Anthem of Transnistria

Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрене
English: Anthem of Transnistria

National anthem of Transnistria Transnistria
Also known as Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье
English:  In Russian
Ми славимо тебе, Придністров’я
English: In Ukrainian
Lyrics Boris Parmenov / Nicholas Bozhko / Vitaly Pishenko
Music Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, 1943 (1943)
Audio sample
National Anthem of Transnistria - Гимн Приднестровской Молдавской Республики
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The Anthem of Transnistria is named We sing the praises of Transnistria (Moldovan: Слэвитэ сэ фий, Нистрене; Romanian: Slăvită să fii Nistrene; Russian: Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье; Ukrainian: Ми славимо тебе, Придністров’я). The music was written by Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, and the lyrics by Boris Parmenov, Nicholas Bozhko and Vitaly Pishenko. The anthem has lyrics in all three official languages of Transnistria: Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian. They are, however, not all literal translations of one another. The origin of the anthem was from the Russian patriotic song "Long live our Power" (Да здравствует наша держава), a 1943 composition that was one of the proposed songs to be the anthem of the former Soviet Union. Boris Alexandrov's composition was, however, rejected in favor of the one submitted by his father, Alexander Alexandrov.


RussianMoldovan CyrillicRomanian Latin
(transcription from Moldovan)
IPA transcription
(Moldovan version)
UkrainianEnglish translation
First verse

Мы славу поём Приднестровью,
Здесь дружба народов крепка,
Великой сыновней любовью
Мы спаяны с ним навека.

Трэяскэ Нистрения-мамэ,
О царэ де фраць ши сурорь,
Чя драгосте фэрэ де сямэ
Ць-о дэруе фийче, фечорь.

Trăiască Nistrenia-mamă
O țară de frați și surori
Ce dragoste fără de seamă
Ți-o dăruie fiice, feciori.

trəjaskɨ nistrenija-ɲamɨ,
oː t͡sarɨ de frat͡sʲ ʃɨ surorʲ,
t͡ʃa dragoste fərɨ de sʲamɨ
t͡sʲo dəruje çijt͡ʃe, çet͡ʃorʲ

Ми славимо край Придністров'я,
Дме люди пишаються тим,
Що дружбою, ладом, любов'ю
Навіки пов'язані з ним.

We sing the praises of Transnistria,
Where the friendship of peoples is strong.
We are connected to it for centuries to come
With great love as sons.

First bridge

Восславим сады и заводы,
Посёлки, поля, города
В них долгие славные годы
На благо Отчизны труда.

Кынта-вом ливезь ши узине,
Ораше, кэтуне, кымпий,
Ку еле - ши'н зиуа де мыне
О, царэ, просперэ не фий!

Cînta-vom livezi și uzine
Orașe, cătune, cîmpii,
Cu ele și-n ziua de mîne
O, țară, prosperă ne fii!

kɨnta-vom livezʲ ʃɨ uzine,
oraʃe, kətune, kɨɲcij,
ku ele - ʃiʔn̩ ziwa de mɨne
oː, t͡sarɨ, proscerɨ ne çij

Прославимо наші заводи,
Широкі лани і міста,
Тут чесно працюють народи
На благо Вітчизни труда.

Let’s praise gardens and factories,
Settlements, fields and cities –
For long years effort has been put into them
For the sake of the Fatherland.


Пронесём через годы
Имя гордой страны
И Республике свободы
Как правде, мы будем верны.

Прин време пурта-вом
Нумеле мындрей цэрь.
Ту, Република либертэций,
Ешть крезул ын пашниче зэрь.

Prin vreme purta-vom
Numele mîndrei țări.
Tu, Republica libertății
Ești crezul în pașnice zări.

prin vreme purta-vom
nuɲele mɨndrej t͡serʲ
tu, respublika liɟertərt͡sij,
jeʃtʲ krezul ɨn caʃnit͡ʃe zərʲ

Через доли і води
Пронесемо ім'я
Ми Республіки свободи,
Хай живе тут народів сім'я

We'll carry through the years
The name of the proud country.
We'll be faithful to the Republic of freedom
As we are faithful to the truth.

Second verse

Мы славим родные долины,
Седого Днестра берега.
О подвигах помним былинных,
Нам слава отцов дорога.

Кынта-вом ши вэй, ши колине,
Лучеферь дин Ниструл кэрунт,
Баладе'нцелепте, бэтрыне,
Че'н вякурь дестойничь не-ау врут.

Cînta-vom și văi, și coline,
Luceferi din Nistrul cărunt,
Balade-nțelepte, bătrâne,
Ce-n veacuri destoinici ne-au vrut.

kɨnta-vom ʃɨ vəj, ʃɨ kolinʲe,
lut͡ʃeçerʲ din nistrul kərunt,
ɟaɫadeʔn̩tseleptə, bətrɨnʲe,
t͡ʃeʔn̩ vʲakurʲ destojnit͡ʃʲ ne-aw vrut

Ми славимо рідні долини,
Красоти Дністра берегів,
І нам не забути билини
Про подвиги наших батьків.

We praise the native valleys,
The banks of the grey Dniester.
We remember epic heroic deeds,
The glory of our fathers is dear to us.

Second bridge

Восславим мы всех поименно,
Погибших за наш отчий дом.
Пред памятью павших священной
Отечеству клятву даём.

Слэви-вом ероикул нуме,
'Н ачя бэтэлие кэзут
Ши'н фаца меморией сфинте
Ной цэрий журэм сэ-й фим скут!

Slăvi-vom eroicul nume,
'N acea bătălie căzut
Și-n fața memoriei sfinte
Noi țării jurăm să-i fim scut!

sɫəʝi-vom jerojkul nuɲe,
ʔn̩ at͡ʃʲa bətəlije kəzut
ʃiʔn̩ çat͡sa ɲemorijej sçinte
noj t͡sərij ʒurəm səj çin skut

Прославимо всіх поіменно
Полеглих за наш отчий дім,
Де пам'ять загиблих священна,
Вітчизні співаємо гімн.

We will praise everyone by the name
Who died for the fatherly home.
We take an oath to the Fatherland
In holy memory of the dead.


Пронесём через годы
Имя гордой страны
И Республике свободы
Как правде, мы будем верны.

Прин време пурта-вом
Нумеле мындрей цэрь.
Ту, Република либертэций,
Ешть крезул ын пашниче зэрь.

Prin vreme purta-vom
Numele mîndrei țări.
Tu, Republica libertății
Ești crezul în pașnice zări.

prin vreme purta-vom
nuɲele mɨndrej t͡serʲ
tu, respublika liɟertərt͡sij,
jeʃtʲ krezul ɨn caʃnit͡ʃe zərʲ

Через доли і води
Пронесемо ім'я
Ми Республіки свободи,
Хай живе тут народів сім'я

We'll carry through the years
The name of the proud country.
We'll be faithful to the Republic of freedom
As we are faithful to the truth.

Translations into English

Translation from Moldovan


Transnistrian parent living
A country of brothers and sisters
What is love without notice
You are gifted daughters, sons.
We sing, orchards and factories
Cities, hamlets, plains,
With them he did on me
O country, our children thrive!


Through the time we shall carry
The name of our proud country
Thee, the Republic of liberty
You are the belief in peaceful horizons.


We shall sing both valleys and hills,
Morning stars from the gray old Dniester
Wise and old ballads
Which for centuries wanted us worthy.
We shall glorify the heroic name
Which fell in that battle
And in the face of the holy memory
We swear to the country to be its shield

Translation from Russian


We sing the glory of Transnistria,
There is strong friendship between the peoples,
Great filial love
We fused with her forever.
Glorified gardens and factories,
Villages, fields, cities -
For many glorious years
work there has glorified the Fatherland.


We will carry through the years
The name of our proud country
and to the Republic of freedom
We will be faithful as truth.


We praise their native valleys,
Gray Dniester banks.
Remember about the exploits of the epic,
We thank the fathers road.
We praise names of all
Who died for our father's house.
Before the sacred memory of the fallen
We give oath to the Fatherland.

Translation from Ukrainian


We praise the land Transnistria
Where people are proud
Friendship, harmony, love
Are forever associated with it.
Famous for our plants,
Broad fields and cities
There are honest people
Who labor for the benefit of the Fatherland.


A shares and water
Our proud name
The Republic of freedom,
Long live the family of people here


We praise native valley
Beauty of the Dniester river banks,
And we should not forget the epic
Of the deeds of our fathers.
Glorify their names
Fallen for our father's house,
Where the sacred memory of the dead,
Fatherland sing the anthem.


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