
All time zones defined by difference with UTC
Min Behind (−) 0 Ahead (+)
:00 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
:30 9 3 2 3 4 5 6 9 10
:45 5 12 13
Areas in a darker shade use daylight saving time. The base color shows the standard time.
  UTC−06:00 90 degrees W
Current time
07:10, 23 October 2018 UTC−06:00 [refresh]
Central 90 degrees W
Western border (nautical) 97.5 degrees W
Eastern border (nautical) 82.5 degrees W
Date-time group (DTG) S
External links
UTC−6: blue (January), orange (July), yellow (all year round), light blue (sea areas)
Time in Nunavut
  Standard DST
UTC−05:00 UTC−04:00 Eastern Time
UTC−05:00 (year round) Eastern Time
UTC−06:00 UTC−05:00 Central Time
UTC−06:00 (year round) Central Time
UTC−07:00 UTC−06:00 Mountain Time
Time in Indiana: Counties grouped by tz database zones. Lake Michigan shown in blue at top left.
Standard DST US time zone
Red and pink UTC−06:00 UTC−05:00 Central Time
Other colors UTC−05:00 UTC−04:00 Eastern Time
Time in Mexico
Winter Summer (DST) Mexican time zone North American equivalent
UTC−05:00 Zona SuresteEastern Standard Time
UTC−06:00UTC−05:00Zona CentroCentral Time
UTC−07:00UTC−06:00Zona PacíficoMountain Time
UTC−07:00 Zona PacíficoMountain Standard Time
UTC−08:00UTC−07:00Zona NoroestePacific Time

UTC−06:00 is a time offset that subtracts six hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In North America, it is observed in the Central Time Zone during standard time, and in the Mountain Time Zone during the other eight months (see Daylight saving time). Several Latin American countries and a few other places use it year round.

As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)

Principal cities: Mexico City, Chicago, Winnipeg

North America

CST is standard time in the 6th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 90th meridian; used in North America in some parts of Canada, Mexico and the United States.[1]

(except Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora, and most of Nayarit)

As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer)

Principal cities: Calgary, Denver

North America

As standard time (all year round)

Principal cities: Guatemala City, Managua, Tegucigalpa

North America

Central America

East Pacific

As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter)

Principal cities: Hanga Roa

East Pacific

See also


  1. "WordNet Search – 3.1". wordnetweb.princeton.edu. Retrieved 9 July 2017.
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