Ziyarat al-Nahiya al-Muqaddasa

Ziyarat al-Nahiya al-Muqaddasa (Arabic: زیارة الناحية المقدسة) which means Ziyarat of the sacred area, is regarded as a related Ziyarat to Hussain ibn Ali; it is recited on Ashura day[1][2] (and likewise other times).[3][4]

There are two Ziyarats which are well-known by that title, the first one that is considered as the famous one and the second one which is Ziyarat al Shuhada and it contains the name of Hussein's companions with the ones who killed them.[5]

The beginning of the famous Ziyarat is about salutation to divine prophets and likewise Ma'sum (infallible) Imams; it keeps on by greeting to Imam Hussain and also his companions. Afterwards, it mentions some traits/virtues of him; his uprising background, his martyrdom and passions circumstances, the grief of all the universe, beings of heaven/earth, due to his sensations. Eventually, it is ended with tawassul (having recourse) to Ma'sum Imams and likewise du'a (suplication) to Allah.[6][7]


Generally, ziyārah (Arabic: زیارة) means "visiting" and likewise "going to sacred places";[8] from Islamic view, it means turning and withdrawing from something; this is regarded as going/visiting holy shrine of saint persons such as the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, Ali, Hussain and even visiting Imamzadeh and famous religious figures. On the other hand, the phrase "Nahiya Muqaddsah literally means sacred zone"; additionally, Nahiya Muqqadasa is an expression that Shia Muslims were using it in order to mention infallible Imam since the time of (Imam) Hadi to the end of minor occultation.[9][10]

Verses of the Ziyarat

Some initial phases of Ziyarat Nahiya Muqaddasa are as follows:

  • Salam be upon Adam, the chosen one of Allah from among His creation.
  • Salam be upon Seth (Shaith), the Wali of Allah and His elite.
  • Salam be upon Idris, who established religion on behalf of Allah by His authority.
  • Salam be upon Nuh, whose invocation for punishment was answered.
  • Salam be upon Hud, who was assisted through Allah’s aid.
  • Salam be upon Salih, whom Allah crowned with His generosity.
  • Salam be upon Ibrahim, whom Allah endowed with His friendship.
  • Salam be upon Isma’il, whom Allah ransomed with a great sacrifice from His Heaven.
  • Salam be upon Is’haq, in whose progeny Allah placed prophethood.
  • Salam be upon Ya’qub, for whom Allah restored his sight by His mercy.
  • Salam be upon Yusuf, whom Allah rescued from the well by His majesty.
  • Salam be upon Musa, the one for whom Allah split the sea with His Power.[11]

See also


  1. Text, translations, voice and mobile software of Ziyarat Nahiyah Muqaddasa tasnimnews.com 5 May 2018
  2. Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.98, P.317
  3. Ziyarat Nahiya Muqaddasa + Voice yjc.ir Retrieved 5 May 2018
  4. The Ziyarah of Nahiyyah Mughaddasah plus (its) voice roozame.com Retrieved 5 May 2018
  5. Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.45, P.64
  6. Ziyarah Nahiyah Muqaddasah (audio) cafebazaar.ir Retrieved 5 May 2018
  7. The Ziyarah of Nahiya Moghaddasah ashora.ir Retrieved 5 May 2018
  8. Ziyarat vajehyab.com Retrieved 6 May 2018
  9. Descriptions of Ali Akbar (a.s.) in the Ziyarah of Nahiya Moqaddasah tasnimnews.com Retrieved 5 May 2018
  10. Ali Akbar's (a.s.) qualifications in Ziyarah Nahiya Moqaddasah aghigh.ir Retrieved 5 May 2018
  11. English Translation of Ziarat Nahiya wilayatmission.org Retrieved 26 April 2018
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