

Kanji in this term

Grade: 3

Alternative forms


Derived as the intransitive form of Old Japanese verb 決む (kimu, to decide something, to conclude something; to be decided, to be concluded).[1][2][3]

The source verb kimu appears to follow a common pattern in Old Japanese verbs where the bare form is either transitive or intransitive, depending on context. This pattern persists in some modern verbs, such as つく (tsuku). Many of these Old Japanese verbs developed explicit transitive and intransitive forms, with one group adopting an -aru on the end for the intransitive (as the 未然形 (mizenkei, irrealis or incomplete form) ending in -a + the conjugating (ru) as the basic spontaneous or passive verb ending), and an -eru on the end for the transitive (as the 已然形 (izenkei, realis or potential form) + the disappearing (ru) as a generic verb ending).



決まる (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana きまる, rōmaji kimaru)

Japanese verb pair
active 決める
mediopassive 決まる
  1. to be decided, to be concluded, to be brought to a resolution


Derived terms


  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  4. 1997, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Fifth Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
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