

FWOTD – 1 February 2015
Kanji in this term

Grade: S

Alternative forms


轢き (hiki, running over, from 轢く (hiku, to run over)) + 逃げ (nige, fleeing, from 逃げる (nigeru, to flee))



ひき逃げ (hiragana ひきにげ, rōmaji hikinige)

  1. a hit and run (the crime of causing an accident and leaving)
    • 2014 June 8, “ヤンゴン市内の交通規制を強化”, in Myanmar News:
       (あたら)しい () (せい)では、 () (こう) (しゃ)をはねたり () ()をした (もの)は、バス (うん) (てん) (しゅ)として (しょく) (うしな)うことになった。
      Atarashii kisei de wa, hokōsha o hane tari hikinige o shita mono wa, basu untenshu toshite shoku o ushinau koto ni natta.
      In the new regulations, a bus driver who hits a pedestrian or has a hit-and-run will lose the job.
    • 2015 August 23, Aoyama, Gosho, “FILEファイル.5 SELFIEセルフィー”, in めいたんていコナン [Legendary Detective Conan], volume 87 (fiction), Tokyo: Shogakukan, →ISBN:
      Kanojo no kao no yoko ni aru desho? “Koi no Hitto endo Ran”tte! Hitto endo ran wa Nippon da to yakyū yōgo da kedo, gaikoku dato…
      Don’t you see that one next to her face? “The Hit and Run of Love”! In Japan hit and run’s just a baseball term, but elsewhere it also means…
      The crime of hit and run…


ひき逃げする (hiragana ひきにげする, rōmaji hikinige suru)

  1. to hit and run (hit someone with a vehicle then leave)


See also

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