Lijst van afkortingen in de informatica

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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
@at-teken of apenstaart, @-teken
AAAAuthentication, Authorization en Accounting
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AALATM Adaption Layer
AARPAppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
ABIapplication binary interface
ACF/NCPAdvanced Communications Function/Network Control Program
ACFApplication Configuration File
ACGIAsynchronous CGI
ACLAppletalk Class Library
ACLaccess control list
ACPIadvanced configuration and power integration
ACRAllowed Cell Rate
ADActive Directory
ADCanalog-to-digital converter of Apple Display Connector
ADFAutomatic Document Feeder of Automated Document Factory
ADOActiveX Data Objects
ADPCMadaptive differential pulse-code modulation
ADSIActive Directory Services Interface
ADSLasymmetric digital subscriber line
ADSPAppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AFAnisotropische Filtering
AFPAppleTalk Filing Protocol, Advanced Functions Presentations
AFRalternate frame rendering
AGPaccelerated graphics port
AHAuthentication Header
AIartificiële intelligentie
AIFAuto Increment Field
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
AIMAOL Instant Messenger
AIOAsynchronous Input/Output
AITAdvanced Intelligent Tape
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript And XML
AlgolAlgorithmic Language (programmeertaal)
ALUarithmetic/logic unit
AMPasymmetric multiprocessing
AMRaudio/modem riser
AMUAddress Management Unit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOCEApple Open Collaboration Environment
AODIAlways On/Dynamic ISDN
APaccess point
APIapplication programming interface
APMadvanced power management, Application Performance Management
APONATM Passive Optical Network
APPAsynchronous Pluggable Protocal
ARAPAppleTalk Remote Access Protocol
ARDApple Remote Desktop
ARMAsynchronous Response Mode
ARPaddress resolution protocol
ARPCAsynchrone Remote Procedure Call
ARQautomated repeat request
ASAMATM Subscriber Access Multiplexer
ASCApple Sound Chip
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASFAdvanced Streaming Format
ASFAuto Sheet Feeder
ASICapplication-specific integrated circuit
ASIPAppleShare IP
ASPAppleTalk Session Protocol, Active Server Pages, Application Service Provider, Auxiliary Signal Path
ASPIadvanced SCSI programming interface
ASRautomatic system recovery
ASTAutomatic Spanning Tree
ASVAdvanced Super View
AT&Tgeregistreerd handelsmerk van American Telephone and Telegraph Company
ATAdvanced Technology
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATAGAuthoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
ATAPIAdvanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATCAdvanced Transfer Cache
ATLActive Template Library
ATLAPAppleTalk Link Access Protocol
ATMAdobe Type Manager, asynchronous transfer mode
ATRACAdaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding
ATU-CADSL Transmission Unit at Central Office
ATU-RADSL Transmission Unit for Resident
AUAccess Unit
AUIattachment unit interface
AURPAppleTalk Update-Based Routing Protocol
AVAccess Violation, Anti-Virus
AVCAdvanced Video Coding
AVIAudio Video Interleaved (zie ook extensie .avi)
AVMATM Voice Multiplexer
AWTabstract windowing toolkit
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
BASICBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCCblind carbon copy
BCDbinary-coded decimal
BBSbulletin board system
BIOSbasic input/output system
bitbinary digit
BLOBbinary large object
BMPextensie van een bitmapafbeelding
BPMBusiness Process Management
BUbusiness unit
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
CADcomputer-aided design
CBRconstant bit-rate
CBTcomputer-based training
CCcarbon copy, copy conform, Control Class
CCDcharge-coupled device
CCS7Common Channel Signalling System nr. 7
cdcompact disc
CDMAcode-division multiple access; een digitale cellulaire technologie
cd-romcompact disc read-only memory; cd-romstation
CLOBcharacter large object
CMOScomplementary metal oxide semiconductor
COBOLCOmmon Business Oriented Language
CPUcentral processing unit
CRMcustomer relationship management, een softwarepakket voor het beheren van klantgegevens en interacties
CRTcathode ray tube, CRT-beeldscherm
CSSCascading Style Sheets
cvecentrale verwerkingseenheid
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
D-8Developing 8
DACdigital-to-analog converter
DALData Access Layer
DAOData Access Objects
datdigital audio tape
DATDifferentiële Aanleg Testserie
DDDouble Density
DDRDouble Data Rate
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol; DHCP-servers
DHTMLDynamic HyperText Markup Language
DIMM-sleufdual in-line memory module
DKIMDomainKeys Identified Mail
DMADirect Memory Access
DNSDomain Name System of name-server (vertaling van URL'S naar IP-adressen)
DPOFDigital Print Order Format
DOSdisk operating system
DDOSDistributed Denial of Service Attack
DPCMDifferential PCM
DSLAMDigital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSLDomain-Specific Language
DSSSLDocument Style Semantics and Specification
DTDdocument type definition
dvddigital versatile disk
DvdDigital Video Disc
DVIDigital Video Interface
DWRDirect Web Remoting
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
EAIenterprise application integration
EBCDICextended binary-coded decimal interchange code
EiBexbibyte of European Installation Bus, een domoticastandaard
ELTEmergency Locator Transmitter
e-mailelectronic mail, elektronische post; e-mailadres
EMSEnhanced Messaging Service
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
EPROMerasable programmable read-only memory
ERP(S)enterprise resource planning (System) veelal administratie- & boekhoudsoftware
ESBenterprise service bus
ESPelectronic stability program
ExifExchangeable image file format
Ext2Second extended file system
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
FAQfrequently asked questions
FATFile Allocation Table
FFFirefox (webbrowser); Fast Forward (audio/video: snel vooruit spoelen, vaak >> )
FHSFilesystem Hierarchy Standard voor bestandssystemen, een onderdeel van de Linux Standard Base
FifoFirst in - first out
FSBfront-side bus
FTPfile transfer protocol, basis-internetfunctie voor uitwisseling van bestanden tussen computers
ftefulltime-equivalent (eenheid van werktijd)

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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
GPRSgeneral packet radio service
gpsglobal positioning system
gsmglobal system for mobile communications; (Groupe Spéciale Mobile)
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
hdHigh Density / high definition
hdharddisk, harde schijf
HDMIhigh-definition multimedia interface
HDSLHigh-speed Digital Subscriber Line
HPHewlett Packard Hewlett-Packard Company; HP LaserJet; Hit Points, in Role playing games
HREELSHigh Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
HSDPAHigh-Speed Downlink Packet Access een pakketgeschakelde mobiele (data)communicatiedienst download
HSUPAHigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access een pakketgeschakelde mobiele (data)communicatiedienst upload
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
HUDhead-up display
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
IBMInternational Business Machines Corporation
ICintegrated circuit
ICTinformatie- en communicatietechnologie
IEInternet Explorer, IE10
IHEIntegrating the Healthcare Enterprise
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
IMEIinternational mobile equipment identity
Intelgeregistreerd handelsmerk van Intel Corporation
IPinternetprotocol; IP-adres, Internet Protocol-adres
IPX/SPX?, IPX/SPX-protocollen
IRCInternet Relay Chat
ISImage Stabilizer
ISDNintegrated services digital network
ISOInternationale Organisatie voor Standaardisatie, ISO 13406-2 (certificatie)
ISPLinformation services procurement library
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
JDBCJava DataBase Connectivity
jpgDit is de afkorting van JPEG. Dit staat voor "joint photographic experts group".
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
LANlocal area network
lcdliquid crystal display, lcd-scherm
ledlight emitting diode
Lotusgeregistreerd handelsmerk van Lotus Development Corporation
LsbLeast significant bit
LSBLinux Standard Base
LTSPLinux Terminal Server Project
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
MAMMobile Application Management
MANetMobile ad hoc Network
MAPImessaging application programming interface
Mbitmegabit (ook: Mb)
MDMmobile device management
midimusical instrument digital interface
mLANmusic Local Area Network
MOSFETmetal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
MPmagic points, in role playing games
MP 3Motion Picture (layer) 3
MSCMicrosoft Common
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
MSNMicrosoft Network
MSXMachines with Software eXchangeability, MicroSoft eXtended

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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
NAK / NACKnegative acknowledgment of non-acknowledged
NATnetwork address translation
NFCnear-field communication
NTDSNew Technology Directory Service
NTFSNew Technology File System
NICnetwork interface card Adapterkaart (meestal ethernet) geïnstalleerd in een computer voor een verbinding met het netwerk.
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
OASISOrganization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity
OEOutlook Express
OSoperating system
OSDon-screen display
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
PANpersonal area network
pcpersonal computer
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect; Specificatie gebruikt voor adapterkaarten die in computers worden geïnstalleerd.
PCLprinter command language, om printer typografisch aan te sturen; PCL6-printerdriver
PCMpulse-code modulation
PCTPatent Cooperation Treaty
PDpubliek domein
PDFportable document format; PDF-indeling
PHPPHP Hypertext Preprocesser; Server-sided scripting taal voor websites
PIDProject Initiation Document
pinpersoonlijk identificatienummer; pincode; pinautomaat
POPpost office protocol; POP3 Dit is de meest recente versie van een standaardprotocol voor het ontvangen van e-mail.
POTSPublicly Operated Telephony System
PSPostScript, geregistreerd handelsmerk van Adobe Systems / Adobe Photoshop
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
P.T.T.Posterijen, Telegrafie, Telefonie
PVA?, PVA-paneeltechnologie
PVCpermanent virtual channel, permanent virtual connection, permanent virtual circuit.
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
QEDQuantum Electro Dynamics
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
RADrapid application development
RADIUSremote authentication dial-in user service
RAIDredundant array of independent disks, redundant array of inexpensive disks
RAMrandom-access memory
RAM-geheugenrandom-access memory
RAM-geheugen - FPMfast page mode, dynamisch RAM-geheugen (DRAM)
RAM-geheugen - DDR SDRAMdouble data rate SDRAM, dynamisch RAM-geheugen (DRAM)
RAM-geheugen - RDRAMRambus Dynamic RAM, dynamisch RAM-geheugen (DRAM)
RAM-geheugen - EDOextended data output, dynamisch RAM-geheugen (DRAM)
RAM-geheugen - RIMMRambus Inline Memory Module, dynamisch RAM-geheugen (DRAM)
RARRoshal ARchive, datacompressie-algoritme en extensie van een archiefbestand
RARPreverse address resolution protocol
RAVeLRéseau Autonome de Voies Lentes
RDFResource Description Framework
RDSradio data system
RETResolution enhancement technology
RISRemote Installation Services
ROMread-only memory
rtfrich text format
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
SDSynchronous Dynamic / Secure Digital (geheugenkaart)
SDHsynchronous digital hierarchy
SDHCSecure Digital High Capacity
SDXCSecure Digital Extended Capacity
SEOSearch Engine Optimization zoekmachineoptimalisatie
SFTPshielded foiled twisted pair
SISystème International
SISSociaal Informatiesysteem
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SOAservice oriented architecture
SOAPAanvankelijk een afkorting voor Simple Object Access Protocol, maar sinds versie 1.2 gewoon SOAP
SP2Service Pack 2
SQLStructured Query Language
SSsignaling system
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
STPshielded twisted pair
SVCswitched virtual channel, switched virtual connection
Sysopsystem operator

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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
tab.tabel / tabulator
TCO?, TCO 03, Total cost of ownership
TCPTransmission Control Protocol, TCP/IP-protocollen
Tftthin film transistor, tft-scherm
TLSTransport Layer Security
Trade mark
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
UBRUnspecified Bit-Rate
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UEFIUnified Extensible Firmware Interface
UMAUpper Memory Area
UMBUpper Memory Blocks
UMTSuniversal mobile telecommunications system
UPnPUniversal Plug and Play
URLuniform resource locator, URL-adres, internetadres
USBuniversal serial bus; USB; USB 2.0; USB-opslagapparaten; USB-station
UTPunshielded twisted pair Kabel met draden om elkaar heen gedraaid, om de interferentie tussen de paren te verminderen.
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
VBAVisual Basic for Applications
VBRvariable bit-rate
VBSVisual Basic Script
VCvirtual channel, virtual connection
VGAvideo graphics array; VGA-kaart: video graphics accelerator
VHDSLVery High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
VIVOVideo In Video Out
VTAvisual tree assessment
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
WANwide area network
WidiWireless Display
wifiWifi (Fantasie) logo-aanduiding die ten onrechte wordt gezien als afkorting voor wireless fidelity
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WPWordPerfect, geregistreerd handelsmerk van WordPerfect Corporation
wwwworld-wide web
W3world-wide web
W3CWorld-wide web Consortium
wysiwygWhat you see is what you get. Je krijgt wat je ziet.
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)
XHTMLExtensible HyperText Markup Language
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XPSXML Paper Specification (in Windows Vista en hoger, vergelijkbaar met PDF)
XSLExtensible Stylesheet Language
XSL-FOXSL Formatting Objects
XSLTExtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
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Afkorting Betekenis(sen)

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