
See also: pressò



  • IPA(key): /ˈprɛsːo/, [ˈpr̺ɛs̪.s̪o]
  • Hyphenation: près‧so

Etymology 1

From Vulgar Latin *presso, from Latin presse (narrow, short).[1] Cognate with Walloon and French près.



  1. (rare) nearby, near, close
    Synonym: appresso
    da pressoclosely
Derived terms



  1. near
    Synonym: vicino a
  2. beside, next to, by
    Synonyms: accanto a, a fianco di
  3. at, with
    Synonyms: a casa di, da
    Abito presso i miei zii.I live with my uncles.
    Lavoravo presso la ditta Bianchi.I worked at Bianchi's.
  4. among, with
    Synonyms: tra, fra
  5. (mail) care of (always followed by di)
    Synonym: c/o


presso (feminine singular pressa, masculine plural pressi, feminine plural presse)

  1. (archaic) near, close

Etymology 2

From Latin pressus, perfect passive participle of premō (I press), from Proto-Indo-European *per- (to hit).


presso m (feminine singular pressa, masculine plural pressi, feminine plural presse)

  1. (archaic) (having been) pressed, compressed

Etymology 3

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. first-person singular indicative present of pressare

See also


  1. Angelo Prati, "Vocabolario Etimologico Italiano", Torino, 1951



Etymology 1

From premō + -tō (through its perfect passive participle pressus).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈpres.soː/, [ˈprɛs.soː]


pressō (present infinitive pressāre, perfect active pressāvī, supine pressātum); first conjugation

  1. I press, squeeze.
   Conjugation of presso (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present pressō pressās pressat pressāmus pressātis pressant
imperfect pressābam pressābās pressābat pressābāmus pressābātis pressābant
future pressābō pressābis pressābit pressābimus pressābitis pressābunt
perfect pressāvī pressāvistī pressāvit pressāvimus pressāvistis pressāvērunt, pressāvēre
pluperfect pressāveram pressāverās pressāverat pressāverāmus pressāverātis pressāverant
future perfect pressāverō pressāveris pressāverit pressāverimus pressāveritis pressāverint
passive present pressor pressāris, pressāre pressātur pressāmur pressāminī pressantur
imperfect pressābar pressābāris, pressābāre pressābātur pressābāmur pressābāminī pressābantur
future pressābor pressāberis, pressābere pressābitur pressābimur pressābiminī pressābuntur
perfect pressātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect pressātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect pressātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present pressem pressēs presset pressēmus pressētis pressent
imperfect pressārem pressārēs pressāret pressārēmus pressārētis pressārent
perfect pressāverim pressāverīs pressāverit pressāverimus pressāveritis pressāverint
pluperfect pressāvissem pressāvissēs pressāvisset pressāvissēmus pressāvissētis pressāvissent
passive present presser pressēris, pressēre pressētur pressēmur pressēminī pressentur
imperfect pressārer pressārēris, pressārēre pressārētur pressārēmur pressārēminī pressārentur
perfect pressātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect pressātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present pressā pressāte
future pressātō pressātō pressātōte pressantō
passive present pressāre pressāminī
future pressātor pressātor pressantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives pressāre pressāvisse pressātūrus esse pressārī pressātus esse pressātum īrī
participles pressāns pressātūrus pressātus pressandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
pressāre pressandī pressandō pressandum pressātum pressātū

Derived terms

  • Danish: presse (via Medieval Latin), pressere (via Middle French)
  • Dutch: pressen (via Medieval Latin), presseren (via Middle French)
  • English: press
  • French: presser
  • German: pressen (via Medieval Latin), pressieren (via Middle French)
  • Greek: πρεσάρω (presáro)
  • Haitian Creole: prese
  • Italian: pressare
  • → Norwegian:
    • Norwegian Bokmål: presse (via Medieval Latin), pressere (via Middle French)
    • Norwegian Nynorsk: presse (via Medieval Latin), pressere (via Middle French)
  • Portuguese: prensar
  • Russian: прессовать (pressovatʹ)
  • Romanian: presa
  • → Serbo-Croatian
    → Cyrillic: пресовати
    → Latin: presovati
  • Swedish: pressa (via Medieval Latin)

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. inflection of pressus:
    1. dative masculine and neuter singular
    2. ablative masculine singular
    3. ablative neuter plural


  • presso in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • presso in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
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