
Introduced 1995
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Offshore Information Services
Sponsor Government of Anguilla
Intended use Entities connected with  Anguilla
Actual use Used for some sites based in Anguilla, as well as for websites of companies working in artificial intelligence (AI) area; second- and third-level registrations are available worldwide, despite minimal usage.
Registration restrictions None
Structure Registrations possible at third level, beneath several second-level labels, are available to anybody; second-level registrations are now available to anybody as well (as of 26 June 2006).
Registry Website Nic.com.ai

.ai is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Anguilla. It is administered by the government of Anguilla.

Second and third level registrations

Registrations within off.ai, com.ai, net.ai, and org.ai are available unrestrictedly, worldwide. From September 15, 2009, second level registrations within .ai are available to everyone worldwide.

Domains are $100 for each two-year period. As of Dec 2017, the ".ai" registry supports Extensible Provisioning Protocol. Many registrars now sell ".ai" domains.

Records on the TLD

The .ai TLD is notable for having an MX record, allowing mail to be delivered directly to "recipient@ai." (with trailing period).[1][2]


  1. Goldberg, Ian (23 Jan 2002). "I can't use my email address in Evolution". Evolution (Mailing list).
  2. nslookup -type=mx ai.

See also

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