One people under one God

Trump Unity Bridge at a 2017 rally with several Trump campaign slogans, including "1 Flag Nation God"

"One people under one God saluting one flag" is a phrase used repeatedly by Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign season beginning with a speech in Greenville, North Carolina on September 5, 2016.[1] Christian media commentators have likened it to Ephesians 4:5,[2] "One Lord, one faith, one baptism".[3] Christian Today termed the use of the phrase "a rare mention of religion by the Republican presidential nominee" in early September.[4] At about the same time, Reuters also said Trump "rarely mentions religion" and used the phrase as an illustration that Trump's campaign, previously centered around confrontational issues, had begun to invoke religion to appeal to voters and build a unified base.[5]


The use of the phrase was praised by some Christians and criticized by others; more criticism came from the American Humanist Association,[6] religious liberty groups including the general counsel for Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and Barry Lynn,[7][8] Muslim groups,[8] and atheists[9] as specifically endorsing Christianity as a governing principle. A conservative political analyst writing at RedState expressed concern that the phrase, if taken literally, would result in "deport[ing] all the Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, [and] atheists" and criticized its use by a Presidential candidate.[10] The Christian Post noted how the phrase came immediately after a reference to John 4:12 on at least one occasion in front of an evangelical association.[11] noted that the phrase was used in a speech where Trump said of Phyllis Schlafly's political beliefs: "She understood that to be truly united as a country, we can't simply turn to government or to politicians. The bedrock of our unity is the realization that we're all brothers and sisters created by the same God."[12] An Inquisitr opinion piece said Trump had "paraphrased the infamous Nazi Party slogan ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!" (one people, one empire, one leader).[13]

Bill Maher used the phrase as an illustration of a candidate pandering to a religious base, not evidence of personal convictions.[14]

After 2016 elections

After Trump became President of the United States, he repeated a similar phrase, "one people, with one home, and one flag" at a speech at the American Legion in August, 2017.[15] In September, 2017, addressing his remarks about the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, he used a variant of the phrase, "we all live under the same laws, we all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God".[16][17]

See also


  1. Nick Wing (September 12, 2016), Donald Trump Really Wants America To Unite 'Under One God' – So much for religious freedom..., Huffington Post
  2. Gregory Tomlin (October 3, 2016), "Police chief joins march organized by Selma civil rights advocate and minister; under fire for saying community should pray more, go to church", Christian Examiner
  3. Ephesians 4:5
  4. Andre Mitchell (10 September 2016), "Trump says America can be a nation of 'one people, under one God'", Christian Today
  5. Steve Holland and Amanda Becker (September 6, 2016), Invoking religion, a more disciplined Trump speaks of unity, Reuters
  6. Luis Granados (October 27, 2016), "Rules are for schmucks: Trump, Church, and State", The Humanist, American Humanist Association
  7. Report from the Capital: January/February 2017 p 5 Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty: "can erode the public's understanding of religious freedom"
  8. 1 2 Trump's Vision: Uniting 'Under One God' Vs. Religious Freedom, NPR, September 17, 2016
  9. Hemant Mehta (September 10, 2016), "Donald Trump Wants to Unite the Country By Making Sure We All Live "Under One God"", Friendly Atheist blog, Patheos
  10. Jim Jamitis (October 17, 2016), "Trump Imagines An America 'United Under One God'", RedState, Coming from an enthusiastic evangelist speaking to members of his own faith that might sound like a reasonable goal but from a presidential candidate? Not so much. How would this work? Would we have to deport all the Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, atheists, etc?
  11. Donald Trump to Evangelicals: 1 John 4:12 Is What America Needs to Be Great Again Christian Post Sep 9, 2016
  12. Michael W. Chapman (November 22, 2016), Trump: 'Imagine' What U.S. Could Do If We Worked 'As One People, Under One God, Saluting One Flag',
  13. Norman Byrd (September 9, 2016), Did Donald Trump paraphrase Hitler's slogan 'ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer' at Values Voters Summit?, Inquisitr
  14. Stoyan Zaimov (December 21, 2016), "Bill Maher: Donald Trump Is Not an Atheist, He Is 'His Own God'", Christian Post
  15. Kathryn WATSON (August 23, 2017), Trump calls on country to "heal" in American Legion speech, CBS News
  16. Tamara Keith (September 14, 2017), President Trump Stands By Original Charlottesville Remarks, NPR
  17. David Nakamura (September 14, 2017), "Trump says recent antifa violence justifies his condemnation of both sides in Charlottesville", Washington Post
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