
See also: 该隐


that; the above-mentioned; most likely; to deserve; should; ought to; owe
secret; hidden; concealed
trad. (該隱)
simp. (该隐)


Proper noun


  1. (Abrahamic religions) Cain (the first son of Adam)
    彼人夏娃同房夏娃懷孕該隱耶和華庇佑得著 [Min Nan, trad.]
    彼人夏娃同房夏娃怀孕该隐耶和华庇佑得着 [Min Nan, simp.]
    From: 巴克禮譯本 (Barclay Amoy Romanized Bible), 創世記 (Genesis) 4:1
    Hit-lâng kā i ê bó͘ Hā-oa tâng-pâng; Hā-oa chiū hoâi-īn siⁿ Kai-ún, kóng, Góa tùi Iâ-hô-hoa pì-iū tit-tio̍h kiáⁿ. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she [Eve] conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.


  • (Catholicism) 加音 (Jiāyīn)
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