
A young girl with her hair in unbraided bunches

Bunches (also called twintails, angel wings, or pigtails) are a hairstyle in which the hair is parted down the middle and gathered into two symmetrical bundles, like ponytails, secured near the scalp. Sometimes this hairstyle is referred to as "pigtails," but in other case the term "pigtails" applies only if the hair is braided.[1]


  • In Japan, hair bunches are called 'twin tails' (ツインテール, tsuin teeru). A popular variation is the odango hairstyle, in which each ponytail is partially coiled around its base to form a small bun from which the remaining length hangs free.
  • Schoolgirls in India customarily wear their hair in a pair of long braids, with the end of each braid looped up and fastened to its base with red ribbon.


  1. "What Are Pigtails?". Ambafrance-do.org. Retrieved August 14, 2016.
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