Spaghetti with meatballs

Spaghetti with meatballs
Spaghetti with meatballs
Course Main course
Place of origin United States
Region or state New York City
Serving temperature Hot
Main ingredients Spaghetti, tomato sauce, meatballs
Close-up view of spaghetti with meatballs

Spaghetti with meatballs (or spaghetti and meatballs) is an Italian-American dish consisting of spaghetti, tomato sauce and meatballs.[1]


It is widely believed that spaghetti with meatballs was an innovation of early 20th-century Italian immigrants in New York City. The National Pasta Association (originally named the National Macaroni Manufacturers Association) is said to be the first organization to publish a recipe for it, in the 1920s.[2]

Italian writers and chefs often mock the dish as pseudo-Italian or non-Italian[3] because, in Italy, meatballs are smaller and only served with egg-based baked pasta.[4]

However, various kinds of pasta with meat are part of the culinary tradition of the Abruzzo, Apulia, Sicily, and other parts of southern Italy. A recipe for rigatoni with meatballs is in Il cucchiaio d'argento (The Silver Spoon), a comprehensive Italian cookbook known as the "bible" of Italian Cooking. Other dishes that have similarities to spaghetti and meatballs include pasta seduta 'seated pasta' and maccaroni azzese in Apulia.[5][6][7]

Some baked pasta dishes from Apulia combine pasta and meat where meatballs, mortadella, or salami are baked with rigatoni, tomato sauce, and mozzarella, then covered with a pastry top.[8]

Other pasta recipes include slices of meat rolled up with cheese, cured meats and herbs (involtini in Italian) and braciole (bra'zhul) in Italian-American and Italian-Australian slang, that are cooked within sauce but pulled out to be served as a second course.

See also


  1. Dickie, John (2008). Delizia!: The Epic History of the Italians and Their Food. Simon and Schuster. pp. 225–226. ISBN 1416554009. Retrieved March 1, 2013.
  2. America’s Favorite Recipes: The Melting Pot Cuisine, Part 2. 2009. p. 157.
  3. Filippo Piva, "Gli spaghetti con le polpette e gli altri falsi miti della cucina italiana all’estero", Wired Italy, 29 July 2014 full text
  4. "Pasta". The Atlantic. July 1986.
  5. Oretta Zanini de Vita (2009). Encyclopedia of Pasta. p. 315. ISBN 0520944712.
  6. "Maccaroni Azzese". Accademia Italiana della Cucina.
  7. "Ricetta Spaghetti con le polpettine - Le ricette di Paciulina". Le Ricette di 4 September 2012. Archived from the original on 20 December 2014. Retrieved 23 September 2014.
  8. "Pasta asciutta alla pugliese", in Touring Club of Italy, La cucina del Bel Paese, p. 292

Further reading

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