Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States of America by state/district/territory:
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 80 to 89%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 70 to 79%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 60 to 69%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 50 to 59%
  Plurality support same-sex marriage — 40 to 49%
  Plurality oppose same-sex marriage — 40 to 49%
  Majority oppose same-sex marriage — 50 to 59%
  No recent polling data

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States has shifted rapidly since polling of the American people regarding the issue first began on an occasional basis in the 1980s and a regular basis in the 1990s, with support having consistently risen while opposition has continually fallen. National support rose above 50% for the first time in 2011 and has not gone below that mark since then. National support rose to 60% for the first time in 2015 and has not gone below that mark since then. Support continues to rise while opposition continues to fall each year, driven in large part by a significant generational gap in support.[1]

From 1988 to 2009, support for same-sex marriage increased between 1% and 1.5% per year and accelerated thereafter.[2]

As of 2016, 83% of Americans aged 18–29 support same-sex marriage.[3]

As of 2017, there is majority support for same-sex marriage in 44 states, plurality support in 4 states, plurality opposition in 1 state, and majority opposition in 1 state.[4]


Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States has changed radically since polling of the American people regarding the issue were first conducted in 1988.[5] The issue of same-sex marriage was not brought up as an issue for public debate until at least the 1950s[6] and wasn't a political issue until the 1970s.[7] According to statistician Nate Silver of the poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight, from 1988 to April 2009, support for same-sex marriage increased between 1% and 1.5% per year and about 4% from April 2009 to August 2010.[8] A Pew Research Center poll, conducted from May 21, 2008 to May 25, 2008, found that, for the first time, a majority of Americans did not oppose same-sex marriage, with opposition having fallen to 49%.[9] An ABC News/Washington Post poll, conducted from April 21, 2009 to April 24, 2009, found that, for the first time, that a plurality of Americans supported same-sex marriage at 49% and that a majority of Americans supported the marriages of same-sex couples validly entered into in one state being recognized in all states at 53%.[10] A CNN/Opinion Research poll, conducted from August 6, 2010 to August 10, 2010, found that, for the first time, a majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage at 52%.[11] A Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research poll, conducted from January 25, 2015 to January 31, 2015, found that, for the first time, 60% of Americans supported same-sex marriage.[12]

Continual polling by Gallup over the course of more than two decades has shown that support for same-sex marriage has grown rapidly, while opposition has simultaneously collapsed. In 1996, 68% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage, while only 27% supported. In 2018, 67% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while only 31% opposed.[1]

National polls

Post-Obergefell v. Hodges

A May 2018 Gallup poll found that 67% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 31% opposed, and 2% had no opinion.[1]

An April 2018 NBC News poll found that 64% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 33% opposed, and 3% had no opinion.[13] The poll was reported by NBC News as notable as it found that 55% of Southerners supported same-sex marriage, which represented an historic change for a region that was previously staunchly opposed.[14]

A Public Religion Research Institute nationwide & state-by-state poll conducted throughout 2017 found that 61% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 30% opposed, and 9% had no opinion, with there being majority support for same-sex marriage in 44 states, plurality support in 4 states, plurality opposition in 1 state, and majority opposition in 1 state.[4]

An August 2017 NBC News/The Wall Street Journal poll found that 60% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 33% opposed, and 7% had no opinion.[15][16]

A June 2017 Pew Research Center poll found 62% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 32% opposed, and 6% had no opinion. This marked the first Pew poll where a majority of Baby Boomers supported same-sex marriage, and where a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents did not oppose same-sex marriage.[17]

A May 2017 Gallup poll found 64% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 34% opposed, and 2% had no opinion. This marked the first Gallup poll where a majority of Protestants supported same-sex marriage.[18]

A May 2016 Gallup poll found 61% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 37% opposed, and 2% had no opinion. This marked the first Gallup poll where a majority of Americans aged 65 and older supported same-sex marriage.[19]

Pre-Obergefell v. Hodges

A May 2015 Gallup poll found 60% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 37% opposed, and 3% had no opinion.[20]

A February–March 2015 Wall Street Journal poll found that 59% of Americans favored same-sex marriage.[21]

A January–February 2015 Human Rights Campaign poll found that 60% of Americans favored same-sex marriage, while 37% opposed. The same poll also found that 46% of respondents knew a same-sex couple who had gotten married.[12]

A February 12–15, 2015 CNN/ORC poll found that 63% of Americans believed same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, while 36% disagreed.[22]

A May 2014 Gallup poll found that 55% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 42% opposed, and 4% had no opinion.[23]

An April 2014 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the Ford Foundation found that 55% of all Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 39% were opposed.[24]

A Pew Research Center poll released in March 2014 found 54% of Americans favored same-sex marriage, 39% opposed, and 7% didn't know.[25] It also researched support for same-sex marriage among Republican leaning voters in the United States. 61% of Republican leaning voters aged 18–29 supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while only 27% of Republican leaning voters over 50 years of age were supportive.[26] 52% of Republican voters aged 18–50 supported same-sex marriage.[27][28]

A Washington Post/ABC News poll from February–March 2014 found that a record high of 59% of Americans approved of same-sex marriage, with only 34% opposed and 7% with no opinion. The poll also revealed that 53% of the population in the states that did not allow same-sex couples to marry at the time approved of same-sex marriage. 50% of respondents agreed that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom to marry regardless of sex or sexual orientation, while 41% disagreed, and 9% had no opinion.[29] The same poll also found that 81% of people believed that businesses should not be allowed to refuse to serve gays and lesbians. 16% disagreed, and 3% had no opinion. 78% thought that gay couples can be "just as good parents" as straight couples, while 18% disagreed and 4% had no opinion.[30]

A November/December 2013 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the Ford Foundation found that 53% of all Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 41% were opposed and 6% unsure. The margin of error was 1.1%. The same poll found clear majorities in favor of same-sex marriage in the Northeast (60%), West (58%), and Midwest (51%). Only the South was evenly divided 48% in favor to 48% opposed. Further, nearly 7-in-10 (69%) of those born after 1980 (ages 18–33) favored allowing same-sex couples to marry.[31]

A Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company taken during September 20–23, 2013 found that 55% supported same-sex marriage, while 36% opposed and 9% were unsure.[32]

A September Quinnipiac University poll found that 56% of American adults and 57% of registered voters supported same-sex marriage. Only 36% of both groups were opposed.[33]

A July 10–14 poll by Gallup found support for same-sex marriage at 54%, a record high, and double the support of 27% Gallup first measured when the question was asked in 1996.[34]

A July poll by USA Today found that 55% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 40% did not.[35]

A May 9 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 55% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 40% did not.[36]

A March 20–24 CBS News Poll found that 53% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, 39% opposed it, and 8% were undecided.[37] The same poll also found that 33% of Americans who thought same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry said they once held the opposite view and had changed their opinion.

A March 7–10 Washington Post-ABC News[38] poll found that 58% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 36% opposed. The poll indicated that 52% of GOP-leaning independents under 50 years old supported same-sex marriage.[39]

A March Quinnipiac University poll of voters found 47% supported same-sex marriage and 43% were opposed.[40]

A November 26–29 Gallup poll found that 53% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 46% did not.[41]

A November 16–19 CBS News poll found that 51% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 40% did not.[42]

A November 7–11 ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 51% of respondents supported same-sex marriage, while 47% were opposed.[43]

A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% were opposed.[44]

A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.[45]

A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believed same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low point for opposition in any national poll that far.[46][47]

A May 10 USA Today/Gallup Poll, taken one day after Barack Obama became the first sitting President to express support for same-sex marriage,[48] showed 51% of Americans agreed with the President's endorsement, while 45% disagreed.[49] A May 8 Gallup Poll showed majority support for same-sex marriage nationwide, with 50% in favor and 48% opposed.[50]

An April Pew Research Center poll showed support for same-sex marriage at 48%, while opposition fell to 44%.[51]

A March 7–10 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 52% of adults thought it should be legal for same-sex couples to get married, while 42% disagreed and 5% were unsure.[32] A March survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found 52% of Americans supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 44% opposed.[52]

A February 29 – March 3 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found 49% of adults supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 40% opposed.[53]

Public support for same-sex marriage continued to grow in 2011. In February and March, a Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey found about as many adults favored (45%) as opposed (46%) allowing same-sex couples to marry legally, compared to a 2009 Pew Research survey that found just 37% backed same-sex marriage while 54% opposed.[54] In March and April, polls by Gallup,[55] ABC News/Washington Post,[56] and CNN/Opinion Research[57] all showed that a majority of Americans approved of same-sex marriage.

As had been the case since 1996, there remained a wide partisan division. In March, Pew reported that 57% of Democrats favored legal recognition for same-sex marriage, and 51% of independents agreed, but only 23% of Republicans agreed.[54] An April CNN/Opinion Research Poll showed majority support including 64% of Democrats and 55% of independents, but only 27% of Republicans.[57]

In March 2011, Democracy Corps conducted a survey of 1,000 likely 2012 election voters in 50 congressional districts considered political battlegrounds. It asked respondents to rate their feelings on the same-sex marriage issue on a 0–100 scale, with 100 being "very warm" or favorable feelings, and 0 being "very cold" or unfavorable feelings. 42% were on the "cool" or unfavorable side, and 35% were on the "warm" or favorable side.[58]

A May 2011 Gallup Poll also showed majority support for same-sex marriage, 53% in favor to 45% opposed. Gallup measured a 9-point increase in support, from 44% to 53%, indicating that support increased faster than in any previous year.[55]

An August Associated Press/National Constitution Center poll found 52% agreed that the federal government should give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex, an increase from 46% in 2009. 46% disagreed, compared to 53% in 2009.[59]

An August CNN/Opinion Research Poll showed that 49% of respondents thought gays and lesbians do have a constitutional right to get married and have their marriage recognized by law as valid, and 52% thought gays and lesbians should have that right.[60]

Earlier polls in February and May found opinion divided within the margin of error, but with a consistent trend of increasing support and decreasing opposition compared to prior years.[61][62] One August poll found majority opposition,[63] and a November exit poll of 17,504 voters by CNN during the 2010 midterm elections found 53% opposition with 41% support.[64]

An April 30, 2009 ABC News/Washington Post poll found support for allowing same-sex couples to marry in the United States ahead of opposition for the first time: 49% support, 46% opposition, and 5% with no opinion. In addition, 53% believed that same-sex marriages performed in other states should be legal in their states. 62% of Democrats and 52% of Independents supported same-sex marriage, while 74% of Republicans opposed.[65]

An April 22–26, 2009, poll by CBS/New York Times found 42% supported marriage for same-sex couples, 25% supported civil unions, and 28% opposed any legal recognition of same-sex couples.[66] 5% of respondents were unsure.

Nate Silver noted that the discrepancy in support for same-sex marriage appeared to result from 5-10% of respondents who favored civil unions over same-sex marriage, but given only two choices, would support same-sex marriage.[67]

A LifeWay Research poll conducted in August 2009 found that 61% of Americans born between 1980 and 1991 saw nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married, while 39% disagreed. The survey was conducted on a demographically representative survey of 1,200 U.S. adults between 18 and 29 years old.[68]

In a poll, conducted on July 17, 2008, by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, 55 percent opposed same-sex marriage, and 36 percent were in favor.[69] An ABC News poll found that a majority (58%) of Americans remained opposed to same-sex marriages, while a minority (36%) support them. However, on the question of a constitutional amendment, more were opposed than for it. The majority (51%) of Americans said the issue should be left for the states to decide, while 43% would agree with amending the Constitution.[70]

When asked about the legal status, a July 2008 poll by Quinnipiac University Polling Institute revealed that 32% of respondents would allow homosexual partners to legally marry, 33% would permit them to form civil unions, and 29% would grant them no legal recognition.[69][71] A December 2008 poll revealed that 32% of respondents supported the concept of civil unions, 31% would offer full marriage rights to same-sex couples, and 30% opposed any legal recognition for gay and lesbian partnerships.[72]

Prior to this poll, Gallup conducted a poll on the issue through May 2006. The poll found that opposition to same-sex marriage had fallen slightly, as other polls found a sharper dip. In the poll, when asked if marriages between homosexuals should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages, 58% (down 1 point from Aug 2005, and 9 points from March 1996) of Americans responded that they should not be recognized. 39% (up 2 points from Aug 2005, and 12 points from 1996) felt same-sex marriages should be recognized by law. If "homosexuals" is replaced with "same-sex couples", 42% backed same-sex marriage while 56% opposed it.

A similar poll conducted in March 2006, a Princeton Survey Research Associates/Pew Research Center poll concluded that 39% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, while 51% opposed it, and 10% were undecided. In December 2004, a poll by the same company found that 61% of Americans opposed – with 38% "strongly opposed". Less than 2 years later, just 23% were "strongly opposed". However, an identical poll taken by the same group in June 2006 found a rise in those opposed to same-sex marriage, with 56% disapproving of the practice.

A Pew study in March 2006 found that 51% opposed same-sex marriage, with 39% supporting it, and the level of "strongly opposing" same-sex marriage had fallen from 42% to 28%.[73] Pew's May 2008 Survey found that for the first time, a majority of people did not oppose same-sex marriage at 49%. 20% opposed and 29% strongly opposed same-sex marriage, up 1% from the March 2006 Pew Research Results.[74]

An October 1989 Yankelovich Clancy Shulman telephone poll found that 69% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage, with 23% supporting same-sex marriage, and 8% being not sure.[75]

A 1988 International Social Survey Programme poll found that 68.3% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage, while 11.9% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, and 14.1% of Americans neither agreed or disagreed.[76]

A 1988 National Opinion Research Center / General Social Survey / University of Chicago poll found that 67.6% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage, 10.7% of Americans supported it, 13.9% of Americans neither agreed or disagreed, and 7.8% didn't know / etc.[77]

Demographic differences

By age

Date(s) conducted Age Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201718-2979%19%2%351 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201718-3475%2.82%360 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201718-4872%24%4%1,106 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201730-4967%28%5%665 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201735-4960%2.82%300 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201750-6455%2.82%336 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201750-6456%38%6%778 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201750+52%41%7%1,452 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201765+42%2.82%204 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201765+46%45%9%674 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews

By education

Date(s) conducted Education Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017College grad72%23%6%719 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
College grad+75%21%5%1,199 adults
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017College graduates68%2.82%468 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
High school or less48%372 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017HS or less53%41%6%634 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Non-college57%37%6%1,295 adults
Postgrad79%17%3%480 adults
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Postgraduates72%2.82%168 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
Some college61%192 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Some college62%32%6%661 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews

By ethnicity or race

Date(s) conducted Ethnicity or race Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Black, non-Hispanic51%41%7%7.3%241 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017African-American51%2.82%144 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
Hispanic66%840 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Hispanic60%36%5%6.5%297 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Total Non-White60%2.82%312 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
White60%888 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017White, non-Hispanic64%31%5%2.7%1,737 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews

By gender

Date(s) conducted Gender Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Men61%2.82%576 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201760%34%6%1,355 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Women59%2.82%624 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201764%30%5%1,149 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews

By geography

Date(s) conducted Geography Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Rural47%2.82%NBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews

By income

Date(s) conducted Income Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017<$30,00054%39%7%568 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
$30,000-$74,99965%31%5%787 adults
$75,000+72%23%5%951 adults

By political affiliation

Date(s) conducted Political affiliation State sanctioned same-sex marriage should be valid
Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage
Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Dem/Dem lean76%19%5%3.2%1,230 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Democrat73%22%5%777 adultsPew Research Center
May 1, 2018 – May 10, 2018Democrats83%4%1,024 adultsGallupTelephone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Independent70%26%5%989 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
May 1, 2018 – May 10, 2018Independents71%4%1,024 adultsGallupTelephone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Rep/Rep lean47%48%5%3.5%1,050 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Republican40%54%5%612 adultsPew Research Center
May 1, 2018 – May 10, 2018Republicans44%4%1,024 adultsGallupTelephone interviews

By political affiliation by generation

Date(s) conducted Political affiliation
Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
Democratic Millennials87%12%2% 344 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017 Democratic Gen Xers76%18%5% 268 adults Pew Research Center Landline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Democratic Baby Boomers70%26%4%463 adults
Democratic Silents56%31%13%140 adults
Republican Millennials60%38%2%198 adults
Republican Gen Xers51%43%6%215 adults
Republican Baby Boomers42%53%6%421 adults
Republican Silents29%62%9%188 adults

By political affiliation by ideology

Date(s) conducted Political affiliation
Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Conservative Rep/Lean Rep39%55%6%698 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Liberal Dem/Lean Dem66%27%7%617 adults
Moderate/Cons Dem/Lean Dem88%10%2%613 adults
Moderate/Lib Rep/Lean Rep63%33%4%352 adults

By religious affiliation

Date(s) conducted Religious affiliation State sanctioned same-sex marriage should be valid
Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage
Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
May 3, 2017 – May 7, 2017Catholics65%4%GallupTelephone interviews
Protestants/Christians (nonspecific)55%
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Total Catholic67%28%6%502 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Total Protestant48%46%6%1,165 adults
Total Unaffiliated85%10%4%597 adults

By religious attendance

Date(s) conducted Religious attendance Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Less than weekly75%20%5%1,619 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Monthly59%2.82%204 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
Never80%288 adults
Weekly37%384 adults
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 2017Weekly or more39%56%6%863 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 2017Yearly70%2.82%312 adultsNBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews

Regional, state, and local level polls

By state, federal district, or territory

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States of America by state/district/territory:
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 80-89%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 70-79%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 60-69%
  Majority support same-sex marriage — 50-59%
  Plurality support same-sex marriage — 40-49%
  Plurality oppose same-sex marriage — 40-49%
  Majority oppose same-sex marriage — 50-59%
  No recent polling data
Date(s) conducted State,
federal district,
Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
April 5, 2017 – December 23, 2017Alabama41%51%8%0.6%624 adultsPublic Religion Research InstituteTelephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Alaska57%34%9%156 adults
Arizona63%28%9%792 adults
Arkansas52%38%10%340 adults
California66%23%11%3,942 adults
Colorado71%21%8%631 adults
Connecticut73%20%7%385 adults
Delaware58%27%15%167 adults
District of Columbia78%17%5%
Florida61%30%9%2,495 adults
Georgia52%39%9%1,186 adults
Hawaii68%20%12%163 adults
Idaho56%32%12%264 adults
Illinois65%25%10%1,387 adults
Indiana58%34%8%928 adults
Iowa59%33%8%500 adults
Kansas57%37%6%372 adults
Kentucky51%42%7%559 adults
Louisiana48%44%8%578 adults
Maine71%25%4%198 adults
Maryland66%25%9%700 adults
Massachusetts80%13%7%698 adults
Michigan63%29%8%1,354 adults
Minnesota67%27%6%787 adults
Mississippi42%48%10%303 adults
Missouri58%35%7%845 adults
Montana57%37%6%195 adults
Nebraska54%33%13%285 adults
Nevada70%23%7%491 adults
New Hampshire73%23%5%181 adults
New Jersey68%23%9%979 adults
New Mexico63%30%7%304 adults
New York69%24%7%2,548 adults
North Carolina49%41%10%1,385 adults
North Dakota53%35%12%157 adults
Ohio61%33%6%1,524 adults
Oklahoma53%36%11%434 adults
Oregon67%25%8%664 adults
Pennsylvania64%27%9%1,792 adults
Rhode Island78%17%5%164 adults
South Carolina53%37%10%608 adults
South Dakota52%37%11%165 adults
Tennessee46%45%9%808 adults
Texas55%34%11%2,813 adults
Utah54%38%8%370 adults
Vermont80%16%4%168 adults
Virginia60%32%8%1,120 adults
Washington73%21%6%1,036 adults
West Virginia48%45%7%282 adults
Wisconsin66%26%6%855 adults
Wyoming62%30%8%170 adults

By metro area

Date(s) conducted Metro area Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
April 5, 2017 – December 23, 2017Atlanta57%33%10%0.6%631 adultsPublic Religion Research InstituteTelephone interviews and cell phone interviews
Boston82%11%7%445 adults
Charlotte55%37%8%290 adults
Chicago68%22%10%970 adults
Cincinnati60%34%6%306 adults
Cleveland69%25%6%268 adults
Columbus60%33%7%246 adults
Dallas54%36%10%710 adults
Denver71%19%10%297 adults
Detroit67%26%7%539 adults
Houston55%30%15%584 adults
Indianapolis64%30%6%285 adults
Kansas City62%31%7%279 adults
Las Vegas70%23%7%360 adults
Los Angeles65%25%12%1,176 adults
Miami63%25%12%618 adults
Milwaukee68%25%7%222 adults
Minneapolis–Saint Paul73%23%5%474 adults
Nashville52%39%9%182 adults
New York City69%23%8%2,314 adults
Orlando64%26%10%242 adults
Philadelphia69%21%10%805 adults
Phoenix62%30%8%501 adults
Pittsburgh69%25%6%372 adults
Portland72%23%5%347 adults
San Francisco76%17%7%472 adults
Seattle80%13%7%464 adults
St. Louis62%30%8%422 adults
Tampa-St. Petersburg58%30%12%402 adults
Washington, DC69%22%9%799 adults

By region

Date(s) conducted Region Favor state sanctioned same-sex marriage
Support state sanctioned same-sex marriage
Oppose state sanctioned same-sex marriage Don't Know / Refused
No answer
Margin of error Sample Conducted by Polling type
April 5, 2017 – December 23, 2017Midwest62%31%8%0.6%Public Religion Research Institute Telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201753%2.82%NBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201762%33%6%552 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
April 5, 2017 – December 23, 2017Northeast69%23%8%0.6%Public Religion Research Institute Telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201770%2.82%NBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201773%23%4%432 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
March 12, 2018 – March 25, 2018South[lower-alpha 1]55%42%3%2.4%4,132 adult residentsNBC News / SurveyMoneyOnline survey
April 5, 2017 – December 23, 2017West66%26%9%0.6%Public Religion Research Institute Telephone interviews and cell phone interviews
August 5, 2017 – August 9, 201767%2.82%NBC News / Wall Street Journal Live interviews and cell phone interviews
June 8, 2017 – June 18, 201768%28%4%577 adultsPew Research CenterLandline telephone interviews and cell phone interviews


  1. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia

See also


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