

Alternative forms


From Latin apud with the confluence of ad post.


  • IPA(key): /ˈap.po/, [ˈäppo̞]
  • Stress: àppo
  • Hyphenation: ap‧po


appo (obsolete)

  1. at, nearby
    • 1835, Giacomo Leopardi, “XXII. Le ricordanze [Memories]”, in Canti, Bari: Einaudi, published 1917, lines 14–15, page 82:
      E la lucciola errava appo le siepi ¶ e in su l’aiuole, susurrando al vento
      And the firefly flickering nearby the hedges ¶ and the flowers, the breeze sighing
    • Synonyms: accanto, presso
  2. (figuratively) in someone's regard
    • 1321, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Inferno [The Divine Comedy: Hell] (paperback), 12th edition, Le Monnier, published 1994, Canto XVIII, lines 133–135, page 275:
      Taïde è, la puttana che rispuose ¶ al drudo suo quando disse ‘Ho io grazie ¶ grandi apo te?’: ‘Anzi maravigliose!’.
      Thais the harlot is it, who replied ¶ unto her paramour, when he said, 'Have I ¶ great gratitude from thee?'--'Nay, marvellous'
    • 1353, Giovanni Boccaccio, “Proemio [Introduction]”, in Decamerone [Decameron], Tommaso Hedlin, published 1527, page xviii:
      Quantunque appo coloro, che diſcreti erano, & alla cui notitia pervenne, io ne foſſi lodato, & da molto piu reputato []
      Whereby, among people of discernment to whose knowledge it had come, I had much praise and high esteem, []
  3. (figuratively) before; in comparison to
  4. behind
    • 1812, Annibale Caro, transl., Gli amori pastorali di Dafni e Cloe [The Bucolic Loves of Daphnis and Chloe], Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, translation of Δάφνις καὶ Χλόη (Dáphnis kaì Khlóē) by Longus, Ragionamento terzo, page 89:
      appiattandosi appo una macchia di pruni per non esser veduta, udì tutto che dicevano
      having crouched down behind some shrubs so as not to be seen, she heard everything they were saying
    • Synonym: dietro
    • Antonym: davanti
  5. after
    • 1723, Anton Maria Salvini, transl., Iliade [Iliad], Milan: Giovanni Gaetano Tartini, Santi Franchi, translation of Ἰλιάς (Iliás) by Homer, Book I, page 9:
      Men vo alle navi, appo aver fatte in guerra ¶ ben gravi, e dure, e faticose imprese
      I return to the ships, after grave, hard and laborious war endeavours
    • Synonym: dopo
    • Antonym: prima
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