

day; sun; date; day of the month; Japan (abbrev.)
direction; part; side; towards; to; guide; opposite to
simp. and trad.
anagram 向日


Orthographic borrowing from Japanese 日向 (Hyūga).


Proper noun


  1. () Hyūga (a city in Miyazaki, Japan)


Etymology 1

Kanji in this term

Grade: 1
Grade: 3
kun’yomi Irregular

Compound of (hi, sun) + (na, Old Japanese possessive particle) + (ta, direction, side).

The ta element is found in terms such as あなた (anata, you, originally “that side (distant)”), そなた (sonata, you, archaic; originally “that side (nearby)”).[1]

The use of in the spelling is an example of ateji (当て字).


  • (Irregular reading)

Alternative forms

  • 日なた


日向 (hiragana ひなた, rōmaji hinata)

  1. the direction the sun is shining
    • c. 1061, Sagami-shū (poem 525)
      さしてこしひなた (やま) (たの)むには () (あき)らかに ()えざらめやは
      sashite koshi hinata no yama o tanomu ni wa me mo akiraka ni miezarame ya wa
      (please add an English translation of this example)
  2. a sunny spot or place
    Antonym: 日陰 (hikage)
Derived terms


  • 日向 (ひなた) (こおり) (hinata ni kōri, ice in sunmeltinggradually disappearing)
  •  (かげ)になり日向 (ひなた)になり (kage ni nari hinata ni nari)
  •  (なつ)日向 (ひなた) () (ふゆ) () (かげ) () (natsu wa hinata o yuke fuyu wa hikage o yuke)

Proper noun

日向 (hiragana ひなた, rōmaji Hinata)

  1. a placename
  2. a female given name
  3. a surname.

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term

Grade: 1
Grade: 3
kun’yomi Irregular

⟨pi1muka⟩ → */pʲimuka//fimuka//fiũɡa//hjuːɡa/

Shift from Old Japanese 日向 (⟨Pi1muka⟩ → Himuka).[1][2]

Equivalent to a compound of (hi, sun) + 向か (muka, the 未然形 (mizenkei, irrealis form) of verb 向く (muku), “to face (a direction)”).


  • (Irregular reading)
    • IPA(key): [çɨᵝːɡa̠]

Proper noun

日向 (hiragana ひゅうが, rōmaji Hyūga, historical hiragana ひうが)

  1. (historical) Short for 日向国 (Hyūga-no-kuni): Hyūga Province, an old province of Japan, corresponding to modern Miyazaki Prefecture on the eastern coast of Kyūshū
    Synonym: 日州 (Nisshū)
  2. a placename, such as the name of a city in Miyazaki Prefecture
  3. (historical) an Ise-class battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II (see Japanese battleship Hyūga on Wikipedia.Wikipedia )
    Hypernym: 伊勢 (Ise)
  4. a surname
  5. a female given name
Derived terms
  •  (ひゅう) () (なだ) (Hyūganada)
  • 日向 (ヒュウガ) (ナツ) (hyūganatsu, hyuganatsu, Citrus × tamurana, a kind of citrus fruit)
  • 日向 (ヒュウガ) (ミズ) () (hyūga mizuki)
  •  () () (ひゅう) () (Ise ya Hyūga)


日向 (hiragana ひゅうが, rōmaji hyūga, historical hiragana ひうが)

  1. (archaic) facing (opposite) the sun

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term

Grade: 1
Grade: 3
kun’yomi Irregular

Unknown, possibly a sound change from Old Japanese 日向 (⟨pi1muka⟩ → himuka); however, the /-mu-//-ɾ̠u-/ shift is unlikely.

Alternatively, the spelling may be ateji (当て字), with the hiru portion equating to (hiru, daytime), and the ga of uncertain derivation. Compare 春日 (Kasuga).


  • (Irregular reading)
    • IPA(key): [çiɾɯ̟ᵝɡa̠]

Proper noun

日向 (hiragana ひるが, rōmaji Hiruga)

  1. Short for 日向湖 (Hiruga-ko): one of the 三方五湖 (Mikata Goko, Five Lakes of Mikata) in Fukui Prefecture

See also

Etymology 4

Other various nanori readings.

Proper noun

日向 (hiragana にっこう, rōmaji Nikkō, historical hiragana にちかう)

  1. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひうが, rōmaji Hiuga)

  1. a female given name
  2. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひがの, rōmaji Higano)

  1. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひこう, rōmaji Hikō, historical hiragana ひかう)

  1. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひな, rōmaji Hina)

  1. a female given name
  2. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひなだ, rōmaji Hinada)

  1. a placename

日向 (hiragana ひむかい, rōmaji Himukai, historical hiragana ひむかひ)

  1. a placename
  2. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひむか, rōmaji Himuka)

  1. a female given name
  2. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひむき, rōmaji Himuki)

  1. a surname.

日向 (hiragana ひゅが, rōmaji Hyuga)

  1. a surname.



  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN

Old Japanese


Compound of (pi1, sun) + 向か (muka, the 未然形 (mizenkei, irrealis form) of verb 向く (muku), “to face (a direction)”‎).

Proper noun

日向 (Pi1muka) (kana ひむか)

  1. Short for 日向国 (Pi1muka-no2-kuni): a province in ancient Japan, today part of Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures
    • 720, Nihon Shoki (poem 103)
      摩蘇餓豫 蘇餓能古羅破 宇摩奈羅麼 譬武伽能古摩 多智奈羅麼 勾禮能摩差比 宇倍之訶茂 蘇餓能古羅烏 於朋枳瀰能 菟伽破須羅志枳
      ma-So1ga yo2 So1ga no2 ko1ra pa uma naraba Pi1muka no2 ko1ma tati naraba Kure no2 ma-sapi1 ubesi ka mo So1ga no2 ko1ra wo opoki1mi1 no2 tukapasurasiki1
      Oh true Soga! The sons of Soga, if they were horses, would be steeds of Himuka, if they were swords, would be blades of Kure! Thus it is fitting, that the sons of Soga should be in service of the great lord.[1]



  1. Torquil Duthie (2014) Man'yōshū and the Imperial Imagination in Early Japan (Brill's Japanese Studies Library), reprint edition, BRILL, →ISBN, pages 227-228
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