Goblin King (comics)

Goblin King is the name of different characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Fictional character biography

Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn is the first character to use the Goblin King alias. When the children that work for the Vulture are discussing what to do after the Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius's mind in Spider-Man's body) brutally defeats the Vulture, the Green Goblin approaches the children and tells the group that he will be the one that crushes Superior Spider-Man.[1] The Goblin is later shown having gathered a new gang of followers together in the sewers formed from discarded members of other villains' gangs like Vulture, Owl and the third White Dragon's gangs; these henchmen escaped their organizations unharmed because Superior Spider-Man is more focused on the larger threats (where the original Spider-Man would focus on individuals).

While building an army to attack Superior Spider-Man, he acts as the Goblin King.[2] The Hand ninjas who evaded capture arrive at the sewers and join up with the Goblin Nation. The group revels in the news that, thanks to Superior Spider-Man's assault, Goblin King now owns over half of New York's organized crime. He claims he now owns New York City as the Goblin Kingpin of Crime.[3] With the help of Menace, Goblin King later releases Phil Urich from a prison transport and upgrades Urich's Goblin armor and weapons, asking in return only that Urich's only identity from here on shall be Goblin Knight.[4] Goblin King trains Goblin Knight, anxious to confront Superior Spider-Man.[5] Goblin King later poses as the Hobgoblin and is sighted by some of the Spiderlings.[6]

Upon Carlie Cooper being brought to the Goblin King's lair by Menace, he receives Carlie's journal from Menace which reveals to him that Otto's mind is in his nemesis's body.[7] Goblin King douses Carlie with the Goblin formula, causing the woman to mutate into the new superhuman villain Monster. He demands to know Spider-Man's identity, but Monster first asks Goblin King to reveal his own identity. Goblin King assures Monster that he is Norman, but refuses to remove his mask until Carlie has proven a loyal follower and dispatches Monster and Menace on a mission.[8] Goblin King battles and kills the Hobgoblin, although Goblin Knight discovers that it was the butler Claude with Roderick Kingsley still in hiding abroad.[9]

Having staged a coup of New York after spreading his resources by exploiting Otto's reliance on technology, the Goblin King directly confronts Superior Spider-Man, angry that he was cheated out of the opportunity to defeat his nemesis, but offering Otto the chance to join him and Otto rejects the offer. When Otto finds being unable to win against Goblin King's resources, having had various allies abandoned, and with faith in his own abilities gone, Otto sacrifices himself to restore the original Spider-Man's mind in order to save Anna Maria Marconi.[10] When Spider-Man arrives for the final confrontation, Goblin King quickly realizes that the original Spider-Man is back when responding to his nemesis' taunts with his own wisecracks.[11] In the duel that follows, Spider-Man unmasks Goblin King, learning that he has undergone plastic surgery to change his appearance, acting as Alchemax's CEO and intending to re-establish himself as businessman Mason Banks, now that Osborn has become too publicly known as a supervillain. Spider-Man defeats and strips the villain of his powers with a serum devised by Otto, but Norman manages to escape through Liz Allan's discreet aid. In hiding once again, he reflects that the various heroes will be unprepared for him when he returns with his new identity and approach as a businessman, seemingly no longer afflicted by the mental illness associated with the Goblin formula.[12]

Phil Urich

Philip "Phil" Urich is the second character to use the Goblin King alias. Following the conclusion of The Superior Spider-Man storyline where the true Spider-Man returns, Urich now leads the Goblin Nation's remnants as the self-proclaimed Goblin King. He meets with Mister Negative where they wait for Eel to show up in order to divide the criminal underground following Osborn's defeat. The meeting is crashed by the Black Cat and Electro. Black Cat mentions to Goblin King and Mister Negative that Spider-Man had outed them and wants a share in their plans.[13]

During the "AXIS" storyline, Goblin King attempts to rescue Lily Hollister from a police transport; this mission goes awry and Lily is rendered amnesiac.[14] When Goblin King confronts Kingsley in the latter's headquarters, Queen Cat comes to the defense. Goblin King recognizes Hollister as Queen Cat, but Lily does not recognize him. Following the attack, Missile Mate is convinced by Urich that the Hobgoblin would soon abandon the heroes that were trained. Missile Mate goes to the Goblin Nation's headquarters and asks Goblin King to join and be a supervillain. Goblin King is reluctant, but Missile Mate shows him that he has also gathered all the supervillains that Hobgoblin had "abandoned" (consisting of 8-Ball III, Killer Shrike II, Melter III, Tiger Shark II, and Unicorn IV) after becoming a good guy.[15] While the celebration of Hobgoblin Day is being held with a parade in Kingsley's honor, Missile Mate betrays the Hobgoblin and attempts to murder in Goblin King's name. Kingsley, however, had already expected the betrayal and had been using a hologram decoy which took Missile Mate's blow. As soon as Kinglsey confronts Missile Mate, Goblin King appears with his Goblin Nation and attacks the celebration. Hobgoblin bests Goblin King in combat and delivers him and the Goblin Nation members with him to the authorities.[16]

Having escaped prison under undisclosed circumstances during the "Go Down Swinging" storyline, Urich raids one of Osborn's old gentlemen's clubs to acquire the Goblin weaponry Osborn stored there, but Osborn- currently wielding the Carnage symbiote's power- apparently kills Urich by tearing his heart out.[17]

Other versions

In the pages of Avataars: Covenant of the Shield, Goblin King is a goblin who is that world's version of Green Goblin.[18]

In other media

  • A horned, bulky Goblin King (Norman Osborn) makes his animated debut in Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors, voiced by Steven Weber.[19] In an alternate reality seen in the episode "Nightmare on Christmas", he rules New York at a bigger and threatening Oscorp after having defeated and killed most of the Earth's heroes (he has the Avengers' equipment as 'trophies': Iron Man's armor, Black Widow's gauntlets, Captain America's shield, Falcon's wings, and Thor's hammer) and his own Spider-Soldier army as personal enforcers. The Goblin King encounters and fights Spider-Man who defeats the Goblin King in an intense battle before learning that this reality is actually Nightmare's illusion.
  • The Goblin King alias is seen in Marvel's Spider-Man used by Adrian Toomes (voiced by Alastair Duncan[20]). In the "Goblin War" arc, he leads the Goblin Nation with Electro, Crossbones and Silvermane as enforcers, and the Wake Riders are his personal enforcers.


  1. Dan Slott (w), Giuseppe Camuncoli (p), John Deli (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 4 (February 2013), Marvel Comics
  2. Dan Slott (w), Ryan Stegman (p), Ryan Stegman, Cam Smith (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 10 (May 2013), Marvel Comics
  3. Dan Slott (w), Humberto Ramos (p), Victor Olazaba (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 14 (July 2013), Marvel Comics
  4. Dan Slott (w), Humberto Ramos (p), Victor Olazaba (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 16 (August 2013), Marvel Comics
  5. Dan Slott (w), Ryan Stegman (p), John Livesay (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 17 (September 2013), Marvel Comics
  6. Dan Slott (w), Ryan Stegman (p), John Livesay (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 18 (November 2013), Marvel Comics
  7. Dan Slott (w), Giuseppe Camuncoli (p), John Deli (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 21 (February 2013), Marvel Comics
  8. Dan Slott, Christos Gage (w), Humberto Ramos (p), Victor Olazaba (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 25 (January 2014), Marvel Comics
  9. Dan Slott (w), Humberto Ramos, Javier Rodriguez, Marcos Martin (p), Victor Olazaba, Alvaro Lopez, Marcos Martin (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 26 (January 2014), Marvel Comics
  10. Dan Slott, Christos Gage (w), Giuseppe Camuncoli (p), John Dell, Terry Pallot (i). "The Superior Spider-Man" The Superior Spider-Man 30 (March 2014), Marvel Comics
  11. "Spider-Man India: Comic Books and the Translating/Transcreating of American Cultural Narratives", Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives : Comics at the Crossroads, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, doi:10.5040/9781472544124.ch-008, ISBN 9781441185754
  12. Superior Spider-Man #31. Marvel Comics.
  13. Amazing Spider-Man vol. 3 #5. Marvel Comics.
  14. AXIS: Hobgoblin #1. Marvel Comics.
  15. AXIS: Hobgoblin #2. Marvel Comics.
  16. AXIS: Hobgoblin #3. Marvel Comics.
  17. Amazing Spider-Man #797. Marvel Comics.
  18. Avataars: Covenant of the Shield #2. Marvel Comics.
  19. "The Voices of Green Goblin". Behind The Voice Actors.
  20. "The Voices of Vulture". Behind The Voice Actors.
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