Robbert Gradstein

Robbert Gradstein (Nederland, 31 oktober 1943) is een Nederlandse botanicus.

Robbert Gradstein
Volledige naamStephan Robbert Gradstein
Geboren31 oktober 1943
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In 1969 studeerde hij af in de biologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. In 1975 promoveerde hij op het proefschrift A taxonomic monograph of the genus Acrolejeunea (Hepaticae) aan de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Voor zijn proefschrift ontving hij in 1976 de Jesse M. Greenman Award (een onderscheiding voor het beste proefschrift op het gebied van de plantensystematiek in een bepaald jaar) van de Missouri Botanical Garden.

In 1970 en 1971 was Gradstein onderzoeksassistent aan de University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati (Ohio, Verenigde Staten). Van 1971 tot 1995 was hij docent en conservator aan het herbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. In 1986 en 1987 was hij hoogleraar in de tropische botanie aan de University of Michigan. In 2005 was hij als gastonderzoeker verbonden aan de New York Botanical Garden. Van 1995 tot 2009 was Gradstein hoogleraar in de botanie aan de Georg-August-Universität Göttingen en directeur van de botanische tuin en het herbarium van deze universiteit. In 2009 ging hij met emeritaat. Sindsdien woont en werkt hij in Parijs waar hij de functie van honorair attaché aan het Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle bekleedt. Daarnaast is hij werkzaam als adviserend hoogleraar aan de East China Normal University in Shanghai.

Gradstein heeft zich gespecialiseerd in tropische botanie (biodiversiteit, ecologie en bescherming van tropische planten (vooral epifyten), waarbij hij zich met name richt op de neotropen en Indonesië (vooral Sulawesi). Tevens is hij gespecialiseerd in taxonomie, fylogenie, biogeografie en ecologie van cryptogamen, waarbij hij zich met name richt op de levermossen. Hij heeft veldonderzoek verricht in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador (waaronder de Galápagoseilanden), Peru, Bolivia, Brazilië, Frans-Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Réunion, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea, Japan, Indonesië (Java, Sulawesi), Maleisië, Kreta en de Ardennen.

Gradstein is betrokken geweest bij de promoties van talloze wetenschappers. Zo heeft hij opgetreden als promotor van Henk van der Werff en André Aptroot. Gradstein heeft bijna 500 wetenschappelijke artikelen op zijn naam staan en 15 boeken. Hij was onder andere hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Taxon en redacteur van de Flora Neotropica. Sinds 2011 is hij hoofdredacteur van Regnum Vegetabile en als zodanig verantwoordelijk voor uitgave van de International Code of Nomenclature of Plants, Algae and Fungi. Hij is auteur van "Guide to the Bryophytes of Tropical America" (2001) samen met Steven P. Churchill (Missouri Botanical Garden) yen Noris Salazar Allen (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), en redacteur van de "Catalogue of the Plants and Lichens of Colombia" (2016) samen met Rodrigo Bernal en Marcela Celis (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá). Zijn nieuwe boek "The Liverworts and Hornworts of Colombia and Ecuador", resultaat van bijna 50 jaar onderzoek, zal binnenkort verschijnen.

Van 1980 tot 1983 was Gradstein vice-voorzitter van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging. Van 1999 tot 2005 was hij voorzitter van de International Association of Bryologists en gedurende bijna twintig jaar secretaris-generaal van deze organisatie, sinds de oprichting in 1969. Hij is lid van de Akademie van Wetenschappen van Göttingen en de Akademie der Exacte Wetenschappen van Colombia (Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales), de International Association of Plant Taxonomists (IAPT) en de American Society of Plant Taxonomists. Voor zijn botanisch onderzoek ontving Gradstein in 1994 de Candolle prijs van de Societé de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève en in 2013 de Hedwig Medaille van de International Association of Bryologists.

Robbert Gradstein is tevens een bekwaam musicus (violoncellist) en trad regelmatig op in kamermuziekconcerten in Nederland en Duitsland, en in Frankrijk. Met de leden van Zara Trio (Jan Gispen, viool; Wout van Veen, piano) won hij twee maal het Singer kamermuziekconcours, in 1986 en 1990. CD opnames verschenen van de fluitkwartetten van Mozart (door het Kromme Rijn Fluitkwartet) en de trios van Debussy, Farrenc, Martinu en von Weber.

Geselecteerde wetenschappelijke publicaties 2010-2019


  • Benitez A., Chuquimarca L., Rodriguez G. & Gradstein S.R. In press. Briófitas del Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Tropical Bryophyte Guides. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
  • Benitez A., Gradstein S.R., Cevallous P., Medina J., Aguirre N. 2019. Terricolous bryophyte communities in relation to climatic and topographic factors in a páramo of southern Ecuador. Caldasia 41: 370-379.
  • Gradstein S.R. In press.The genera of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) of tropical America – an update. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft.
  • Gradstein S.R. In press. The Liverworts and Hornworts of Colombia and Ecuador. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. Springer-Verlag, New York. (ms 1100 pages, 70 plates).
  • Kerp H., Mangerud G., Gradstein S.R. In press. Plants, spores and pollen stratigraphy. Chapter 12 in: F.M. Gradstein et al. (eds.), The Geological Time Scale. Elsevier Scientific Publications.
  • Gradstein S.R., Bastos C. 2019. Plagiochila eggersii, a rare neotropical species new to Brazil. Rodriguesia
  • Gradstein S.R., Ilkiu-Borges A.L. 2019. Two new species of Lejeuneaceae tribe Lejeuneeae (Marchantiophyta) from Colombia. Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales, 68: 29-36.
  • Gradstein S.R., C. Reeb, C. Persson, N. Zapata, A.J.Pérez. 2019. A new dendroid species of Riccardia (Marchantiophyta: Aneuraceae) from the Cordillera del Condor, Ecuador. Journal of Bryology 41: 322-327.
  • Reeb C., Gradstein S.R. In press. A taxonomic revision of Aneuraceae (Marchantiophyta) from eastern Africa with an interactive identification key. Cryptogamie, Bryologie.
  • Sim-Sim M. , Anabela Martins A., Ana S. B. Rodrigues A.S.B., Garcia C.A., Sérgio C., van Rooy J., González-Mancebo J.M., Vanderpoorten A., Patiño J., Hedenäs L., Gradstein S.R. 2019. Ptychomitrium subcrispatum Thér. & la Varde, an east southern African species excluded from the Cape Verde bryoflora. Journal of Bryology 41: 281-284.
  • Dauphin C., Gradstein S.R., Morales M.I., Sánchez J. 2018. Lophocolea fragrans subsp. cocosana subsp. nov. and L. tenerrima (Marchantiophyta: Lophocoleaceae) new to Central America. Nova Hedwigia 106: 27-34.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2018. Amphi-Pacific tropical disjunctions in the bryophyte floras of Asia and the New World. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 12: 1-11.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2018. Key to hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) of Colombia. Caldasia 40(2): 262-270.
  • Gradstein S.R., Benitez A. 2018. On Metzgeria saccata with description of a new species from South America. Nova Hedwigia 106: 49-58.
  • Gradstein S.R., Costa, D.P. 2018. Plagiochila lamyana, a new liverwort species from the Guayana Highland of Brazil. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39: 147-153.
  • Gradstein S.R., Ilkiu-Borges A.L. 2018. An overview of the Afro-American genus Haplolejeunea with description of two new species from South America. Nova Hedwigia 107: 423-436.
  • Gradstein S.R., Reeb C. 2018. Riccardia regnellii, an older name for R. amazonica (Marchantiophyta: Aneuraceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39: 305-308.
  • Gradstein S.R., Reeb C. 2018. The genus Riccardia (Aneuraceae) in Colombia and Ecuador. Cryptogamie, Bryology 39: 515-540.
  • Gradstein S.R., Uribe-M. J., Gil-N. J., Morales C., Negritto M. 2018. Liverworts new to Colombia. Caldasia 40: 82-90.
  • Gradstein S.R., Vanderpoorten A., van Reenen G.B.A., Cleef A.M. 2018. Mass occurrence of Herbertus sendtneri (Herbertaceae) in a glacial lake in the Andes of Colombia. Revista de la Academía Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales 42(164): 221-229.
  • Gradstein S.R., Zhu, R.L., Shu L., Perez, A.L. 2018. Reinerantha foliicola, a new genus and species of Lejeuneaceae subtribe Cololejeuneinae (Marchantiophyta) from Ecuador. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 67-75.
  • Reiner-Drehwald M.E., Gradstein S.R. 2018. A further new species of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) from the Chocó of Colombia: Pycnolejeunea chocoensis. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39: 325-330.
  • Sierra A.M., Vanderpoorten A., Gradstein S.R., Pereira M.R., Bastos C.J.P., Zartman C.E. 2018. Bryophytes of Jaú National Park (Amazonas, Brazil): Estimating detectability and species richness in a lowland Amazonian reserve. The Bryologist 121: 571-588.
  • Sun L.W., Gradstein S.R., Gao X.D., Ma W.Z., Wei Q.Q., Zhu R.L., Wang J. 2018. Notes on the distribution of Acrolejeunea sandvicensis (Gottsche) Steph., a liverwort species disjunctive to East Asia and Hawaii. Phytotaxa 367: 158–164.
  • Thouvenot L., Müller F., Gradstein S.R. 2018. Contribution to the bryophyte flora of New Caledonia III. New and interesting records, new combinations and new synonyms. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 39: 361-376.
  • Tang X, Gradstein S.R., Sun L.W., Zhu M.J., Shi R.P., Chen Y.Q., Wei Q.Q., Shen Y.Q., Zhou X.X., Wang J. 2018. Contribution to the knowledge of epiphyllous bryophytes in Tianmushan National Nature Reserve (Zhejiang, China), with remarks on climate warming and nature conservation. Lindbergia 41: 1-7.


  • Crandall-Stotler B.J. & Gradstein S.R. 2017. A new riverine species of the genus Fossombronia (Pelliales, Fossombroniaceae) from Ecuador. Bryophyte diversity and evolution 39: 94-101.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2017. Amphitropical disjunctive species in the complex thalloids (Marchantiidae). Journal of Bryology 39: 66-78.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2017. Revised typification of Monoclea gottschei Lindb. Journal of Bryology. DOI: 10.1080/03736687.2017.1365219
  • Gradstein S.R. 2017. At the bicentennial of Richard Spruce's birth. The Bryological Times 145: 6-8.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2017. Bazzania (Marchantiophyta) in South America. Nova Hedwigia. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0409
  • Gradstein S.R., Benitez A. 2017. Liverworts new to Ecuador with description of Plagiochila priceana sp. nov. and Syzygiella burghardtii sp. nov. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38 (4): 335-348. Doi: 10.7872/cryb/v38.iss4.2017.335
  • Gradstein S.R., León-Yánez S. 2017. Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Polylepis pauta forests from Ecuador with description of Leptoscyphus leoniae sp. nov. and Plagiochila pautaphila sp. nov. Nova Hedwigia. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0432
  • Gradstein S.R., Reiner-Drehwald M.E. 2017. A new species of Cyclolejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) from the Chocó, Colombia. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution 39: 21-27.
  • Gradstein S.R., Reiner-Drehwald M.E. 2017. Cheilolejeunea schiavoneana, a remarkable new liverwort species from Colombia. Boletin de la Sociedad Botánica de Argentina 52: 325-330.
  • Patiño J., Renner M.A.M., Gradstein S.R., Laenen B., Devos N, Shaw A.J., Vanderpoorten A. 2017. Integrative Phylogeography of the Liverwort Genus Radula: A Case of Cretaceous Vicariance in Highly Dispersive Plants. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 73-85.
  • Rabeau L., Nebel M., Dubuisson J.-Y., Krause C., Gradstein R., Quandt D., Reeb C. 2017. New insights into the phylogeny and relationships among the worldwide genus Riccardia (Aneuraceae, Marchantiidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 273: 1-26.
  • Sukkharak P., Gradstein S.R. 2017. Phylogenetic study of Mastigolejeunea (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae) and an amended circumscription of the genus Thysananthus. Phytotaxa 326: 91-107.


  • Bernal R., Gradstein S.R., Celis M. (eds.) 2016. Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Press, Bogotá, p. 1-3058.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2016. The genus Plagiochila (Marchantiophyta) in Colombia. Revista Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. 40: 104-136.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2016. Where are the types of liverwort species? The Bryological Times 143: 5-8.
  • Gradstein S.R. & Costa D.P. 2016. A new species of Syzygiella (subg. Cryptochila) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 103: 13-16.
  • Gradstein S.R. & Opisso J. 2016. Sphaerocarpos texanus Austin new to Peru. In: New national and regional bryophyte records. Journal of Bryology 38.
  • Gradstein S.R. & Uribe J. 2016. Marchantiophyta. In: Bernal R. et al. (eds.), Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia, pp.282–352. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Press, Bogotá.
  • Gradstein S.R. & Uribe J. 2016. Anthocerotophyta. In: Bernal R. et al. (eds.), Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia, pp.443–445. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Press, Bogotá.
  • Gradstein S.R., Pócs T. & Zhu R.L. 2016. Lejeuneaceae. In: Söderström L. et al. (eds.), World Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworts. Phytokeys 59: 297-414.
  • Gradstein S.R., Morales C., Negritto M.A. & Duckett J.G. 2016. New records of liverworts and hornworts from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37: 463-475.
  • Krömer T. & Gradstein S.R. 2016. Vascular epiphytes. In: T. Larsen (ed.), Biodiversity sampling protocols, p. 23-34.
  • Laenen B., Machac A., Gradstein S.R., Shaw B., Patiño, J., Desamoré A., Goffinet B., Cox C., Vanderpoorten A. & Shaw A.J. 2016. Increased diversification rates follow shifts to bisexuality in liverworts. New Phytologist 210: 1121-1129.
  • Söderström L., Hagborg A., von Konrat M., Bartholomew-Began S., Bell D., Briscoe L., Brown E., Cargill D.C., Costa D.P., Crandall-Stotler B.J., Cooper E.D., Dauphin G., Engel J.J., Feldberg K., Glenny D., Gradstein S.R., He X.L., Heinrichs J., Hentschel J., Ilkiu-Borges A.L., Katagiri T., Konstantinova N.A., Larrain J., Long D.G., Nebel M., Pócs T., Felisa Puche F., Reiner-Drehwald E., Renner M.A.M., Sass-Gyarmati A., Schafer-Verwimp A., Moragues J.G.S., Stotler R.E., Sukkharak P., Thiers B.M., Uribe J., Váňa J., Villarreal J.C., Wigginton M., Zhang L., Zhu R-L. 2016. World checklist of Hornworts and Liverworts. PhytoKeys 59: 1-821.
  • Wang J., Zhu R.L., Gradstein S.R. 2016. Taxonomic revision of Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae (Marchantiophyta) in China. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 65: 1-141.


  • Bernal R., Gradstein S.R., Celis M. (eds.) 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
  • Bernal R., Gradstein S.R., Celis M. 2015. New names and new combinations for the Catalogue of the Plants and Fungi of Colombia. Phytoneuron 2015-22: 1-6.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2015. An overview of the genus Schiffneriolejeunea. Nova Hedwigia 100: 507-524.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2015. A revised key to the species of Plagiochila (Marchantiophyta) from Brazil. Pesquisas Botanica (Brasil) 67: 23-36.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2015. New synonyms and new lectotypifications in Neotropical Plagiochila (Marchantiophyta). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 36: 369-379.
  • Gradstein S.R. 2015. Hans Hürlimann (1921-2014). Bryologie, Cryptogamie 36: 203-205.
  • Gradstein S.R. & Cuvertino J. 2015. Observations on the liverwort flora of the surroundings of Santiago, Central Chile. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26: 129-141.
  • Gradstein S.R., Ilkiu-Borges A.L. 2015. A taxonomic monograph of the genus Odontoschisma (Marchantiophyta: Cephaloziaceae). Nova Hedwigia 100: 15-100.
  • Laenen B., Machac A., Gradstein S.R., Shaw B., Patiño, J., Desamoré A., Goffinet B., Cox C., Vanderpoorten A. & Shaw A.J. 2015. Range size in liverworts: does sex really matter? J. Biogeography 43: 627-635.
  • Shi X-Q., Gradstein S.R., Zhu R.-L. 2015. Type studies in Archilejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta): six new synonyms and one new combination. Phytotaxa 195: 248-250.
  • Shi X-Q., Gradstein S.R., Zhu R.-L. 2015. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Archilejeunea (Spruce) Steph. (Lejeuneaceae subf. Ptychanthoideae, Marchantiophyta) based on molecular markers and morphology. TAXON 64: 881-892.
  • Söderström L., Barrie F.R., Hagborg A., Crandall-Stotler B.J., Gradstein S.R., Stotler R.E. & von Konrat M. 2015. Notes on Early Land Plants Today. Genera of Lejeuneaceae established in the period 1884–1893: dates of validation and implications. Phytotaxa 220: 143-198.
  • Thouvenot L., Gradstein S.R., Zhu R.L. 2015. A new species of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) from New Caledonia: Ceratolejeunea bardatii. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 36: 243-249.
  • Ye W., Gradstein S.R., Shaw J. A., Shaw B., Ho B-C., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Pócs T., Heinrichs J. & Zhu R.L. 2015. Phylogeny and classification of Lejeuneaceae subtribe Cheilolejeuneinae (Marchantiophyta) based on nuclear and plastid molecular markers. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 36(4): 313-333.


  • Aranda S, Gradstein SR, Patiño J, Laenen B, Désamoré A, Patiño J, Vanderpoorten A (2014) Phylogeny, classification and species delimitation in the liverwort genus Odontoschisma. TAXON 63: 1008-1025
  • Gradstein SR, Benitez A (2014) A second locality for the critically endangered Colura irrorata in the Ecuadorian Andes. J. of Bryology 36: 151-155
  • Gradstein SR, Benitez A (2014) Two new taxa of leafy liverworts from Cerro Plateado, Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador. Nova Hedwigia 99: 111-118
  • Gradstein SR, Laenen B, Frahm JP, Schwarz U, Crandall-Stotler BJ, Engel JJ, von Konrat M, Stotler RE, Shaw B, Shaw AJ (2014) On the taxonomic status of the enigmatic Phycolepidoziaceae with description of a new species, Phycolepidozia indica. TAXON 63: 498-508
  • Laenen B, Shaw B, Schneider H, Goffinet B, Gradstein SR et al. (16 authors) (2014) Bryophytes diversified slowly but surely since the mid-Mesozoic. Nature Communications 5(5134) Doi:10.1038/ncomms6134
  • Lee GE, Gradstein SR, Damanhuri A, Latiff A (2014) New and neglected taxonomic features in the genus Lejeunea. Polish Journal of Botany 59: 31-36
  • Obregón A, Gehrig-Downie C, Gradstein SR, Bendix J (2014) The potential distribution of tropical lowland cloud forest as revealed by a novel MODIS-based fog/low stratus night-time detection scheme. Remote Sensing and Environment 155: 312-324.
  • Sukkharak P, Gradstein SR (2014) A taxonomic revision of the genus Mastigolejeunea. Nova Hedwigia 99: 279-345.
  • Wang J, Gradstein SR, Zhu RL (2014) New synonymy in Ptychanthus striatus. Phytotaxa 158: 195-200
  • Wang J, Gradstein SR, Shi XQ, Zhu RL (2014) Phylogenetic position of Trocholejeunea and a new infrageneric classification of Acrolejeunea. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution 36: 31-44.
  • Wang J, Gradstein SR, Cheng CF, Zhu RL (2014) A new species of Trocholejeunea from China. Phytotaxa 158: 195-200.
  • Wei YW, Zhu RL, Gradstein SR (2014) On Lejeunea huctumalcensis and the resurrection of Otigoniolejeunea. Phytotaxa 162: 236-238


  • Gehrig-Downie C, Obregón A, Bendix J, Gradstein SR (2013) Diversity and vertical distribution of epiphytic liverworts in lowland rain forest and lowland cloud forest of French Guiana. Journal of Bryology 35.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) Von den Alpen zu den Anden: Beiträge zur Geobotanik aus der Göttinger Akademie. Geschichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1: 215-222.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) A classification of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) based on molecular and morphological evidence. Phytotaxa 100: 6-20.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) Afro-American hepatics revisited. Polish Journal of Botany 58: 149-177.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) Auswirkungen von Landnützungsänderungen auf Epiphyten im Tropenwald. Verlag Friedrich Pfeil, München.
  • Lee GE, Gradstein SR (2013) Distribution and habitats of Lejeunea species from Malaysia. Polish Botanical Journal 58: 59-69.
  • León-Yánez S, Gradstein SR, Castillo J, Moscoso-Estrella A, H. Navarrete H (2013) Guía de briofitas comunes de Los Andes de Quito. Herbario QCA, Quito.
  • Patiño J, Guilhaumon F, Whittaker RJ, Triantis KA, Gradstein SR, Hedenäs L, González-Mancebo JM, Vanderpoorten A (2013) Accounting for data heterogeneity in patterns of biodiversity: An application of linear mixed models to the oceanic island biogeography of spore–producing plants. Ecography 36: 904-913.
  • Gehrig-Downie C, Obregón A, Bendix J, Gradstein SR (2013) Diversity and vertical distribution of epiphytic liverworts in lowland rain forest and lowland cloud forest of French Guiana. Journal of Bryology 35.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) Von den Alpen zu den Anden: Beiträge zur Geobotanik aus der Göttinger Akademie. Geschichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1: 215-222.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) A classification of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) based on molecular and morphological evidence. Phytotaxa 100: 6-20.
  • Gradstein SR (2013) Afro-American hepatics revisited. Polish Journal of Botany 58: 149-177.
  • Patiño J, Guilhaumon F, Whittaker RJ, Triantis KA, Gradstein SR, Hedenäs L, González-Mancebo JM, Vanderpoorten A (2013) Accounting for data heterogeneity in patterns of biodiversity: An application of linear mixed models to the oceanic island biogeography of spore–producing plants. Ecography 36: 904-913.


  • Gehrig-Downie C, Marquardt J, Obregón A, Bendix J, Gradstein SR (2012) Epiphyte diversity and vertical distribution of filmy ferns as a tool for identifying tropical lowland cloud forest. Ecotropica 17: 53-44.
  • Gradstein SR (2012) An overview of the genus Marchesinia. Polish Botanical Journal 57: 69-79.
  • Gradstein SR, Kerp H (2012) A Short History of Plants on Earth. In: F.M. Gradstein et al. (eds.), The Geological Time Scale. Elsevier.
  • Pardow A, Gehrig-Downie C, Gradstein SR, Lakatos M (2012) Funtional diversity of bryophytes in two tropical lowland forests from French Guiana. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 3637–3655.
  • Pichonet A, Gradstein SR (2012) Male dwarfism in the genus Dicranum. Cryptogamie Bryologie 32: 29-36.
  • Vanderpoorten A, Désamoré A, Laenen B, Gradstein SR (2012) Striking autapomorphic evolution in Physotheca J.J. Engel & Gradst. blurred its actual relationships with Leptoscyphus Mitt. Journal of Bryology 34: 251-256.


  • Bach K, Gradstein SR (2011) A comparison of six methods to detect altitudinal belts of vegetation in tropical mountains. Ecotropica 17: 1-13.
  • Devos N, Renner M, Gradstein SR, Shaw AJ, Laenen B, Vanderpoorten A (2011) Evolutionary significance and trade-offs in life history traits in Radula. New Phytologist 192: 225-236.
  • Gehrig-Downie C, Obregón A, Bendix J, Gradstein SR (2011) Epiphyte biomass and canopy microclimate in the tropical lowland cloud forest of French Guiana. Biotropica 43: 591-596.
  • Gradstein SR (2011) Guide to the Liverworts and Hornworts of Java. Bogor, 150 p.
  • Gradstein SR, Ilkiu-Borges A-L, Vanderpoorten A (2011) Habitat specialization triggers the evolution of unusual morphologies: the case of Cololejeunea stotleriana sp. nov. from Ecuador. The Bryologist 114: 9-22.
  • Jácome J, Gradstein SR, Kessler M (2011) Response of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the Tropics. In: Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, p. 191-210.
  • Ludwickzuk A, Gradstein SR, Nagashima F, Asakawa Y (2011) Chemosystematics of Porella. Natural Products Communications 6: 315-321.
  • Thouvenot L, Gradstein SR, Hagborg A, Söderström L, Bardat J (2011) Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of New Caledonia. Cryptogamie Bryologie 32: 287-390.
  • Werner FA, Köster N, Kessler M, Gradstein SR (2011) Is the resilience of epiphytic assemblages to human disturbance a function of local climate? Ecotropica 17: 15-20.


  • Costa DP, Almeida J, Santos Dias N, Gradstein SR, Churchill SP (2010) Manual de Briologia. Intersciência, 207 p.
  • Désamoré A, Vanderpoorten A, Laenen B, Gradstein SR, Kok P (2010) Biogeography of the Lost World. Phytotaxa 9: 254-265.
  • Gradstein SR, Sporn SG (2010) Diversity of epiphytic bryophytes along land use gradients in the Tropics. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 138: 309-321.
  • Martinson GO, Werner FA, Scherber C, Conrad R, Flessa H, Wolf K, Corre MD, Klose M, Gradstein SR, Veldkamp E (2010) Tank bromeliads: Methane producing canopy wetlands in neotropical forests. Nature, Geoscience 3: 766-769.
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