

Kanji in this term

Grade: S


/wepu//wefu//jefu/ → */jewu/ → */jowu//jou/

Shift from classical verb 酔ふ (efu → eu), possibly parsed as jefu, itself from Old Japanese 酔ふ (wepu → wefu → eu).[1][2]

Compare the development of (efu → yō, leaf, on-yomi or Chinese-derived reading).



酔う (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai kanji 醉う, intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana よう, rōmaji you, historical hiragana よふ)

  1. to get drunk, become intoxicated or inebriated, fall under the influence of alcohol.
     (さけ) ()って (あば)れる
    sake ni yotte abareru
    to get drunk and become violent
    Synonyms: 酩酊する (meitei suru), 酔いが回る (yoi ga mawaru), 酔っ払う (yopparau)
  2. (figuratively) to become drunk or intoxicated (exhilarated) by something.
    夜景 (よけい) ()
    yokei ni you
    to get lost in the night scene
  3. to get motion sickness (as in carsick, airsick, seasick, etc.)
     () (もの) ()
    norimono ni you
    to get motion-sick on a vehicle
  4. to get addicted
    Synonym: 中毒する (chūdoku suru)
  5. (archaic) to get poisoned (from eating meat or fish)
    Synonym: 中毒する (chūdoku suru)
  6. (archaic) to get distracted by charm


Derived terms


  •  (さけ) ()本性 (ほんしょう) (たが)わず (sake no yoi honshō tagawazu)
  •  (さけ) ()本性 (ほんしょう) (わす)れず (sake no yoi honshō wasurezu)

See also

  •  (さけ) (sake): alcoholic beverage
  • 深酒 (ふかざけ) (fukazake)


  1. 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
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