Liechtensteiner Americans

Liechtensteiner Americans (German: Liechtensteineramerikaner) are Americans of Liechtenstein descent.

Liechtensteiner Americans
Total population
0.0004% of the U.S. population[1] (2000)
American English · German (Alemannic German)
Roman Catholicism


The first Liechtensteiner emigrants of which have record emigrated in United States in the early 1830s. However, first great wave of Liechtensteiner emigrants arrived to the United States on April 7, 1851, settling in New Orleans; and in 1852 other group emigrated to Dubuque, Iowa (including stonemasons, bricklayers and carpenters). Eventually, many of the Liechtensteiner emigrants of Dubuque left the city and got farms nearby. However, the Liechtensteiner emigration was markedly reduced during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Later, when began the construction of railroads "to lying the country together and opening up the West", others Liechtensteiners emigrated to United States to work in the construction of railroads.

During the following decades, other many Liechtensteiners emigrated to places such as Guttenberg, Iowa and Wabash, Indiana. However, between 1885 and 1907, Liechtensteiner emigration was markedly reduced, limited to a few individuals and families. Less than 30 Liechtensteiners emigrated during that period to United States. Reducing migration was due to the significant increase in economic activity derived from the establishment of first textile factories in the 1880s.

The First World War caused an economic crisis in Liechtenstein (which was originated, among other things, because the Entente allies stopped the "import of raw materials" into the country and the "massive speculation by the national bank"), so the Liechtenstein emigration to United States was retaken. Most of new Liechtensteiner emigrants settled in urban areas, especially in Chicago and Hammond, Indiana, but had Liechtensteiners in the whole country.

After the Second World War, a few more Liechtensteiners emigrated to United States, arriving the largest number in 1948, when entered fifteen individuals or families to this country. The reduction of the Liechtenstein emigration was due to improvements in economic conditions of Liechtenstein.[2]

Notable people


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