< Fractals < Iterations in the complex plane

Parts of parameter plane

Parts of Mandelbrot set according to M Romera et al.:[1]

    • main cardioid
    • q/p family (= q/p limb)
      • period doubling cascade of hyperbolic components which ends at the Myrberg-Feigenbaum point
      • shrub

Not that her q/p not p/q notation is used

How to choose a point from parameter plane ?

  • clicking on parameter points and see what you have ( random choose)
  • computing a point with known properties.
    • For (parabolic point ) choose hyperbolic component ( period , number) and internal angle (= rotation number) then compute c parameter.
    • Misiurewicz points [2]
    • see also known regins in [3]
    • morphing
    • intresting areas[4]
  • zoom

How to move on parameter plane ?



Examples :

 // glsl code by iq from https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Mss3R8
 float ltime = 0.5-0.5*cos(time*0.12);
 vec2 c = vec2( -0.745, 0.186 ) - 0.045*zoom*(1.0-ltime);

 // glsl code by xylifyx  from https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XssXDr
 vec2 c = vec2( 0.37+cos(iTime*1.23462673423)*0.04, sin(iTime*1.43472384234)*0.10+0.50);

 // by Marco Gilardi
 // https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MllGzB
 vec2 c = vec2(-0.754, 0.05*(abs(cos(0.1*iTime))+0.8));

Plane types

The phase space of a quadratic map is called its parameter plane. Here:

  • is constant
  • is variable

There is no dynamics here. It is only a set of parameter values. There are no orbits on the parameter plane.

The parameter plane consists of :

  • The Mandelbrot set
    • The bifurcation locus = boundary of Mandelbrot set
    • Bounded hyperbolic components of the Mandelbrot set = interior of Mandelbrot set [5]

There are many different types of the parameter plane[6] [7]

  • plain ( c-plane )
  • inverted c-plane = 1/c plane
  • lambda plane
  • exponential plane ( map) [8][9]
  • unrolled plain (flatten' the cardiod = unroll ) [10][11] = "A region along the cardioid is continuously blown up and stretched out, so that the respective segment of the cardioid becomes a line segment. .." ( Figure 4.22 on pages 204-205 of The Science Of Fractal Images)[12]
  • transformations [13]
  • log : "To illustrate the complexity of the boundary of the Mandelbrot set, Figure 8 renders the image of dM under the transformation log(z - c) for a certain c e dM ? Note the cusp on the main cardioid in the upper right; looking to the left in the figure corresponds to

zooming in towards the point c. (Namely, c = -0.39054087... - 0.58678790i... the point on the boundary of the main cardioid corresponding to the golden mean Siegel disk.). Note the cusp on the main cardioid in the upper right; looking to the left in the figure corresponds to zooming in towards the point c. "[14]

    • "Legendary side scrolling fractal zoom. 1 Month + (Interpolator+Video Editor) = Log(z). This means logarithmic projection for this location, that gives this interesting side-scrolling plane ^^)"[15]
    • " There are no program that can render this fractal on log(Z) plane. But you can make it in Ultra Fractal or in similar software with programmable distributive. Formula is:C = exp(D), for D - is your zoomable coordinates" SeryZone X


point c description

  • c value
    • Cartesion description
      • real part
      • imaginary part
    • polar description:
      • (external or internal ) angle
      • ( external or internal) radius

Point Types

point =pixel of parameter plane = c parameter


Criteria for classification of parameter plane points :

  • arithmetic properties of internal angle (rotational number) or external angle
    • in case of exterior point:
      • type of angle : rational, irrational, ....
      • preperiod and period of angle under doubling map
    • in case of boundary point :
      • preperiod and period of external angle under doubling map
      • preperiod and period of internal angle under doubling map
  • set properties ( relation with the Mandelbrot set and wakes)
    • interior
    • boundary
    • exterior
      • inside wake, subwake
      • outside all the wakes, belonging to a parameter ray landing at a Siegel or Cremer parameter,
  • geometric properities
    • number of of external rays that land on the boundary point : tips ( 1 ray), biaccesible, triaccesible, ....
    • position of critical point with relation to the Julia set
  • Renormalization


There is no complete classification. The "unclassifed" parameters are uncountably infinite, as are the associated angles.

Simple classification

  • exterior of Mandelbrot set
  • Mandelbrot set
    • boundary of Mandelbrot set
    • interior of Mandelbrot set
      • centers,
      • other internal points ( points of internal rays )

partial classification of boundary points

Classification :[16]

  • Boundaries of primitive and satellite hyperbolic components:
    • Parabolic (including 1/4 and primitive roots which are landing points for 2 parameter rays with rational external angles = biaccesible ).
    • Siegel ( a unique parameter ray landing with irrational external angle)
    • Cremer ( a unique parameter ray landing with irrational external angle)
  • Boundary of M without boundaries of hyperbolic components:
    • non-renormalizable (Misiurewicz with rational external angle and other).
    • renormalizable
      • finitely renormalizable (Misiurewicz and other).
      • infinitely renormalizble (Feigenbaum and other). Angle in turns of external rays landing on the Feigenbaum point are irrational numbers
  • non hyperbolic components ( we believe they do not exist but we cannot prove it ) Boundaries of non-hyperbolic components would be infinitely renormalizable as well.

Here "other" has not a complete description. The polynomial may have a locally connected Julia set or not, the critcal point may be rcurrent or not, the number of branches at branch points may be bounded or not ...




See also


  1. SHRUBS IN THE MANDELBROT SET ORDERING by M Romero, G Pastor, G Alvarez, F Montoya
  2. interesting c points by Owen Maresh
  3. Visual Guide To Patterns In The Mandelbrot Set by Miqel
  4. fractalforums : deep-zooming-to-interesting-areas
  5. Lasse Rempe, Dierk Schleicher : Bifurcation Loci of Exponential Maps and Quadratic Polynomials: Local Connectivity, Triviality of Fibers, and Density of Hyperbolicity
  6. Alternate Parameter Planes by David E. Joyce
  7. exponentialmap by Robert Munafo
  8. mu-ency : exponential map by R Munafo
  9. Exponential mapping and OpenMP by Claude Heiland-Allen
  10. Linas Vepstas : Self Similar?
  11. the flattened cardioid of a Mandelbrot by Tom Rathborne
  12. Stretching cusps by Claude Heiland-Allen
  13. Twisted Mandelbrot Sets by Eric C. Hill
  15. youtube video : Mandelbrot deep zoom to 2^142 or 5.5*10^42. Log(z) by SeryZone X
  16. stackexchange : classification-of-points-in-the-mandelbrot-set
  17. fractalforums : tricky-mandelbrot-problem
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