Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company[1] is an attached organisation of Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan. Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company was created due to the enormous potential of Pakistan’s horticulture products in the global market. In the absence of a single ministry or institution responsible for development at all levels of the horticulture value chain it was considered important to set up PHDEC to uplift this sector, especially in light of the impact of globalization and WTO regime.[2]

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC), is a Company incorporated under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance 2017.It works under the administrative control of Ministry of Commerce[3].


The organisation was created as Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Board in 2002 and started its operations in 2003 as PHDEB. Later on, PHDEB was converted into a Section 42 Company in July 2009. As suggested by its name, the Company has the two-pronged strategy for the development and export of horticulture products of Pakistan. PHDEC is bestowed upon with the responsibility of interventions into the areas of production, development and exports by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan.


PHDEC envisions the vitalization of a dynamic, open and market-driven horticulture sector, which would transform into a resilient and sustainable sector, equipped to meet the challenges of globalization by uplifting the horticulture sector in the light of WTO regime and thus successfully create a niche in the international market.


To develop, promote, coordinate, and enhance Pakistan’s horticulture products by introducing Pakistan to the higher-end international and regional markets through timely, well integrated and strategic initiatives and interventions, aiming at the same time to facilitate all the stakeholders in the horticulture value chain to adopt ways and means in compliance with International SPS standards and WTO regime.


• Improvement of supply chain system including the establishment of modern infrastructure • Encouraging facilitating and training the growers to grow for export • Facilitating adoption of international standards and certifications for compliance with import requirements of major importing countries • Information dissemination on international compliances on food quality and safety and by capacity building of the stakeholders • Promoting/facilitating investment in horticulture processing industry, infrastructure and other areas ancillary to horticultural exports • Promoting and developing the competitiveness of horticulture industry with the focus on exports of value-added fresh & processed horti-products • To promote the export of horticulture products by: o Setting up market intelligence services, o Establishing linkages with international marketing companies o Facilitating trial shipments to new markets/segments o Organizing exporters’ delegations and their participation in International Exhibitions relating to horticultural products • To provide facilities for settlement of disputes relating to and arising from trade transactions of the horticulture sector.


The main objectives of PHDEC are supply chain improvement of horticulture, post-harvest management, facilitation/promotion of related infrastructure, capacity building of stakeholders and promotion/enhancement of export, the details on which are available in its Memorandum & Articles of Association.


Over the past 15 years, PHDEC has emerged as a specialized organization for horticulture development & export promotion, recognized both at national and international levels. The scope of working under the policy guidance of Board of Directors (BODs) includes but not limited to; promote, regulate, coordinate and to encourage the export of horticulture products hence improving the economic well-being of all the stakeholders in the horticulture value chain. The main thrust is to put Pakistan in the high-end international markets through strong marketing efforts along with integrated interventions and facilitation in all the sub-sectors of the value chain.

The awareness created by PHDEC in the sector for product and packaging development is being replicated by several government-funded projects, donor agencies and other national and international organizations. PHDEC has been working in close liaison with Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Food Security and Research, Provincial Agriculture Departments, Agriculture Universities, Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF), Pakistan Missions abroad, National Productivity Organisation (NPO), NPPO, USAID, CABI, CBI, PUM, TRTA I&II, UNIDO, USAID, USDA, and different trade-related organisations/associations/farmer groups/chambers of commerce and Industry.

Being sole representative of the horticulture industry, PHDEC has shown a gradual improvement in its performance. The increase in volume and value of horticulture products (fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, herbs/medicinal plants) from 2003-04 to 2015-16 is an un-denying proof of the performance of PHDEC over the years.

See also


  1. "Govt reply sought in PHDEC case". Retrieved 2015-04-09.
  2. "PHDEC conducts mango research course". Retrieved 2015-04-09.
  3. "Palm oil rises | Business Recorder". 2015-01-09. Retrieved 2015-04-09.

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