Ña (Indic)

Devanagari Bengali Gurmukhi Gujarati Oriya
Tamil Telugu Kannada Malayalam Sinhala
Thai Lao Tibetan Burmese Khmer
Baybayin Hanunoo Buhid Tagbanwa Lontara
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Balinese Sundanese Limbu Tai Le New Tai Lue
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Lepcha Saurashtra Rejang Javanese Cham
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Tai Tham Tai Viet Kayah Li Phags-pa Siddhaṃ
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Mahajani Khojki Khudabadi Syloti Meitei
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Modi Tirhuta Kaithi Sora Grantha
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Chakma Sharada Takri Kharoshthi Brahmi
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Phonemic representation: /ɲ/
IAST transliteration: ña
ISCII code point: BC (188)

Ña is the tenth consonant of Indic abugidas. It is derived from the Brahmi letter .

Devanagari script

Ña (, Sanskrit and Hindi: ञकार ñakāra) is the tenth consonant of the Devanagari abugida. It is pronounced [ɲə], similar to the phoneme in English canyon (/ˈkænjən/).

Bengali script

Ñô (, [nɔ]) is a Bengali script consonant, derived from the Siddham script.

Gurmukhi script

Ñaññā (, Punjabi: ਞੱਞਾ ñaññā) is a consonant of Gurmukhi. It is represented in Shahmukhi with Punjabi: ں nun gunnah or Punjabi: ن nun.

Gujarati script

Ña (, Gujarati: ) is a Gujarati consonant, from the Devenagari letter without the top bar.

Javanese script

Thai script

Yo Ying (, Thai: ญอ หญิง) is the thirteenth letter of the Thai script. It falls under the low class of Thai consonants. In IPA, yo ying is pronounced as [j] at the beginning of the syllable and [n] at the end of syllable and in Old Thai, it was pronounced as [ɲ], Thai consonants do not form conjunct ligatures, and use the pinthu—an explicit virama with a dot shape—to indicate bare consonants. In the acrophony of the Thai script, ying (หญิง) means ‘woman’. Yo Ying corresponds to the Sanskrit character ‘ञ’.

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