
See also: 喜歡 and 欢喜


joyous; happy; pleased
to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad
trad. (歡喜)
simp. (欢喜)
anagram 喜歡喜欢




  1. joyful; happy; delighted


Derived terms

  • 歡喜佛欢喜佛
  • 歡喜冤家欢喜冤家
  • 歡喜若狂欢喜若狂 (huānxǐruòkuáng)
  • 歡喜錢兒欢喜钱儿
  • 歡歡喜喜欢欢喜喜
  • 滿心歡喜满心欢喜
  • 皆大歡喜皆大欢喜 (jiēdàhuānxǐ)
  • 空歡喜空欢喜



  1. (literary or regional, including Cantonese, Gan, Min Dong, Min Nan, Sichuan, Wu) to like; to be fond of
    雖然歡喜 [MSC, trad.]
    虽然欢喜 [MSC, simp.]
    From: 冬天裡的一把火
    Wǒ suīrán huānxǐ, què méi duì nǐ shuō. [Pinyin]
    Even though I like [you], I didn't tell you.
    歡喜 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    欢喜 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    I like you a lot!


Dialectal synonyms of 喜歡 (“to like”) [map]
Variety Location Words
Classical Chinese , 喜好, 愛好
Formal (Written Standard Chinese) 喜愛, 喜好, 愛好
Mandarin Beijing 喜歡, 好希,
Taiwan 喜歡,
Jinan 喜歡
Xi'an 喜歡,
Wuhan 喜歡,
Chengdu 喜歡, 歡喜,
Yangzhou 歡喜
Hefei 喜歡
Cantonese Guangzhou 中意, 歡喜
Hong Kong 中意
Taishan 中意
Yangjiang 中意, 歡喜
Gan Nanchang 歡喜
Hakka Meixian 中意,
Miaoli (N. Sixian) 中意,
Liudui (S. Sixian) 中意,
Hsinchu (Hailu) 中意,
Dongshi (Dabu) 中意, 合意,
Hsinchu (Raoping) 中意,
Yunlin (Zhao'an) 佮意,
Sabah 中意,
Jin Taiyuan 喜歡, 待見
Min Bei Jian'ou , 喜歡
Min Dong Fuzhou 歡喜, 中意,
Min Nan Xiamen 歡喜, 意愛, , 佮意, 舒合
Quanzhou 歡喜, 意愛, , 佮意
Zhangzhou 歡喜, , 佮意
Taipei 歡喜, 意愛, , 佮意
Penang 舒合,
Philippines (Manila) , 佮意
Chaozhou 歡喜,
Wu Shanghai 歡喜
Suzhou 歡喜
Wenzhou 喜歡
Xiang Changsha 喜歡
Shuangfeng 喜歡

Further reading

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