
Arará is a minority group in Cuba (especially in the provinces of La Habana and Matanzas) who descend from Fon, Ewe, Popo, Mahi, and other ethnic groups in Dahomey. Arará may also refer to the music, dance, and religion of this group of people.


The word Arará and its cognates, Rada (Haiti, Trinidad) and Arrada (Carriacou), are derived from Allada, a city in Dahomey. Arará cabildos (ethnic associations) were formed in the 17th century, and regional cultural differences still exist among Arará communities in Cuba which date back to Africa (Arará Dajomé, Arará Sabalú, and Arará Magino). The name Sabalú derives from Savalu, a town in northern Dahomey, and "Magino" derives from Mahi. Slaves from these areas were taken to other parts of the Americas. Surviving examples of Dahomeyan culture (such as music and religion) can be found in Haiti, the Grenadines, and the Brazilian cities of Sáo Luis do Maranháo, Salvador, Recife, and Porto Alegre.


La Regla de Arará, not to be confused with Cuban Vodú which is maintained by the Haitian population of Eastern Cuba, is related to La Regla de Lucumí and Vodou, with some overlap in songs, spirits, and traditions. All three use percussive music and dance to induce spiritual possession.


Arará music is characterized by particular percussive styles, including drumming, hand clapping and body percussion. Instruments include the ogan (an iron bell) which may be replaced with a guataca (hoe blade), cachimbo (smallest drum, highest pitch), mula (medium drum), and caja (largest drum, lowest pitch). The drums are single-headed and closed on the bottom, tuned with pegs. Other names for these drums are also used in some parts of Cuba, such as hungan for the caja. The lead is played with a stick and a hand, while the others are played with pairs of sticks by seated players.

See also

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