List of postal codes in Poland

Polish post office letter box.
2-digit postcode areas Poland(defined through the first two postcode digits)

The Postal codes in Poland consists of 5 numbers in the following format xy-zzz.

First digit in the postal code represents the postal district, second digit major geographical subdivision of this district, and the three digits after dash: the post office, or in case of large cities: particular street, part of the street or even separate address (in the last case code is in the form of xy-9zz). Thus the postal code 70-952 means:

  • 7 – postal district of Szczecin,
  • 0 – subdivision of that district, in this case the Western Part of Szczecin,
  • 9 – denotes special code, and
  • 52 – Office of the District Attorney (Prokuratura Okręgowa).

Similarly, the code for 70-470 denotes the odd numbers from 1 to 27 in the Wojska Polskiego Street in Szczecin, and 34-434 is a code for whole town of Dębno near Nowy Targ (3 – postal district of Kraków, 4 – subdivision of that district, 434 the town of Dębno – strictly speaking the post office in Dębno).

Postal districts and their subdivisions are not related to the administrative division of Poland.

Postal codes are not unique

Unlike other European postal codes the place names of the postal codes in Poland are not unique.[1]

Postal code 62-262 are valid with 5 different place names:

  • 62-262 Wierzyce
  • 62-262 Przyborowo
  • 62-262 Chwałkówko
  • 62-262 Fałkowo
  • 62-262 Imielno

Other examples are: 09-135, 12-250, 16-424, 32-104, 55-300, 62-010, and 98-338.

Notable postal codes in Poland

Other postal code












  1. "Look up postal code 62-262". Retrieved 2012-11-14.
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