Regulated Industries Committee (Georgia House)

The House Regulated Industries Committee is a 19 member legislative body consisting of a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary, and 16 members. The Committee operates under a House mandate to evaluate legislation affecting the way companies and professionals in regulated industries conduct business throughout the state.[1]

Scope and jurisdiction

The House Regulated Industries Committee is responsible for all legislation that regulates the way companies and professionals in the "alcohol, tobacco, construction, cosmetology, funeral services and other industries" conduct business in Georgia. The committee has jurisdiction over the requirements for occupational licensing and professional certifications that pertaining to such industry in Georgia.[1]


As of 2014,[1] the members of the House Regulated Industries Committee are:

  • Howard Maxwell, chairman
  • Tom Taylor, vice chairman
  • Tom Dickson, secretary
  • Karen Bennett, member
  • Joyce Chandler, member
  • Kevin Cooke, member
  • Sharon Cooper, member
  • John Deffenbaugh, member
  • Carl Von Epps, member
  • Virgil Fludd, member
  • Rich Golick, member
  • Brett Harrell, member
  • Chuck Martin, member
  • Billy Mitchell, member
  • Alan Powell, member
  • Matt Ramsey, member
  • Dale Rutledge, member
  • Mickey Stephens, member
  • Andrew J. Welch, member

See also


  1. 1 2 3 House Regulated Industries. Retrieved June 15, 2013.

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