

Kanji in this term

Grade: 1



出す (transitive, godan conjugation, hiragana だす, rōmaji dasu)

Japanese verb pair
active 出す
mediopassive 出る
  1. to take out, to get out
  2. to put something out; to show or reveal
    グー ()
    gū o dasu
    to play rock [in rock-paper-scissors]
     (けっ) () ()
    kekka o dasu
    to yield results
     (こた) ()
    kotae o dasu
    to produce an answer
    エラー ()
    erā o dasu
    to spit out an error message
  3. to submit, to turn in
    プリント ()
    purinto o dasu
    to turn in the worksheet
  4. to publish, to make public
  5. to demonstrate, to show
    やる () ()
    yaru ki o dasu
    (please add an English translation of this example)
    • 2011, Barack Obama, 中東と北アフリカに関するバラク・オバマの演説, translation of "Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa" by User:Lombroso:
      シリア国民 (こくみん) (ゆう) () ()して (みん) (しゅ) (しゅ) ()への () (こう) (よう) (きゅう)した。
      Shiria kokumin wa yūki o dashite, minshushugi e no ikō o yōkyū shita.
      The Syrian people have shown their courage in demanding a transition to democracy.
  6. to send something, like a letter
    手紙 (てがみ) ()
    tegami o dasu
    to post a letter
  7. to begin, give rise to
  8. to permeate
  9. (of food) to serve
    あのレストラン ()食事 (しょくじ) ()
    Ano resutoran wa ii shokuji o dasu.
    That restaurant serves good meals.
  10. to emit (light), to utter (a sound or a voice)
     (こえ) ()
    koe o dasu
    to speak
     (おと) ()
    oto o dasu
    to make a sound


See also


  1. 1974, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Second Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō
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