Revised New Jerusalem Bible

Revised New Jerusalem Bible
Full name Revised New Jerusalem Bible
Abbreviation RNJB
Complete Bible
Textual basis Old Testament: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Septuagint influence. New Testament: Novum Testamentum Graece 27th edition, i.e., "NA27."
Translation type Formal equivalence
Copyright 2018, 2019 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic

The Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) is an English translation of the Bible published by Darton, Longman & Todd. Its current edition consists of the New Testament and the Psalms,[1] and was released in February 2018,[2] with the full Bible set to be released in April 2019. It is a revision of the Jerusalem Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible done by the British biblical scholar and Ampleforth Abbey monk Henry Wansbrough.[3]

See also


  1. "The Revised New Jerusalem Bible".
  2. "Revised New Jerusalem Bible".
  3. "The Revised New Jerusalem Bible: New Testament and Psalms is an outstanding piece of work by Henry Wansbrough". The Tablet.

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