Tebing Tinggi Island

Tebing Tinggi Island (also Rantau) is an island off the north east coast of Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, in the Strait of Malacca. It is located in the Meranti Islands Regency, and is directly east of Padang Island and directly south of Rangsang Island.[1][2] The area is 1597 km2.

The capital is Selat Panjang. Other population centers include Bengkikit, Merbau, Mengkudu, Sungaitohor and Mayau around the coast, and Deremi in the interior. The population of the island at the 2010 Census was 81,008.


  1. Cahyono, Bambang Kun; Aditya, Trias; Istarno (9 March 2020). "The Least Square Adjustment for Estimating the Tropical Peat Depth Using LiDAR Data". Remote Sensing. 12 (5): 875. Bibcode:2020RemS...12..875C. doi:10.3390/rs12050875. Retrieved 18 April 2020.
  2. Zulirfan, Zulirfan; Rahmad, Muhammad; Yennita, Yennita; Kurnia, Nina; Hadi, Muhammad Sofyan (31 July 2018). "Science Process Skills and Attitudes toward Science of Lower Secondary Students of Merbau Island: A Preliminary Study on the Development of MaritimeBased Contextual Science Learning Media". Journal of Educational Sciences. 2 (2): 90. doi:10.31258/jes.2.2.p.90-99.

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