

to kill a chicken; to deal with a minor issue where; how to use an ox cleaver; a cleaver for butchering oxen
trad. (割雞焉用牛刀) 割雞 牛刀
simp. (割鸡焉用牛刀) 割鸡 牛刀


From the Analects:

武城弦歌夫子莞爾:「割雞焉用牛刀。」子游:「昔者夫子:『君子學道小人學道使。』」:「二三子前言!」 [Classical Chinese, trad.][▼ expand/hide]
武城弦歌夫子莞尔:“割鸡焉用牛刀。”子游:“昔者夫子:‘君子学道小人学道使。’”:“二三子前言!” [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, circa 475 – 221 BCE, Wiktionary translation
Zǐ zhī Wǔchéng, wén xiángē zhī shēng, Fūzǐ wǎn'ěr ér xiào, yuē: “Gējī yān yòng niúdāo.” Zǐyóu duì yuē: “Xīzhě, Yǎn yě wén zhū Fūzǐ yuē: ‘Jūnzǐ xuédào zé ài rén, xiǎorén xuédào zé yì shǐ yě.’” Zǐ yuē: “Èrsānzǐ! Yǎn zhī yán shì yě, qiányán xì zhī ěr!” [Pinyin]
The master went to Wucheng.[1] When he heard the sound of ritual court music, the master smiled and said, "Why use an ox cleaver to kill a chicken?"[2] Ziyou replied, "In that past, I have heard you say, 'If a ruler learns the way, then he will love the people. If a person of low station learns the way, then it will be easier for him to serve.'"[3] The master said, "Gentlemen! What Yan said is correct. As for my previous statement, I was only teasing him!"


  1. Confucius was visiting his disciple Yan Yan, who was commandant of Wucheng at the time.
  2. Confucius was joking with his disciple, suggesting that ritual court music might be a bit over the top, when considering that Wucheng was such a lowly assignment.
  3. Yan Yan is suggesting that even though Wucheng is a small outpost, its civil servants should still be educated in proper court etiquette.


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): gējī yān yòng niúdāo
    (Zhuyin): ㄍㄜ ㄐㄧ ㄧㄢ ㄩㄥˋ ㄋㄧㄡˊ ㄉㄠ



  1. Why use an ox cleaver to kill a chicken?
    呂布背後一人高聲:『割雞焉用牛刀?』不勞溫侯親往 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
    吕布背后一人高声:‘割鸡焉用牛刀?’不劳温侯亲往 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
    From: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, circa 14th century CE
    Yán wèi jué, lǚbù bèihòu yīrén, gāoshēng chū yuē: ‘Gējī yān yòng niúdāo?’ Bùláo wēnhóu qīnwǎng. [Pinyin]
    He had not yet finished speaking, when a person standing behind Lü Bu said loudly, "'Why use an ox cleaver to kill a chicken?' We shouldn't trouble the Marquis of Wen to go personally.


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