Government of Change

Government of Change
Governo del Cambiamento
Leaders Luigi Di Maio
Matteo Salvini
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
Founded 1 June 2018
Colours      Yellow      Green
of Deputies
353 / 630
of the Republic
171 / 315

The Government of Change (Italian: Governo del Cambiamento)[1] is a coalition in Italy composed of the Five Star Movement and the League. The coalition formed the Conte Cabinet under the leadership of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in June 2018.[2][3] The media have also dubbed it as the Yellow-Green government (Italian: Governo giallo-verde) due to the parties' official colors[4][5] while the League's leader has called it Yellow-Blue government (Italian: Governo giallo-blu).[6]

Supporting parties

The coalition is composed by the following parties.

Party Ideology Leader Refs
Five Star Movement (M5S) Populism, direct democracy Luigi Di Maio [7][8][9]
League (L) Right-wing populism, federalism Matteo Salvini [10][11]

The government is supported by the Associative Movement Italians Abroad (MAIE), which had been recently joined by five dissident deputies of the M5S, one dissident senator from the South American Union Italian Emigrants (USEI) and two dissident senators of the M5S.[12][13]

Background and formation

The March 2018 general election resulted in a hung parliament,[14] with the Five Star Movement (M5S) led by Luigi Di Maio that became the party with the largest number of votes and of parliamentary seats while the centre-right alliance in which Matteo Salvini's League emerged as the main political force won a plurality of seats in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate. The centre-left coalition led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi came third.[15]

On 18 May, after weeks of political deadlock the M5S and the League signed the "Contract for the Government of Change", a document that summarized the electoral programmes of the two parties.[16] On 21 May, Di Maio and Salvini proposed the private law professor Giuseppe Conte as new Prime Minister while themselves would serve as Deputy Prime Ministers. On 1 June, after some days of contrasts between President Sergio Mattarella and the two parties' leaders regarding the appointment of the Minister of Economy and Finances, Conte and his cabinet took their oaths of office and were sworn in.[17][18]

During his speech before the investiture vote in the Italian Senate on 5 June, Conte announced his willingness to reduce illegal immigration and increase the contrast to human traffickers and smugglers. He also advocated a fight against political corruption, the introduction of a law which regulates the conflict of interests, a new bill which expands the right of self-defense, a taxes reduction and a drastic cut to politics's costs, thanks to the annuities' abolition.[19][20][21] The Prime Minister also proposed to lift off the international sanctions against Russia.[22] During the speech, Conte proudly claimed of being populist and anti-establishment, if they mean listening to the people.[23][24]

The Senate approved the confidence vote with 171 votes in favor and 117 against, with 25 abstentions.[25] The cabinet was supported by M5S, Lega, two senators from MAIE and two independents while the Democratic Party (PD), Forza Italia (FI), Free and Equal (LeU) and other small centrist and centre-left parties voted against it. The far-right Brothers of Italy (FdI) and other ten independent senators abstained.[26] On the following day, the cabinet received 350 votes in favor out of 630 in the Chamber of Deputies, 236 votes against and 35 abstained.[27] As in the Senate, PD, FI and LeU voted against the government while FdI abstained. Besides M5S and League, Conte received two votes from independent deputy and one vote from Vittorio Sgarbi, a notable FI member who have always heavenly criticised the M5S, but decided to support the cabinet in respect of Salvini and with the hope that a Five Stars government could lead toward their failure.[28][29]

List of ministers

Electoral program and implementation

The two parties signed a contract on a shared program on various measures.[1] During his speech before the investiture vote in the Italian Senate on 5 June, Conte announced his willingness to reduce illegal immigration and increase the contrast to human traffickers and smugglers. He also advocated a fight against political corruption, the introduction of a law which regulates the conflict of interests, a new bill which expands the right of self-defense, a taxes reduction and a drastic cut to politics's costs, thanks to the annuities' abolition.[30][31][32] Conte also proposed to lift off the international sanctions against Russia.[33]


The coalition's immigration policy was led by Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, a strong opponent of illegal immigration.[34] Salvini laid out a three-point program to contrast illegal immigration, including increasing the number of repatriation centers, reducing immigration and increasing deportations of those who don't qualify for asylum.[35] The policy document calls for the deportation of Italy's estimated 500,000 undocumented immigrants "as a priority".[36]

On 10 June 2018, Salvini announced the closure of Italian ports, stating: "Everyone in Europe is doing their own business, now Italy is also raising its head. Let's stop the business of illegal immigration".[37] The following day, the Aquarius and SOS Méditerranée were turned away by Italy and Malta.[38] On the following day, Spain accepted the passengers of the Aquarius.[39]

On 18 June 2018, Salvini announced the government would conduct a census of Romani people in Italy for the purpose of deporting all who are not in the country legally.[40][41][42] However, this measure was criticized as unconstitutional and was opposed by all the oppositions and also by some members of the M5S.[43]


The Government of Change pledged to reform the Italian tax system by introducing flat taxes for businesses and individuals, with a no-tax area for low-income households and corrections to keep some degree of tax progression (as required by the Constitution).

Politicians salaries and pensions

The parties intend to cut the pensions and annuities of parliamentarians, regional councillors and those employed by constitutional bodies. All monthly pensions exceding by 5,000 euros the amount contributed while working will be reviewed.[44]

Direct democracy

The coalition has pledged to use direct democracy via referendum. Riccardo Fraccaro, a M5S long time advocate of such votes, became the world's first Minister for Direct Democracy, advocating a lowering of the 50% participation quorum for referendum to be valid and the introduction of citizens' initiatives for new laws.[45]

Public health

The parties have pledged to reform the public health system to minimize inefficiencies and wastefulness of resources. The contract features the digitalization of the public health system, enhanced transparency, improved governance in the pharmaceutical sector, centralization of purchases, fight against corruption, new procedures for the accreditation of private clinics, implementation of tele-medicine and improvement of home care. The parties envisioned a health system mostly supported by the fiscal system, with minimal contribution from the patients. They also pledged to reduce the waiting times for a specialist visit or for emergency care in public hospitals.[1]

Public water

The parties intend to implement the will of the Italian people who reaffirmed in a 2011 referendum the public nature of water. The parties pledged to guarantee the quality of public water in all the municipalities by improving the water transport network, minimizing the leaks and replacing old pipelines that may still contain asbestos and lead.[1]

Agriculture, fishing and Made in Italy

The coalition intends to promote a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union in a way that supports the Italian agriculture, but at the same time protects landscape and water resources and guarantees food safety. Small-scale agriculture and fishing should also be protected and the typical and traditional local productions should be safeguarded. Furthermore, the parties intend to promote the national productions within the trading treaties between the European Union and other countries and to protect the Made in Italy brand through proper labeling.[1]

Environment, green economy and circular economy

The parties pledged to increase the awareness around environmental issues and enforce measures of prevention and maintenance of the environment in order to mitigate the risk related to landslides, hydrogeology and floods. They also plan to devote special attention to the issues raised by climate change and pollution. They intend to promote a green economy and support research, innovation and training for ecology-related employment to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the industry and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. They also intend to promote a circular economy for a sustainable waste management based on enhanced recycling and regeneration. Finally, the parties plan to arrest land consumption through strategies of urban renewal, retrofit of private and public buildings and infrastructure, with increase of energy efficiency and the promotion of distributed energy generation.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Contratto per il Governo del Cambiamento" (PDF).
  2. "Il premier incaricato Conte: "Governo del cambiamento".
  3. "'Government of change': Euroskeptic coalition's choice for Italian PM officially approved".
  4. "Le aspettative degli italiani per il governo giallo-verde guidato da Conte".
  5. "Mattarella convoca Conte: sta per nascere il governo giallo-verde".
  6. "Il governo è giallo-blu (non giallo-verde) e 'legastellato'. Ora è ufficiale".
  7. "A top leader of Italy's Five Star Movement: Why we won". The Washington Post. March 19, 2018.
  8. BBC, ed. (10 May 2018). "Five Star and League: Italy populist leaders close to government deal". Retrieved 9 June 2018.
  9. Nick Squires; Peter Foster (4 March 2018). "Populist Five Star Movement wins largest share of vote in Italian election, exit poll indicates". The Telegraph. Retrieved 9 June 2018.
  10. Andrej Zaslove (2011). The Re-invention of the European Radical Right: Populism, Regionalism, and the Italian Lega Nord. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. p. 65. ISBN 978-0-7735-3851-1.
  11. Ruzza, Carlo; Fella, Stefano (2009), Re-inventing the Italian Right: Territorial Politics, Populism and 'Post-fascism', Routledge, p. 1, ISBN 9781134286348
  12. "Si rafforzano i numeri di Conte al Senato, tocca quota 171 sì".
  13. "Italian president gives populist parties more time to propose cabinet".
  14. Sala, Alessandro. "Elezioni 2018: M5S primo partito, nel centrodestra la Lega supera FI". Corriere della Sera (in Italian).
  15. "Elezioni politiche: vincono M5s e Lega. Crollo del Partito democratico. Centrodestra prima coalizione. Il Carroccio sorpassa Forza Italia". la Repubblica (in Italian). 4 March 2018. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  16. "Contratto di governo Lega–M5S: ecco il testo"
  17. "Governo Conte, ecco i ministri e chi sono: da Di Maio e Salvini e ai suoi fedelissimi Bonafede agli "istituzionali" come Moavero. Poi il prof di educazione fisica e il generale".
  18. "Nasce il governo Lega-M5S: Salvini e Di Maio vice che pesano più del premier".
  19. "Governo alla prova. Conte: "Basta business dei migranti, daspo per corrotti e corruttori".
  20. "Conte: tasse eque, salario minimo e giù debito con la crescita".
  21. "Comunicazioni del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri. Senato della Repubblica – seduta del 5 giugno 2018. Resoconto stenografico" (PDF). Full text of his speech.
  22. "Italy breaks with European allies and voices support for Russia after populist party takes power".
  23. "Conte, populisti? Sì,ascoltiamo la gente".
  24. "Italy's New Prime Minister Unnerves Investors With 'Revolutionary' Agenda".
  25. "The Latest: Italy's populist govt wins 1st confidence vote".
  26. "Governo, 171 sì per la fiducia, Conte: euro non in discussione. Salvini: no aumento Iva".
  27. "Camera, approvata la fiducia. Conte: "Tratteremo con l'Ue sul nostro debito". Delrio (Pd): "Studi la Carta, non sia un pupazzo".
  28. "Governo, lo strappo di Sgarbi: "Penso malissimo di Di Maio. Ma voto sì: Salvini realizzerà il programma di centrodestra".
  29. "Governo, Sgarbi show alla Camera: "Dove c'è il disordine io prospero. Voterò la fiducia per assistere al vostro declino".
  30. "Governo alla prova. Conte: "Basta business dei migranti, daspo per corrotti e corruttori".
  31. "Conte: tasse eque, salario minimo e giù debito con la crescita".
  32. "Comunicazioni del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri. Senato della Repubblica – seduta del 5 giugno 2018. Resoconto stenografico" (PDF). Full text of his speech.
  33. "Italy diverges with Western European allies and voices support for Russia after populist party takes power". The Independent. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  34. Harlan, Chico (4 June 2018). "The Torchbearer of Italy's Far Right is Now in Power and Wants to Make Good on Anti-Migrant Promises". The Washington Post. Retrieved 10 June 2018.
  35. "La mia linea d'azione da ministro: aumentare numero centri rimpatri, in modo che immigrati stiano dentro e non girino per le città facendo confusione, ridurre numero sbarchi e aumentare numero espulsioni. Immigrati regolari non hanno nulla da temere. Mi sembra solo buonsenso".
  36. "Italy 'to shut ports' to boat carrying over 600 refugees".
  37. "Migranti, l'Italia sfida Malta. Salvini: chiudiamo i porti". La Stampa (in Italian). Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  38. "Malta and Spain offer safe port to stranded migrant ship". Sky News. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  39. "Spain to accept disputed migrant ship". BBC News. 12 June 2018. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  40. "Italy to compile 'register' of Roma people: Matteo Salvini". 18 June 2018. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  41. Rome, Tom Kington (19 June 2018). "Matteo Salvini wants Gypsy census in Italy". The Times. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  42. Kirchgaessner, Stephanie (19 June 2018). "Far-right Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  43. "Salvini shock: "Censimento sui rom, quelli italiani purtroppo ce li dobbiamo tenere". Scontro nel governo, Di Maio: "Incostituzionale". la Repubblica (in Italian). 18 June 2018. Retrieved 23 June 2018.
  44. "Here are the main things Italian PM Giuseppe Conte said in his first speech".
  45. "Italy gets the world's first minister for direct democracy".
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