Sunan Ampel

Sunan Ampel (also Raden Rakhmat @Sayyid Ahmad Rahmatullah; 1401–1481)[1] was one of the Javanese nine reverred saints Wali Songo, credited for the spread Islam in Java.

Sunan Ampel's simple five avoidance and Islamisation philosophy Mohlimo or Molimo. Moh (Do Not Want or NO TO ), limo (five), proved to be an effective call to address the moral decay in East Java at that time. It accelerated the spread of Islam throughout Java.

The MohLIMO are

  1. Moh Mabok: No to drinking and Intoxicant
  2. Moh Main: No to gambling
  3. Moh Madon: No to illicit sex
  4. Moh Madat: No to drugs
  5. Moh Maling: No to Stealing


The father of Sunan Ampel was Maulana Malik Ibrahim also known as Ibrahim as-Samarkandy ("Ibrahim Asmarakandi" among Indonesian and Javanese). The preceding country of origin was Samarkand Uzbekistan.

Sunan Ampel @ Raden Rahmat @ Sayyid Ahmad Rahmatullah bin Maulana Malik Ibrahim @ Ibrahim Asmoro @Ibrahim Akbar bin Syaikh Jumadil Qubro @ Jamaluddin Akbar Khan

Syeikh Jumaidil Qubro came to Java with his two sons Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Maulana Ishak. Malik Ibrahim travelled to Champa while the brother Ishak travelled to Pasai. Ibrahim was credited for the Islamisation of the Champa King. He was married to the daughter of the Champa King, known by the Javanised name Dewi Chandrawulan. She was a sister to Dwarawati the Puteri Champa. It was Puteri Champa who was later married off to Kertawijaya, the king of Majapahit.[2]

Sunan Ampel was born in Champa, in present day Cambodia, in 1401 CE.

A gravestone dated AH 822 (AD 1419) has been found at Gresik an East Javanese port and marks the burial of Malik Ibrahim.

Sunan Ampel came to Java in 1443 CE possibly to visit his aunt Dwarawati,

Sunan Ampel married Nyai Ageng Manila, a daughter of Arya Teja the "Adipati" of Tuban. They had the following children

  1. Maulana Mahdum Ibrahim/Raden Mahdum Ibrahim/ /Bong Ang/ Sunan Bonang
  2. Syarifuddin/Raden Qasim/ Sunan Drajat Sunan Drajat
  3. Siti Syari’ah/ Nyai Ageng Maloka/ Nyai Ageng Manyuran
  4. Siti Muthmainnah
  5. Siti Hafsah

The second wife was Dewi Karimah binti Ki Kembang Kuning, with the following children:

  1. Dewi Murtasiyah/ wife of Sunan Giri
  2. Dewi Murtasimah/ Asyiqah/ wife of Raden Fatah
  3. Raden Husamuddin (Sunan Lamongan)
  4. Raden Zainal Abidin (Sunan Demak)
  5. Pangeran Tumapel
  6. Raden Faqih (Sunan Ampel 2)

The daughter that married Raden Patah was the mother to Trenggana, who succeeded his father as the Sultan of the Sultanate of Demak.[3]

Another theory claims that Sunan Ampel had Chinese ancestry and identifies him as Bong Swi Hoo.[4] . The Champa theory is more substantiated considering the many similarities of name of places in Cambodia and East Java such as Kendal and AMPEL. Kendal is a province near Semarang. The province where Phnom Penh is seated is also KENDAL. Ampel is also a common name of places in Cambodia. Similarly for food, Amok in Cambodia is a duplicate of botok-botok which is uniique to East Java.

Sunan Ampel died in Demak in 1481 CE, but was buried in Ampel Mosque.


Teacher of Sunan Giri[5] and Raden Patah.[6]

See also


  1. Sejarah Indonesia: Wali Songo
  2. id:Sunan Ampel
  3. id:Raden Patah
  4. Muljana, Prof. Dr. Slamet (2005). RUNTUHNYA KERAJAAN HINDU-JAWA DAN TIMBULNYA NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM DI NUSANTARA. Yogyakarta: LKiS. pp. 86–101. ISBN 979-8451-16-3.
  6. id:Raden Patah
  • Sunyoto, Agus (2014). Atlas Wali Songo: Buku Pertama yang Mengungkap Wali Songo Sebagai Fakta Sejarah. 6th edition. Depok: Pustaka IIMaN. ISBN 978-602-8648-09-7

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