


Originally the iterative form of stāt (to stop, to halt); traditionally, it was considered a parallel form to stostīties (to stutter, to stammer), and its original meaning was given as “to stop several times (e.g., while talking),” from which “to tell (a story).” But interrupted speech is not a characteristic of storytelling; it has therefore been suggested that the original meaning might have been “to put, place repeatedly, in various ways” (from Proto-Indo-European *stā- < *steh₂- “to place, to put”), from which metaphorically “to place (with words) the story in front of the hearer.” In the 17th century, there were some instances of stāstīt in the sense of skaitīt (to count), but this never became frequent.[1]


  • IPA(key): [stâːstîːt]


stāstīt tr. or intr., 3rd conj., pres. stāstu, stāsti, stāsta, past stāstīju

  1. to tell, to narrate (to make something known orally, by speaking)
    stāstīt pasakuto tell a tale
    stāstīt anekdotesto tell jokes
    stāstīt patiesībuto tell the truth
    stāstīt savus piedīvojumusto tell one's adventures
    stāstīt atgadījumus no savas dzīvesto tell incidents from one's life
    stāstīt ceļuto show (lit. to tell) the way (to somewhere)
    stāstīt par savu bērībuto tell about one's childhood
    stāstīt gari un plašito tell long and wide (i.e., everything)
    “ko nu tu, Silva, te stāsti!” Dzērvīte norāj“what (stories) are you telling now here, Silva!” Dērvīte scolded



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • iestāstīt
  • izstāstīt
  • nostāstīt
  • pastāstīt
  • pārstāstīt
  • piestāstīt
  • sastāstīt
other derived terms:


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), stāstīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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