


From seksuāls (sexual) + -izēt (with seksuāls from sekss + -āls). Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages. Apparently a neologism; still not mentioned in academic dictionaries, but attested in the media.



seksualizēt tr., 2nd conj., pres. seksualizēju, seksualizē, seksualizē, past seksualizēju

  1. to sexualize (to make sexual; to attribute sexual characteristics or sexual interest to)
    lielākā daļa ASV slavenību grib seksualizēt jaunatnimost American celebrities want to sexualize the youth
    sievietes ķermenis tiek depersonificēts un seksualizētsthe woman's body becomes depersonified and sexualized
    foto, kurā atspoguļota bērnu seksualizēšanaa photo in which the sexualization of children is portrayed


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