


Underlyingly *bild-ti, an iR-vocalization of the zero grade *bʰl̥- of Proto-Indo-European *bʰel- (to sound; to speak, roar, bark) which gave rise to an (unattested) *bilt which was extended with an additional -d- giving bilst. Of the same origin as balss (voice). Cognate with Lithuanian bilti (to speak) (3rd pres. bilsta), bilsti (to knock, rumble), byla (speech; case, file), Old Prussian billīt, billītwei (to say, speak). Iterative bildēt (to speak) (whence atbildēt (to respond)), causative bildināt (to propose someone).[1] Derksen reconstructs *bʰl̥d- already at a Proto-Indo-European stage, see Lithuanian bildėti.



bilst intr., 1st conj., pres. bilstu, bilsti, bilst, past bildu

  1. (transitive) to utter; to say, especially in few words


  • iebilst (to object)
  • iebildums (objection)
  • atbilst (to correspond, match, suit)
  • atbilstība (suitability, correspondence)
  • piebilst (to add, note)
  • piebilde (note, (an additional) condition)
  • aizbilst (to put in a good word for someone)
  • aizbildnis (legal guardian)
  • atbildēt (to respond, reply)
  • atbilde (response)
  • atbildība (responsibility)
  • bildināt (to propose someone)


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), bilst”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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