

Kanji in this term

Grade: 1



From Old Japanese 出づ (idu).

The initial i fell out in compounds where the preceding element ended in i. The du form on its own was not used much outside of compounds until the Kamakura period.[1][2]

The ending then shifted from -duru (modern -dzuru) to -deru, a shift common to all lower bigrade verbs that occurred from the late Muromachi period through the early Edo period.

Some sources trace the development instead as iduiduruduruderu.[3]



出る (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana でる, rōmaji deru)

Japanese verb pair
active 出す
mediopassive 出る
  1. to leave a place
     () () ()
    heya o deru
    to leave a room
  2. to go out
     (そと) ()
    Soto ni deru.
    I'll go outside.
     (たび) ()
    Tabi ni deru.
    I'll go out on a trip.
  3. to come forth, to be or become apparent, to appear
     () ()
    Obake ga deta.
    A spirit appeared.
     () ()いるよ。
    Chi ga dete iru yo.
    You're bleeding.
    (literally, “Blood is coming out.”)
  4. to make an appearance, to appear
    社会 (しゃかい) ()
    shakai ni deru
    to go out into the world; to enter society
    • 2007, various contributors, 石川セリ (Ishikawa Seri), in Japanese Wikipedia,
      もっとテレビ () (くだ)さい。
      Motto terebi ni dete kudasai.
      Please make more TV appearances.
  5. (by extension from “to appear”) to answer (as in the phone or door)
     (でん) () ()
    Denwa ni deru.
    I'll answer the phone.
     (わたし) ()
    Watashi ga deru.
    I'll answer the door.



See also


  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  4. 1997, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Fifth Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  5. 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, →ISBN
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