CW postcode area

Postcode district boundaries:

KML is from Wikidata
Crewe postcode area
Postcode area CW
Postcode area name Crewe
Post towns 8
Postcode districts 13
Postcode sectors 52
Postcodes (live) 9,046
Postcodes (total) 12,944
Statistics as at February 2012[1]

The CW postcode area, also known as the Crewe postcode area,[2] is a group of twelve postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of eight post towns. These postcode districts cover much of Cheshire, including Crewe, Northwich, Congleton, Middlewich, Nantwich, Sandbach, Tarporley and Winsford, plus very small parts of Staffordshire and Shropshire.


The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

Postcode district Post town Coverage Local authority area
CW1 CREWE Crewe, Haslington, Leighton Cheshire East
CW2 CREWE Crewe, Wistaston, Woolstanwood Cheshire East
CW3 CREWE Crewe, Madeley, Betley, Woore, Audlem Cheshire East, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Shropshire
CW4 CREWE Holmes Chapel, Goostrey, Cranage Cheshire East
CW5 NANTWICH Nantwich, Willaston, Sound Cheshire East
CW6 TARPORLEY Tarporley, Winsford Rural West Cheshire West and Chester
CW7 WINSFORD Winsford (Town), Wharton, Over, Glebe Green, Darnhall, Stanthorne, Bostock, Wimboldsley Cheshire West and Chester
CW8 NORTHWICH Northwich, Hartford, Weaverham, Castle, Greenbank, Cuddington, Sandiway Cheshire West and Chester
CW9 NORTHWICH Northwich, Wincham, Lostock Gralam, Rudheath, Leftwich, Davenham, Kingsmead, Antrobus, Comberbach Cheshire West and Chester
CW10 MIDDLEWICH Middlewich, Winsford Rural East Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester
CW11 SANDBACH Sandbach, Ettiley Heath, Elworth, Wheelock Cheshire East
CW12 CONGLETON Congleton, North Rode Cheshire East
CW98 CREWE non-geographic Cheshire East


KML is from Wikidata
CW postcode area map, showing postcode districts, post towns and neighbouring postcode areas.CH postcode areaL postcode areaM postcode areaSK postcode areaST postcode areaSY postcode areaTF postcode areaWA postcode area
CW postcode area map, showing postcode districts in red and post towns in grey text, with links to nearby CH, SK, ST, SY, TF and WA postcode areas.

See also


  1. "ONS Postcode Directory Version Notes" (ZIP). National Statistics Postcode Products. Office for National Statistics. February 2012. Table 2. Retrieved 21 April 2012. Coordinates from mean of unit postcode points, "Code-Point Open". OS OpenData. Ordnance Survey. February 2012. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
  2. Royal Mail, Address Management Guide (2004)
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