Prurigo gestationis

Prurigo gestationis

Prurigo gestationis (also called "prurigo gestationis of Besnier",[1] "early-onset prurigo of pregnancy,"[2] "Linear IgM dermatosis of pregnancy,"[2] "papular dermatitis of pregnancy,"[2] "prurigo of pregnancy",[2] and "Spangler's papular dermatitis of pregnancy"[2]) is an eruption consisting of pruritic, excoriated papules of the proximal limbs and upper trunk, most often occurring between the 20th and 34th week of gestation.[3][2][4][5]

The exact etiology is unknown, but it is considered likely to be a flareup of atopic dermatitis during pregnancy.[6]

It is sometimes considered to be a term encompassing Besnier's prurigo gestationis and other conditions.[7]

It is sometimes considered a diagnosis of exclusion.[8]

See also


  1. Ambros-Rudolph, Christina M.; Black, Martin M.; Vaughan Jones, Samantha (29 August 2008). "9. The Papular and Pruritic Dermatoses of Pregnancy". In Martin M. Black. Obstetric and Gynecologic Dermatology E-Book. Christina Ambros-Rudolph, Libby Edwards Peter J. Lynch. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 73–77. ISBN 978-0-7234-3445-0.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
  3. James, William; Berger, Timothy; Elston, Dirk (2005). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. (10th ed.). Saunders. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
  4. Tunzi M, Gray GR (January 2007). "Common skin conditions during pregnancy". Am Fam Physician. 75 (2): 211–8. PMID 17263216.
  5. Kroumpouzos G, Cohen LM (April 2003). "Specific dermatoses of pregnancy: an evidence-based systematic review". Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 188 (4): 1083–92. doi:10.1067/mob.2003.129. PMID 12712115.
  6. Wolfram Sterry; Ralf Paus; Walter H. C. Burgdorf (8 March 2006). Dermatology. Thieme. pp. 331–. ISBN 978-1-58890-258-0. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  7. Arieh Ingber; Mark Lebwohl (18 December 2008). Obstetric Dermatology: A Practical Guide. Springer. pp. 151–. ISBN 978-3-540-88398-2. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  8. Thomas D. Horn (2003). Dermatology. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 454–. ISBN 978-0-323-02578-2. Retrieved 9 May 2010.

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