
See also: Ember




Etymology 1

From Middle English embre, eymbre, aymer, eymere, emeri, from Old English ǣmyrġe, from Proto-Germanic *aimuzjǭ, a compound of *aimaz + *uzjǭ. The latter is from Proto-Indo-European *h₁ews- (to burn). The b is intrusive and was added in English for ease of pronunciation when the vowel of the second syllable (y) disappeared.

See also Swedish mörja (embers), Danish emmer, Old High German eimuria (pyre).


ember (plural embers)

  1. A glowing piece of coal or wood.
  2. Smoldering ash.

See also

Etymology 2

From Middle English embryne (running around, circuit), from Old English ymbryne (course; circuit), equivalent to umb- + run.


ember (not comparable)

  1. Making a circuit of the year or the seasons; recurring in each quarter of the year, as certain religious days set apart for fasting and prayer.
    ember fasts
    ember days
    ember weeks

Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for ember in
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.)



Alternative forms

  • embör (southern dialects)
  • emberfia (dialectal, archaic)
    • ember fia (alternate spelling)
  • embörfia (southern dialects, archaic)
  • ämber (northern dialects)


Probably a compound word. The first element is related to the base word of emse (“female”), the second element is the variant of férj (husband) which originally meant man.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ˈɛmbɛr]
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: em‧ber


ember (plural emberek)

  1. person
    Synonyms: személy,
  2. (biology) human (a human being, whether man, woman or child)
  3. mankind, humanity, man (all humans collectively)
  4. one, you (generic pronoun)
    • 1922, Zsigmond Móricz, Tündérkert, book 1, chapter 9:
      Az ebédrehívás mindannyiuknak jólesett, mert az ember megéhezik a sok beszéd közt s a háború félelmében.
      The invitation to lunch made all of them feel good, for anyone would get hungry from much talk and the fear of the war.
    Az embernek szórakoznia is kell néha.You have to have fun sometimes too.
    Sajnos az ember nem tud pénz nélkül élni.Unfortunately you can't live without money.

Usage notes

The word ember is gender-neutral in the biological sense, or in the plural where it can refer to a mixed group of men and women or to people in general, and also in expressions like embere válogatja (depends on the person), where it is again used in a general sense. In contrast with this, when it is used in the singular to refer to one person in particular, there is a strong implication that one is probably talking about a man and not a woman, in which case egy (a woman) would sound more natural. As a generic pronoun, it has no such connotations, but even so, women sometimes colloquially use the expression az ember lánya (literally the daughter of man) instead, especially when talking about topics that only pertain to women in general.


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative ember emberek
accusative embert embereket
dative embernek embereknek
instrumental emberrel emberekkel
causal-final emberért emberekért
translative emberré emberekké
terminative emberig emberekig
essive-formal emberként emberekként
essive-modal emberül
inessive emberben emberekben
superessive emberen embereken
adessive embernél embereknél
illative emberbe emberekbe
sublative emberre emberekre
allative emberhez emberekhez
elative emberből emberekből
delative emberről emberekről
ablative embertől emberektől
Possessive forms of ember
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. emberem embereim
2nd person sing. embered embereid
3rd person sing. embere emberei
1st person plural emberünk embereink
2nd person plural emberetek embereitek
3rd person plural emberük embereik

Derived terms

Compound words


  1. Zaicz, Gábor. Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (’Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN



From Dutch emmer.


ember (plural ember-ember, first-person possessive emberku, second-person possessive embermu, third-person possessive embernya)

  1. bucket
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