Psalm 147

Scroll of the Psalms

Psalm 147 is the 147th psalm of the Book of Psalms (Greek numbering: Psalm 146-147). The theme of the psalm is a focus on the rebuilding of Jerusalem.




Since the Middle Ages, this psalm was recited or sung at the office of Vespers on Saturday, according to the Rule of St. Benedict of 530AD. The Septuagint and the Vulgate consider it to be two distinct psalms, Psalms 146 and 147.[3]

In the Liturgy of the Hours today, the first part, known also as Psalm 146, is recited or sung at Lauds on Thursday of the fourth week and the second part on Friday of the second and fourth week of the four-week cycle of the psalter. In the liturgy of the Mass, the first part (Psalm 146) is sung or read on the fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time of Year B of the three-year Sundays cycle and on the first Saturday in Advent in the two-year weekday cycle, and the second part (Psalm 147) is used on the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ in year A of the Sundays cycle, and on several weekdays.

Musical settings

  • Anton BrucknerPsalm 146 Alleluja! Lobet den Herrn; denn lobsingen ist gut WAB 37 (c.1856) - setting of verses 1 to 11.
  • In 1610, Monteverdi published his Vespers to the Virgin, work in which he set to music for choir and continuo seven votes verses 12 to 20.

The same verses served to Michel Richard Delalande for its "Lauda Jerusalem Dominum" for the celebration of daily Mass for King Louis XIV at Versailles.

  • Henry Desmarest, contemporary composer of Michel-Richard Delalande, wrote a great motet on this psalm.


  1. The Complete Artscroll Siddur page 70
  2. The Artscroll Tehillim page 329
  3. Psautier latin-français du bréviaire monastique, 1938/2003 p538.
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