
Introduced 1999
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited
Sponsor Ministry of Post and Telecommunications - Bangladesh
Intended use Entities connected with  Bangladesh
Actual use Used in Bangladesh
Registration restrictions Some subdomains (.gov.bd and .mil.bd) are restricted; others are open, but some generic names are barred from registration
Structure [name].[generic domain].bd
Documents Agreement
Dispute policies Existence of a dispute policy is mentioned in agreement, but no details can be found
Registry Website btcl.gov.bd
Introduced 2011
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited
Sponsor Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Intended use Entities connected with  Bangladesh
Structure [name].বাংলা
Registry Website btcl.gov.bd

.bd is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Bangladesh. It is administered by the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Registrations are at the third level beneath several second-level labels, paralleling the oldest gTLDs; registration is open except in the gov and mil subdomains, which are limited to authorized entities in the Bangladesh government. There is no online registration facility available for .bd domains right now.

.বাংলা ("bangla") is a second country code top-level domain that was granted for Bangladesh in 2011.[1] This domain is meant for web addresses in the Bengali language. The process of assigning domain names for web sites has finally started in 16 December 2016.

Top-Level domain

  • .bd
  • .বাংলা

Second-Level domain

Domain ExtensionAreasRegistration qualifications.
.com.bdCommercialIntended for Commercial entities and purposes.
.co.bdCommercial and General.
.org.bdOrganizationIntended for Not-for-profit entities.
.info.bdInformationIntended for personal names, only individuals can register.
.net.bdNetworkRestricted to Bangladeshi Internet Service Provider's infrastructure.
.edu.bdEducational institutionRestricted to Bangladeshi Educational institute, college and universities.
.ac.bdAcademic institutionRestricted to Bangladeshi Academic institute, schools and coaching center.
.mil.bdMilitaryMilitary and Military organizations only
.gov.bdGovernmentRestricted to Government.

Third-Level domain

Domain ExtensionAreasRegistration qualifications.
.judiciary.org.bdJudicial Portal BangladeshSubordinate Courts of Bangladesh.

See also


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