
See also: lolsuit


Alternative forms


Blend of LOL + lawsuit.


LOLsuit (plural LOLsuits)

  1. (Internet slang, derogatory) A frivolous lawsuit.
    • 2008 July 3, Alexia Death [username], “Re: Head OSA Netherlands wild screaming running into nearby police department”, in nl.scientology, Usenet:
      wait...wait... this is a LEGITIMATE tv show? They can just grab someone off the street and cuff them? O_O waird[sic] entertainment you have there. (why do I see a LOLsuit coming?)
    • 2009 December 2, Onideus Mad Hatter [username], “Re: How to forge like Lamey the Nazi and get caught”, in alt.2600, Usenet:
      I would estimate that he's probably spent several hundred dollars trying to file LOLsuits against people on the Internet...and unfortunately for him...yeah, LOLsuit filing fees are *NOT* refundable.
    • 2014 February 11, Harold Barton, “Well, there goes Patriot Games LOLsuit!”, in alt.politics, Usenet:


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