Jeremiah 9

Jeremiah 9
Book of Jeremiah in Hebrew Bible, MS. Sassoon 1053, images 283-315.
Book Book of Jeremiah
Bible part Old Testament
Order in the Bible part 24
Category Nevi'im

Jeremiah 9 is the ninth chapter of the Book of Jeremiah in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This book contains the prophecies spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, and is a part of the Books of the Prophets.[1][2]


Textual versions

Some most ancient manuscripts containing this chapter in Hebrew language:

  • Masoretic Text (10th century)
  • Dead Sea Scrolls: (2nd century BC)[3][4]
    • 4QJera (4Q70): extant: verses 1‑3, 8‑16
    • 4QJerb (4Q71): extant: verses 23‑24, 26
    • 4QJerc (4Q72): extant: verses 1‑6

Ancient translations in Koine Greek:


NKJV groups this chapter into:

Verse 25

“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord,
“that I will punish all who are circumcised with the uncircumcised—”[5]

Cross reference: Ezekiel 6:5

  • "Behold, the days are coming": a typical phrase in Jeremiah's prophecy.[6]

Verse 26

“Egypt, Judah, Edom, the people of Ammon, Moab, and all who are in the farthest corners, who dwell in the wilderness.
For all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.” (NKJV)[7]
  • "Uncircumcised in the heart": denoting "the physical marks of religious devotion... without an obedient will."[6] Circumcision as a sign of God's covenant with Abraham was meaningless without a faithful heart to God; God would ignore it when it was just "an outward symbol" (Deuteronomy 10:12-22).[8]

See also

Notes and references

  1. J. D. Davis. 1960. A Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.
  2. Theodore Hiebert, et al. 1996. The New Interpreter's Bible: Volume VI. Nashville: Abingdon.
  3. Timothy A. J. Jull; Douglas J. Donahue; Magen Broshi; Emanuel Tov (1995). "Radiocarbon Dating of Scrolls and Linen Fragments from the Judean Desert". Radiocarbon. 38 (1): 14. Retrieved 26 November 2014.
  4. Ulrich 2010, p. 561-563.
  5. Jeremiah 9:25
  6. 1 2 The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Augmented Third Edition, New Revised Standard Version, Indexed. Michael D. Coogan, Marc Brettler, Carol A. Newsom, Editors. Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 2007. p. 1092-1094 Hebrew Bible. ISBN 978-0195288810
  7. Jeremiah 9:26
  8. The Nelson Study Bible 1997, p. 1241-1243.


  • Ulrich, Eugene, ed. (2010). The Biblical Qumran Scrolls: Transcriptions and Textual Variants. Brill.
  • The Nelson Study Bible. Thomas Nelson, Inc. 1997. ISBN 9780840715999.



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