< Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic


This Proto-Slavic entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Derived from *-tъ appended to o-stems *-о, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *-tós.


*-otъ m

  1. From adjectives/adverbs, forms action nouns
    Synonyms: *-nь, *-kъ
    *životъ (life)*živo (lively)
    *jьmotъ (property, estate)**jьmo*jьměti (to have)
    *xobotъ (trunk, proboscis)**xobo*skoba (bracket)
  2. From onomatopoeic verbs, forms action nouns
    Synonym: *-očь
    *groxotъ (crush, din)*groxati (to thunder, to echo)
    *blekotъ (fool's parsley)*blekati (to mumble, to daydream)
    *trepetъ (trill, tremble)*trepati (to swingle, to tremble)
    *gogotъ (titter, laughter) ← reduplicated form of *gakati (to sniggle) ← interjection *ga-ga!
    *klokotъ (clutter) (along with *klokočь) ← Pre-Slavic *klokti (to gurgle, to rill)

Alternative forms

  • *-etъ (when appended to yo-stems)


Derived terms

<a href='/wiki/Category:Proto-Slavic_words_suffixed_with_*-ot%D1%8A' title='Category:Proto-Slavic words suffixed with *-otъ'>Proto-Slavic words suffixed with *-otъ</a>


  • J. Halla-aho (2006): "Nouns in */-t-o-/" in Problems of Proto-Slavic Historical Nominal Morphology, University of Helsenki, p. 66

Further reading

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