Youth of the European People's Party

Youth of European People's Party
President Andrianos Giannou
Secretary-General Maria Pardal
Founded 1997 (1997)
Headquarters Rue du Commerce 10, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
Ideology Christian democracy
Liberal Conservatism
European federalism
Political position Centre-right
European Parliament group European People's Party
Colours Blue and Black

Youth of the European People's Party (YEPP) is an umbrella organization of European political youth organisations and is the official youth wing of the European People's Party. YEPP brings together 64 Centre-Right youth political organisations from 40 countries all over Europe. Founded in 1997 by the 2006–2014 Prime Minister of Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt, YEPP has developed into the largest political youth organisation in Europe.

Full members status is held to the European Youth Forum (YFJ) which operates within the Council of Europe and European Union areas and works closely with both these bodies. YEPP is also a full member of the Union of the Robert Schuman Institute for Developing Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Every board is elected for two years.

List of presidents

Board members (2017–Present)

YEPP President

  • Andrianos Giannou (TNL, Romania)

YEPP Secretary General

  • Maru Pardal (NNGG, Spain)

YEPP First Vice-President

  • Jim Lefebre (Junge ÖVP, Austria)

YEPP Deputy Secretary General

  • Lotte Schipper (CDJA, The Netherlands)

YEPP Treasurer

  • Pierre-Henri Dumont (JR, France)

YEPP Vice-Presidents

  • Ágnes Zsofia Magyar (Fidelitas, Hungary)
  • Christina Balaska (ONNED, Greece)
  • Eileen Lynch (YFG, Ireland)
  • Arba Kokalari (MUF, Sweden)
  • Ana Lidia Pereira (JSD, Portugal)
  • Inna Korsun (YDA, Ukraine)
  • Karlo Ressler (MHDZ, Croatia)
  • Marcello Gamberale Paoletti (FIG, Italy)
  • Stephan Beer (JU, Germany)

Board members (2015–2017)

  • YEPP President Konstantinos Kyranakis (ONNED, Greece)
  • YEPP First Vice-President Roland Mittmann (JU, Germany)
  • YEPP Secretary General Andrea Vodanović (MHDZ, Croatia)
  • YEPP Deputy Secretary General Christodoulos Ioannou (NEDISY, Cyprus)
  • YEPP Treasurer Maru Pardal (NNGG, Spain)
  • YEPP Vice-Presidents: Bartosz Domaszewicz (SMD, Poland), Pierre-Henri Dumont (JR, France), Csaba Faragó (Fidelitas, Hungary), Andrianos Giannou (TDL, Romania), Arba Kokalari (MUF, Sweden), João Paulo Meireles (JSD, Portugal), Riccardo Pozzi (GUDC, Italy), Stefan Schnöll (JVP, Austria), Tore Storehaug (KrFU, Norway)

Board members (2013–2015)

  • YEPP President Konstantinos Kyranakis (ONNED, Greece)
  • YEPP Secretary General Colm Lauder (YFG, Ireland)
  • YEPP First Vice-President Juha-Pekka Nurvala (KNL, Finland)
  • YEPP Deputy Secretary General Federico Potočnik (MSI, Slovenia)
  • YEPP Treasurer Frank Visser (CDJA, Netherlands)
  • YEPP Vice-Presidents: Stefan Schnöll (Junge ÖVP, Austria) Tom Vandenkendelaere (JONG CD&V, Belgium) Hristo Gadzhev (MGERB, Bulgaria) Christodoulos Ioannou (NEDISY, Cyprus) Linda Eichler (IRLY, Estonia) Benedict Pöttering (JU, Germany) Riccardo Pozzi (Giovani UDC, Italy) Joao Paolo Meirelles (JSD, Portugal) Sara Skyttedal (KDU, Sweden)

Board members (2011–2013)

YEPP President

  • Csaba Dömötör (Fidelitas, Hungary)

YEPP Secretary General

  • Juha-Pekka Nurvala (KNL, Finland)

YEPP First Vice-President

  • Duarte Marques(JSD, Portugal)

YEPP Deputy Secretary General

  • Colm Lauder (YFG, Ireland)

YEPP Treasurer

  • Frank Lambermont (CDJA, Netherlands)

YEPP Vice-Presidents:

  • Reinhard Bärnthaler (Junge OVP, Austria)
  • Charalambos Stavrides (NEDISY, Cyprus)
  • Benedict Pöttering (JU, Germany)
  • Konstantinos Kyranakis (ONNED, Greece)
  • Emanuele Occhipinti (GL, Italy)
  • Gunārs Elksnis (YLPP, Latvia)
  • Ryan Callus (MZPN, Malta)
  • Andrea Levy Soler (NNGG, Spain)
  • Sara Skyttedal (KDU, Sweden)

YEPP Financial Auditors

  • Oliver Jung (Jeunes cdH, Belgium)
  • Riccardo Pozzi (Giovani UDC, Italy)

Board members (2009–2011)

YEPP President

  • Laurent Schouteten (Jeunes UMP, France)

YEPP Secretary General

  • Carlo De Romanis (FIG, Italy)

YEPP First Vice-President

  • Thomas Schneider (JU, Germany)

YEPP Deputy Secretary General

  • Brenda Furniere (JONGCD&V, Belgium)

YEPP Treasurer

  • Julian Farner-Calvert's (KRFU, Norway)

YEPP Vice-Presidents:

  • Caesar Andres (JCVP, Switzerland)
  • Gernot Blümel (Junge ÖVP, Austria)
  • Csaba Dömötör (Fidelitas, Hungary)
  • Paula Gomez de la Barcena Anserona (NN.GG, Spain)
  • Melita Kelenc (MSI, Slovenia)
  • Anatolii Korol (DA, Ukraine)
  • Duarte Marques (JSD, Portugal)
  • Juha-Pekka Nurvala (KNL, Finland)
  • Bronne Pot (CDJA, Netherlands)

YEPP Financial Auditors

  • Petr Jurčík (MKD, Czech Republic)
  • Michael Clancy (YFG, Ireland)

Member organisations


  • Youth Union of the Democratic Party (FR-PD)


  • Junge ÖVP



  • Jeunes cdH
  • JONG Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams (JONGCD&V)

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Youth SDA


  • Youth Union of the Democratic Party (MSDP)
  • Youth Union of Democratic Forces (MSDS)



  • Youth Organisation of Democratic Rally (NE.DI.SY)

 Czech Republic



  • IRL Noored



  • Les Jeunes Républicains


  • Young National Democrats of Georgia (Akhalgazrda Erovnul-Demokrati)
  • Georgian Youth Christian-Democratic Association (SAQDA)
  • The Young Rights – AME (Akhalgazrda Memarjveneebi)






  • Forza Italia Giovani (FIG)
  • Youth of the Christian-Democratic Union (UDC)
  • Youth of the Democratic Union for Europe (UDeuR)
  • Junge Generation, Youth of the South Tyrolean People's Party (JG)


  • Unity Youth Organisation (Vienotības Jaunatnes organizācija; VJO)



  • Christian-Social Youth of Luxemburg (Chrëschtlech-Sozial Jugend; CSJ)


  • Union of young forces (ВМРО – Демократска партија за Македонско национално единство; VMRO-DPMNE)


  • Youth Movement of the Nationalist Party (Moviment Żgħażagħ Partit Nazzjonalista; MZPN)


  • New Generation of the Christian-Democratic People's Party (NG PPCD)




  • Young Democrats Association (Stowarzyszenie/MD)



  • Tineretul Democrat Liberal (TDL)

 San Marino

  • Christian Democratic Youth of San Marino (GDC)


  • Youth of Democratic Party of Serbia (OMLADINA DEMOKRATSKE STRANKE SRBIJE – ODSS)


  • Christian-Democratic Mouvement of Slovakia (KDMS)
  • New Generation (NOVA GENARACIA; NG)


  • New Generation of the Slovenian People's Party (Nova generacija SLS; NG SLS)
  • Slovenian democratic youth (SDM)
  • Young Slovenia (Mlada Slovenija; MSi)




  • Youth of the Christian-Democratic People's Party of Switzerland (Junge Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei der Schweiz; JCVP)



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