare - Kragujevac
178 Divčibare - Tometino Polje - Sastavci
179 Pranjani - Trbušani - Ljubić (Čačak) - Čačak - Drakčići - Kraljevo
180 Čačak - Guča - Ivanjica
181 Kratovska Stena - Lučani - Guča - Kaona - Drakčići
182 Ravni Gaj (Barajevo) – KnićMrčajevci
183 KragujevacGornja SabantaRekovac - Belušić - Jasika - State Road 23
184 Gornja SabantaJagodinaA1 motorway
185 JagodinaGlogovacMedveđa
186 ĆuprijaVirineDespotovacDvorište – Vodna – Krepoljin
187 VitanovacUgljarevoVelika DrenovaJasikaVarvarinMijatovac
188 RekovacPreveštGrabovacTrstenik
189 State road 158 – Bresje – Loćika – BelušićOparićVelika DrenovaStopanja
190 Donji KrčinVarvarinĆićevac
191 BistricaPriboj – Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Uvac
192 Border with Montenegro near Čemerno - Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina near Vagan
193 Border with Bosnia and HerzegovinaSjeverin – Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina
194 PrilikeKatićiJasenovo – Kokin Brod – Rutoši – Pribojska Banja – Priboj – State road 192
195 Bela ZemljaLjubišJasenovo
196 Lis – Arilje – Visoka – Ljubiš
197 KaonaIvanjica – Buk – Preko Brdo – Duga PoljanaRasnoKarajukića BunariUgao – Border with Montenegro
198 Raška – Kuti – Odvraćenica (Radaljica) – Preko Brdo
199 Novi PazarDeževa – Odvraćenica (Radaljica)
200 Prijepolje – Manastir Mileševa – Uvac

State roads, class IIB

State roads, class IIB, are marked with three-digit numbers, first digit being 3 or 4. Total length of these roads is 3,160 km.[8]

Designation Route
300 SuboticaVelebit – State Road 102
301 ZimonićVelebit
302 Banatsko AranđelovoRabe
303 Stari ŽednikČantavirTornjoš
304 KljajićevoSvetozar MiletićRiđica
305 VrbasKucuraSavino Selo
306 GajdobraČelarevo
307 BašaidNova Crnja
308 TorakKrajišnikSutjeskaNeuzina
309 KrajišnikJaša Tomić
310 SamošDobricaSeleušAlibunarBanatski KarlovacDeliblato – State Road 134
311 PadinaSeleuš
312 Vračev GajBanatska PalankaDunav
313 RakovacZmajevacVrdnikIrigKrušedol SeloMaradik – State Road 100
314 ErdevikBingulaČalmaManđelosVeliki RadinciRuma – State Road 120
315 Kukujevci – State Road 19
316 Sremska MitrovicaJarak
317 PećinciSubotišteKupinovo
318 PrhovoŠimanovciA3 motorway
319 A1 motorwayBatajnicaUgrinovciSurčinA1 motorway
320 BogatićGlogovacCrna Bara – Border with Bosnia and Herzegovina
321 GlogovacBadovinci
322 GlušciMačvanski PričinovićŠabac (intersection with State Road 124)
323 Mačvanski PrnjavorČokešina – Lipove Vode – VolujacSinošević – Nakučani - Matijevac – State Road 21
324 Šabac (intersection with State Road 26) – Nakučani – Donje Crniljevo
325 ProvoZvezd – State Road 26

Municipal roads

Minor, local roads in the country are designated as "municipal roads".[9] Total length of these roads is 23,780 km and some two-thirds are paved roads, while the rest are consisted of macadam and earthen roads.

European routes

The following European routes pass through Serbia:


  1. Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February 2008, but Serbia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. The two governments began to normalise relations in 2013, as part of the Brussels Agreement. Kosovo has received formal recognition as an independent state from 113 out of 193 United Nations member states.


  1. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-12-30. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  3. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-04-19. Retrieved 2013-10-26.
  4. "Uredba o kategorizaciji državnih puteva". Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia (105). 29 November 2013. (Subscription required (help)).
  5. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-12-30. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  6. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-12-30. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  7. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-12-30. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  8. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-12-30. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  9. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-04-19. Retrieved 2013-10-26.
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