List of items in ''Once Upon a Time''

This list comprises the items featured in the American fantasy-drama television series Once Upon a Time and its spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.


Aging Dust

The Aging Dust is causes the victim to age. The amount of aging depends on the amount of dust used.

Emma put some in the onion rings she gave Zelena, to accelerate her pregnancy. She wanted baby Robin out of the way so she could put the Darkness into Zelena and then kill her with Excalibur.

Mr. Gold owns some as well as he used it to temporarily age a fairy that he and the Evil Queen chased and captured into an old woman. Regina was mentioned to have found a way to restore the fairy back to her rightful age.

The Evil Queen stole some and slipped it into Belle's tea, causing her to go into labor within minutes.

Agrabahn Viper Poison

The Agrabahn Viper Poison is a poison that's contained in the Agrabahn Vipers. The effects differ based on if one is bitten by a viper or ingests the poison. If bitten, the victim will die of poisoning like normal, but if ingested, the victim will dissolve in green smoke. However, the spreading of the poison can be stopped if the victim is taken to the Land of Untold Stories prior to his or her death.

Ale of Seonaidh

The Ale of Seonaidh (pronounced "sh-naid") is a special ale that enables the person to speak to the dead upon pouring it on their grave. The ale needs to be sprinkled over the deceased's grave in order to have any contact with his or her spirit.


Ambrosia is a chocolate plant that is also known as the food of the Gods. This myth was according to Hades' telling of a rumor of the only time when someone was able to bring the dead back to life from the Underworld, the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. The plant can be used to restore a soul and be reunited safely with one's living body. In order to acquire ambrosia, one has to go deep into the Underworld and face a test to determine True Love based on her heart.

Anti-Transformation Powder

The Anti-Transformation Powder is magical powder which can be used to stop transformation, and transform someone back to their original self.

Arthur's Reliquary

The Arthur's Reliquary is a Camelot item. This is where the Knights of the Round Table store the most precious items that they've collected from their quests.

Apprentice's Scroll

The Apprentice's Scroll originally belonged to Merlin who gave it to his apprentice. The scroll is later given to Ingrid. The scroll can be used as a way to enter Storybrooke, as shown by Ingrid, Ursula and Cruella.


Baelfire's Coconut

Baelfire's Coconut is used to contain Peter Pan's shadow. It holds a candle inside to lure a shadow into it inside the Dark Hollow.


A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side. There are many different normal books in this show.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a book written by Alice about her adventures in Wonderland. The title of the book is suggested by her daughter after Alice finishes reading the book to her. The book illustrates the past and present of Wonderland during Alice's time.

An Alphabetized Inventory of Magical Antiquities

An Alphabetized Inventory of Magical Antiquities is a book from in Colette's library, and is a record of every magical item in Sir Maurice's kingdom.

Book of Prophecy

Book of Prophecy is a book owned by the Fairies, which Fiona/the Black Fairy uses to find out her infant son's fate.

Dark One Chronicles

Dark One Chronicles is a compendium of several texts that contain information about the Dark Ones, including helpful information about the first Dark One, Nimue.

Her Handsome Hero

Her Handsome Hero is a book which belongs to Belle, and it was the first story her mother read to her. Belle cares deeply for the book as she attempts to retrieve it during the ogre invasion at her kingdom. There is a duplicate copy of it in the Underworld owned by Gaston. Belle and Mr. Gold's son is named after the book's hero, Gideon.

Boro Grove's Spore Flowers

Boro Grove's Spore Flowers are Wonderland plant species. The spore flowers grow on trunks of Boro Grove trees, and they exude a purple-pinkish cloud of fog that gives off a fragrant perfume. Those that inhale the scent are plagued with almost instant amnesia and are drawn into a lively stupor of wanting to stay in the Boro Grove. If the person stays in this state after a short period of time, he or she will begin turning into a Boro Grove tree. The spore flowers affect humans, except for those who don't have their hearts.


Carmarthen Scroll

The Carmarthen Scroll is a Camelot item. It is a mysterious piece of paper King Arthur works hard to translate, in order to find clues about how to make Excalibur whole again.

It has the code to open the Dark One's vault.

Chalice of Vengeance

The Chalice of Vengeance is an item that determines a person's guilt or innocence by drinking from the cup.

Chipped Cup

The Chipped Cup is taken from the story between Rumplestiltskin and Belle. While serving Rumplestiltskin at his castle, Belle accidentally drops a drinking cup, causing it to be chipped. After Rumplestiltskin demands her to leave following her romantic feelings for him, he is falsely informed by the Evil Queen Regina that she had died. He then places the cup on display as a tribute or remembrance.[1]

Mr. Gold alter explains it is his most cherished possession.

Conch Shells

The Conch Shells is a Neverland item. Blowing a conch shell can make the ocean and aquatic people hear you, and they can be used to summon magical storms and giant squids, and to summon mermaids across realms. They can also be enchanted to make someone's voice come from different directions.

Cora's Safe

Cora's Safe is a vault for storing the Safe Haven residents' hearts. Cora later brings the vault with her to Storybrooke and keeps it together with Regina's.

Clock Tower

The Clock Tower is a place of significance in Once Upon a Time. For the twenty-eight years of the first Dark Curse, it remained stuck at 8:15, never changing time until Emma, the Savior, decided to stay in Storybrooke. It served as a place of many showdowns, such as between Regina and Zelena, Cora and Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold and Emma. It also served to hide items, such as the Dark One's dagger, and the dream-catchers Emma kept everyone's memories in. The Black Fairy also put some dark fairy dust in it which unleashed the fourth Dark Curse during Emma's wedding. Many people have been thrown out of the clock face, such as Snow White's former nanny Johanna, along with Zelena. There's also a duplicate version of the clock tower in the Underworld, which later serves as a portal back to Storybrooke.

Crimson Heart

The Crimson Heart is an artifact from the Land of Oz that can drain someone of their magic.

At the time when he was slowly turning into tin for chopping down a tree on the Wicked Witch of the North's property, Stanum turned to Zelena for help in obtaining this artifact. After fending off a lion and arriving at the artifact, Zelena briefly experienced its abilities and claimed that Stanum set her up. After Stanum stated that she would be liked upon being normal, Zelena took the Crimson Heart as Stanum's tin conversion comes to an end.

Years later, Zelena summons the Crimson Heart to Storybrooke. In the presence of Emma and Regina, she uses the artifact on herself in order to remove the wickedness from the Fairy Crystals that the Black Fairy tricked her into weaponizing.

Cruella's Car

Cruella's Car' is a 1920s England vehicle owned by Cruella De Vil, though it originally belonged to Isaac Heller during his brief stay in her world. There is also a car that resembles Cruella's car in the Land Without Magic. The exterior of the car is black and white, with a red carpeted interior; the rear of the vehicle, which as has a red carpet layout, has a truck with a spare tire compartment attached. The licence plate reads "DEV IL". A duplicate version of the 1920s England vehicle is seen in the Underworld, also owned by Cruella.

Cupid's Arrows

Cupid's Arrows are arrows that are used to seek out anyone that whoever loves out.

Provided with their locations by Tinker Bell, the Evil Queen's father Henry led his daughter to a hidden location where Cupid's Arrows are located. Upon making a mixture, the Evil Queen inverts one of the arrows with it so that it can find someone she hates. In this case, Snow White. When the Evil Queen fires the arrow, it leads her to her own castle where the inverted arrow landed on the wardrobe's mirror showing that the Evil Queen hates herself much to her frustration.

Cyrus' Talisman

Cyrus' Talisman is a necklace worn by Cyrus. In bonds Cyrus and Alice's love for each other. It has a pendant in the middle which glows bright red.


Dark One's Dagger

The Dark One's Dagger is a blade belonging to the Dark One's evolving victim, whose name is inscribed. It is also later revealed to be a broken half of the sword Excalibur. After Nimue turned dark, Merlin tethered her to it, turning the broken half of Excalibur into the Dark One's Dagger. Anyone who wields the Dark One's Dagger can control the Dark One. A Dark One can cleave themselves of the Dagger's control and retain their powers, so long as they have the Sorcerer's hat when it aligns with the night sky, and the heart of someone who knew them before they became the Dark One. The only other way for a Dark One to survive, but lose their powers is to be kissed by their true love; however, this doesn't work in the Land Without Magic. The more evil deeds a Dark One performs, the more their heart blackens, until eventually, their original self vanishes and the Dark One is all they are.


A Diamond in the Land Without Magic is the strongest substance in the world, often used for jewelry. In the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke, they are mined by the dwarfs so they can be crushed and refined into Fairy Dust.


A Dreamcatcher is a magical item of unknown origin used to retrieve memories. As the Dark One, Emma made dreamcatchers to preoccupy herself at night because Dark Ones do not sleep. It is also used as an ingredient in the third Dark Curse by Emma to wipe out everyone's memory of their time in Camelot.


The Dreamshade is a native poison of Neverland, it is typically found as an oozing substance in thorns. The waters of Neveland can cure the afflicted, but at the cost of preventing them for ever leaving that realm which is what happened to Captain Hook's brother Liam.

Dwarf Pickaxe

Dwarf Pickaxes are tools assigned to mining Dwarves after they are newly hatched and ready to work. Per axe, each is designated to give a name to a dwarf based on his individual personality. A pickaxe that no longer fits a dwarf after he undergoes a personality change (such as in the case of Dreamy when he became Grumpy) cannot use the old pickax anymore. Instead, a new pickaxe is assigned to the dwarf with a new name. As noted by the lead mining dwarf Bossy, pickaxes never lie and always tell the truth about a dwarf's personality type by the name that is given. Though pickaxes are usually reserved for dwarves only, an exception is given when a giant named Anton is having trouble finding a place in life where he fits in and is accepted by the dwarves as a brother of sorts. Anton is given his own pickaxe with his nickname "Tiny" on it. Pickaxes are incredible durable and can break the most rigid of items, including diamonds. It is used as a weapon by Greg to break open the trigger and undo Storybrooke, and by Snow White to learn Queens whereabouts from a soldier. They can't work on the stone holding Excalibur.


Elixir of the Wounded Heart

The Elixir of the Wounded Heart is a powerful elixir capable of healing emotional and physical damage to the drinker's heart. It was originally kept in Emerald City before being stolen by Robin Hood.

Emma's Car

Emma's Car is a Volkswagen Beetle car belonging to the protagonist Emma Swan. The original owner of the car is not known as it was stolen by Neal Cassidy, who later becomes Emma's love. The car is then given to her.

Emma's Jacket

Emma's Jacket is Emma Swan's signature trademark outfit of choice. The red leather jacket acts as her emotional "armor" and has been a part of life since she purchased it in 2010 as a reminder of having befriended Cleo Fox, a bounty hunter who inspired Emma to become a bounty hunter in her own right.

In Season Six, Emma largely abandons the jacket in favor of cardigans.

Enchanted Bow

An Enchanted Bow is a typical bow and arrow with magical properties. An arrow fired from the bow will always reach its target that is made clear by the wielder.

Enchanted Bracelet

An Enchanted Bracelet is used for various purposes. One purpose is to remove someone's magical abilities. According to Peter Pan, the bracelet was created by him. A second bracelet can give mermaids human form.

Enchanted Candle

An Enchanted Candle is a magical item used to save someone's life by taking another's. The victim, or at least their heart, needs to have the candle lit over it and the killer must speak their name; whoever the person intends to heal with the magic is saved from death.

Enchanted Cloak

The Enchanted Cloak is a magical garment created by a wizard, who gave it to Red Riding Hood's grandmother. It has always been insisted upon by her grandmother that Red wear the cloak at all times, with the claim that its red color repels wolves. However, it is later revealed that Red in fact needs the item of clothing to ward off her curse of turning into a werewolf at "wolf's time."[2]

Enchanted Compass

An Enchanted Compass is a compass that is used to guide the person holding it to a desired location.[3] Hansel and Gretel has another type of compass which allows them to track and find their father. In Wonderland, Cyrus owns a separate Enchanted Compass that would guide him to his mother if he ever got lost.

Enchanted Harpoon

The Enchanted Harpoon was owned by Captain Nemo. Originally it was used to kill the murderer of his family, Nemo later enchanted it to find wayward souls seeking revenge. Thus he filled the Nautilus with others like himself, with the dream of reaching the "mysterious island" so they can start over.

Two people the harpoon lead Nemo to were Liam Jones II and Killian Jones.

Enchanted Heart

An Enchanted Heart is a magical item that all inhabitants from magical realms own within their bodies. The user of the heart can crush it and kill the victim, control the victim's actions and speech, or use the heart to reanimate the victim's dead bodies. Additionally, people with their hearts ripped out are unable to feel any true emotion until the heart is restored. A heart can be split in half, which is painful for whoever it belongs to, and given to someone who has lost their own; it is unknown if this means that if one of them dies, the other will as well. However, this cannot work if the person has been dead too long, as a rotting corpse will not be able to hold its former soul; only Ambrosia would be able to restore the body to full health in order for the soul to return to it once half a heart is given. In short, an Enchanted Heart works similarly to the Dark One Dagger, as whoever the heart belongs to has to do whatever is said by the one who holds their heart.

Enchanted Cuffs

Enchanted Cuffs are a device created by Dr. Jekyll to restrain Mr. Hyde once he was captured. As he notes, even Hyde's monster strength cannot break the cuffs.

Enchanted Spear Tip

An Enchanted Spear Tip was owned by Captain Nemo. Originally used to kill the murderer of his family, Nemo later enchanted it to find lost souls in need of saving. Thus he filled the Nautilus with others like himself, with the dream of reaching the "mysterious island" so they can start over. Two people the spear lead Nemo to were Liam Jones II and Killian Jones.

Enchanted Trees

Enchanted Trees are trees whose wood can be carved into magic-based items. The very last enchanted tree in the Enchanted Forest was used to make the magic wardrobe, which suggests there are no more enchanted trees in existence. An enchanted tree was used to make the magic wardrobe. A branch of an enchanted tree can be carved into a quill for the Author. The Jolly Roger was made from an enchanted tree. Pinocchio was carved from an enchanted tree.

Birdbark Tree

The Birdbark Tree are a Wonderland plant species. It is a tree that is able to fly by agitating its leaves.

Merlin's Tree

Merlin's Tree was a Camelot plant. Nimue used the Dark One's Dagger and a tear of Merlin's broken heart to turn him into a tree. The tree can telepathically communicate with people.

Tree of Wisdom

The Tree of Wisdom is a magical tree that can answer any question as long as the person who asks the question is pure of heart. It cannot work for a pregnant woman, as the unborn child's heart is neither pure or evil.

Tum Tum Tree

The Tum Tum Tree is a Wonderland plant. This tree grows in Mimsy Meadows.

Endless Coin Bag

The Endless Coin Bag is a magical bag capable of containing vast amounts of gold coins than what its physical size allows, which Rumplestiltskin brings to the Land Without Color to pay for Dr. Frankenstein's services. It is likely the currency would be more valuable in that land as its colored instead of black and white.

Excalibur Stone

The Excalibur Stone is a magic rock where Merlin embeds Excalibur in the stone, where it remains until it is pulled out by King Arthur centuries later. The sword is later returned to the stone by Hook, and both objects are transported to Storybrooke, where Mr. Gold pull it out again.

Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm is a much sought-after blue sapphire, and countless sailors have lost their lives trying to find it. Hades offers the stone to Liam Jones, in exchange for letting his cargo ship sink so Hades can have the crew's souls, except for him and his brother Killian, who will be saved. Liam makes the deal and drives the ship right into a storm. Liam then uses the stone to get him and his brother their dream jobs in the royal navy.


Fairy Dust

Fairy Dust is a fine powder enchanted by fairies used for good purposes. In the Enchanted Forest, dwarfs mine for diamonds underground, and with the use of machinery, the diamonds are ground down to make fairy dust, which is collected and used by fairies.[4]

Dark Fairy Dust

Dark Fairy Dust is a type of fairy dust that comes from the Dark Realm, to which the Black Fairy/Fiona was banished to by the Blue Fairy. The Black Fairy kidnapped numerous children over the centuries to mine it for her. She used it in the creation of the Dark Curse. When unrefined dust is tossed on a target, they turn into harmless bugs. Fiona attempted to turn the Fairy Crystals in Storybrooke dark by using Zelena's unstable magic. However, Zelena gave up her magic to a special magic heart, removing her taint from the crystals. The Black Fairy got enough dust to curse Storybrooke ten times over, releasing a new curse.

Flame of Prometheus

The Flame of Prometheus, also known as the Promethean Flame, is a magical fire used to giving fire to mankind, forging Excalibur and release someone from Excalibur's control. Originally a powerful burning flame, it was reduced to a small blaze after Nimue became darkened by murdering Vortigan. Then she stole the Flame of Prometheus and sealed it into her heart. At the time when Emma Swan was the Dark One, she ripped the Flame of Prometheus out of Nimue's spirit.

Flying Broomstick

The Flying Broomstick is a broom that can fly and serve as a witch's mode of transportation. Zelena has a Flying Broomstick that she uses to fly to different places.


The Forget Me Knot is a magical item in the shape of a rope that, when looped together, acts as a picture frame to present the more recent thing that occurred at the chosen scene.


Glass Coffin

The Glass Coffin is built by the Seven Dwarves for Snow White to be placed in after her "death" at the Evil Queen's hands. After the curse is cast, the coffin ends up in Storybrooke, where Regina keeps it underground, guarded by a dragon.

Glass Slipper

The Glass Slipper is an Enchanted Forest item, that belongs to Cinderella. It was given by Rumplestiltskin as part of a deal.

Genie Lamp

A Genie Lamp is the home of a genie within, who is unleashed upon being found by someone.[5] The genie lamp, notably the genies in it, can be used in a spell to change the laws of magic but three genie bottles are needed and the bottles must contain its genie.

Glowing Stone

The green glowing stone in engraving swan tin box belongs to Emma Swan.

Golden Brain

A Golden Brain is a magical item that represents a symbol of wisdom and can be used in a Time Travel spell. A golden brain can be removed from the head of someone with magic the same way used to remove a heart.


Hades' Car

In the Underworld, Hades' choice of transportation is a red 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air Impala Sport Coupe, which he used for his date with Zelena.

Hammer of Hephaestus

The Hammer of Hephaestus is an item of unknown origin that can be used by anyone who doesn't have magic. It can also be used to open a gateway to and from the World Behind the Mirror.

Hercules' Medals

Hercules' Medals show motifs from the Labours of Hercules: The Nemean Lion, the Lernaean Hydra, the Ceryneian Hind, the Erymanthian Boar, the Augean stables, the Stymphalian Birds, the Cretan Bull, the Mares of Diomedes, the girdle of Hippolyta, the cattle of the monster Geryon, and the apples of Hesperides. The final labor that involves Cerberus is missing since Hercules hadn't faced him yet and fell in battle against him while protecting Megara. Though he, Megara and Mary Margaret are able to defeat Cerberus in the Underworld.

Hook of Killian Jones

The Hook of Killian Jones is a replacement of the character's left hand when Rumplestiltskin chops off Jones' hand. It also can be enchanted and used to rip out an enchanted heart.

Holy Grail

The Holy Grail is the source of all magic in all the realms and is a magical item originally from Camelot. One who drink from the Holy Grail receives magic and immortality. However this comes with a downside; even if the immortal kills in self-defense, or to save another life, they will become darkened forever. This also results in a physical change in the killer; Nimue's skin turned scaly green. The Holy Grail can also be used along with the Olympian Crystal to destroy the magic of a realm.

Unholy Grail

The Unholy Grail was a twin to the Holy Grail and had the ability to take away magic. There is a duplicate version of it at the New York Public Library when Henry Mills and Violet were planning to destroy magic.


Ingredients for a Time Travel Spell

The Ingredients for a Time Travel Spell are:

  • A symbol of wisdom pointing North (a golden brain)
  • A symbol of courage pointing East (a courageous hero's sword)
  • A symbol of love pointing South (a resilient person's heart)
  • A symbol of innocence pointing West (a baby)

Additionally, a drawn outline of a compass symbol on the ground is required with each symbolic bearing facing in the direction of the real bearing, and the caster must stand inside while casting the spell.

  • The four ingredients of the spell represent a specific element of light magic—love, wisdom, courage and innocence—which are also embodied by the sisterhood of witches of Oz.
  • These elements are derived from the items sought by Dorothy's traveling party in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz—the Scarecrow's brain, the Tin Woodman's heart, and the Cowardly Lion's courage.

Invisible Chalk

Invisible Chalk is a magical item found in Mr. Gold's pawnshop in Storybrooke used for the purpose of creating a barrier. Under the conditions he is unable to do it himself, he tells Emma to draw a line using the chalk near the pawnshop door and then further instructs her on how to enact a barrier spell to prevent Cora from attacking him.


Jolly Roger

The Jewel of the Realm is a ship belonging to Liam Jones after he was promoted to replace their old captain. It had a Pegasus sail, which allowed it to fly. Following Liam's death, Killain takes over the ship and renames it the Jolly Roger.


Lily's Baby Rattle

Lily's Baby Rattle is an item that Maleficent originally intended to give this to her baby daughter after she was born, but when Lily is stolen and whisked to another land, she uses it to grieve for her absence. After the mother and daughter are reunited, Maleficent gives it to Lily.

Lily's Necklace

Lily's Necklace is a necklace belonging to Lilith Page, in the shape of a crescent moon. Unbeknownst to her, it is a fragment of the egg she hatched from. Cruella De Vil and Ursula stole the rest of it for magic to keep themselves young during their time on Earth. As it is the only thing she had of her birth parents, Lily was quite attached to it. As the Apprentice points it, the necklace compliments the star-shaped birthmark on Lily's wrist.

Looking Glass

A Looking Glass is a mirror that acts as a portal to Wonderland. There is also looking glass door in Jefferson's hat that can reach Wonderland. Some looking glasses act as mirrors to the World Behind the Mirror.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is a magic compass owned by Cyrus that can point towards something or someone the wearer has lost and wants to find again. Cyrus gained the Lost and Found from his mother, Amara, when he wasn't yet a genie.

Lotus Flower

The Dragon uses a Lotus Flower on his bird bath in his place of operations in Chinatown to see the Land of Untold Stories and to attempt to open the portal to bring heroes home.



Magic is a metaphysical and supernatural force featured on Once Upon a Time. The magic [witchcraft] on the series comes partially from the Holy Grail and is present in all the realms.

Witchcraft is a form of magic that mostly humans can use but unlike Fairy Magic or Divine Magic, witchcraft is strongly tied to emotions and learning. All practitioners are born with this power and some may even use magic right after their birth, like Zelena, while others need a proper teacher to push them to use it like Cora, Regina, the Red Queen and Drizella. But even people like Zelena and Anastasia need to be taught in order to control it fully. Depends on the practitioner, learning magic can sometimes last for years, as the Evil Queen's study approximately lasted for twenty years but some people like Dark Ones or Merlin did not to need to learn it or any teacher as it was the Holy Grail what granted them to use magic. Sometimes, the person can have a trouble with using magic because they are in a different land for the first time. This is what happened to Regina Mills after Mr. Gold brought magic to Storybrooke after 28 years because according to him, magic is unpredictable in the Land Without Magic but Regina later used her mother's spell book by smelling of the written words to get the magic flowing again. Underworld is also another place where magic is said to be unpredictable, but this time, Regina's inability to use magic was because she was blocking herself emotionally.

Some people like the Dragon or Anastasia can use magic even in the Land Without Magic. However, the reasons for it have yet to be explored. It is not known why practitioners sometimes use incantations to use Witchcraft but most of the time, they just simply use it without words.

The use of witchcraft is not an intellectual endeavor, but is tied to strong emotions like love and anger. One way to channel these emotions into magic is to think about and relive a moment that made you angry in the past. Another way is to think about your loved ones and how you want to protect them, and feel it. Just like Ice Magic, people can also lose control of their powers by having emotions like fear or extreme anger, which include but are not limited to thermokinetically hot a bottle of milk, push people off, light the lights on and off and shatter a mirror but they can overcome this by controlling it with the help of someone they trust. It is not known if there is a "magic gene", nor is it known that that can pass down. Cora, who could use magic, has two daughters who also can use magic. The same thing also goes to Mr. Gold and his son, Gideon. However, Emma, Jafar, Drizella and Anastasia have no known family member who can use magic, yet they use it.

When used, witchcraft often gives away a pink or violet glow and at times will manifest as a puff of smoke, which can vary in colors, depending on the practitioner.

Laws of Magic

The Laws of Magic define the limits of magical abilities. There are three restrictions even the most powerful magic is said to be unable to break:

  • Bring back the dead.
  • Force someone to fall in love.
  • Change the past.

However, these laws can and have been broken and changed by powerful spells. One of them is the combined power of three genies who have themselves overridden fate. This spell even makes the caster immune to the price of magic. Another case of law-breaking magic is the Time Travel Spell that was, in one case, enacted by gathering symbols of wisdom, courage, love and innocence.

Dr. Frankenstein attempted to use science to override the laws of magic and bring back his brother with a heart that had been strengthened against lightning surges by magic. Unfortunately, the end result was a violent, amnesiac shell of the former person Gerhardt had been. In one instance of a proper resurrection, Maleficent is revived after combining the blood of those who greatly wronged her with her ashes. In this case however, Maleficent was undead, allowing for a restoration to human form that did not break the laws. However, Maleficent later explains that she would turn back to ashes if she left Storybrooke, since there was no magic beyond the town border. It is possible she was reduced to ashes again when Henry temporarily destroyed Storybrooke's magic.

Another exception to the laws is that the Dark One is able to be resurrected from the vault if they kill themselves with the dagger. However, the price of this magic is another's life. Snow White had Regina rip her heart in half and give one half to Charming, whose own heart was used as the price of the second Dark Curse. Emma failed doing this with Hook, as his body had decayed too much because of the time he spent stuck in the Underworld. Maleficent was brought back to life after having the blood of those who wronged her most placed in her ashes. Unfortunately, she is confined to Storybrooke in the Land Without Magic (if she left, she would crumble back into dust). Also, the blood of a person that has died and come back to life can be used in conjunction with a portal to the Underworld to summon one or more dead people from the Underworld. However, their stay would only be temporary, unless a living soul takes their place thanks to the Mark of Charon. The only instance of a true resurrection in the series is when the god Zeus sent Killian Jones back to the realm of the living after he had passed on to Mount Olympus.

Price of Magic

The Price of Magic is the inevitable expense for using or casting magic. Often stated as a warning that "magic always comes with a price", but sometimes, the price is not foreseeable. Rumplestiltskin's curse has the heaviest penalty for gaining his Dark One powers. While the magic allows him to accumulate masses of power, it not only binds his loyalty to a dagger, but also corrupts and injures him both physically and emotionally.

Other prices include the Evil Queen's sacrifice of her father's life to unleash the Dark Curse upon the Enchanted Forest. In doing so, she creates a void in her soul that can never be filled; however, this is later shown to be partially incorrect, as Regina is now content with her step-family. At another time, Regina's attempt to outsmart and get rid of Emma by putting her under a Sleeping Curse backfires, as Mr. Gold predicted, when Henry is afflicted with the curse instead. Even Mr. Gold himself, who knows all too well there's always a price to pay, brought magic to Storybrooke, which returned his powers, but the cost forces a barrier around town to form, preventing him from leaving to find his son with his Enchanted Forest memories intact. (This is a running gag in the series, that changes each season; something bad happens if somebody leaves Storybrooke, or no body can actually leave.)

Normally, healing someone with an almost fatal wound doesn't require any price. However, if a Dark One is asked to do so, the person they saved is marked for a Fury to take to the Underworld; this was annoyance for Emma, who was forced to make Regina face the Fury to offer her own life to pay the price for saving Robin Hood. However, a compromise is possible, as Snow White, David, Leory and King Arthur linked hands with Regina when her life was being extracted; as there were five people offering their lives in exchange, it is likely 1/5 of their lives were taken to pay off the price.

Saviors appear to suffer a great price, as they suffer hand tremors and visions of someone killing them; their deaths appear immutable. However, the Shears of Fate can remove this destiny at the cost of removing the Savior's magic.

Physical description

Magic itself often manifests as a puff of smoke or sparkling dust, which can vary in colors, depending on the practitioner; possibly the differing colors may be due to whatever color the person favors most. Zelena's magic was green initially because of her envy, but she later starts favoring the color green. Emma's magic is white, due to her being the Savior and the product of her parents' true love; it changed to yellow after the darkness possessed her. While a Dark One, Hook's magic was red, which symbolized his bloodlust towards Rumplestiltskin. Purple seems to be the most common color for the smoke manifestation of magic in general. The color varies according to the wielder and/or the form of magic: for instance, most of the time a person sticks to one color no matter their location (although there are certain instances where, due to unknown reason, their magic color is different). Furthermore, the Dark Curse manifests as a very large black cloudy storm in shades of purple and green. In the episode "Kansas", Regina's magic changed from purple to white because she was able to use light magic only at that moment to stop Zelena.

Types of magic and known practitioners


Belief is the magical ability that, being unique to Neverland, grants the practitioners the ability to summon whatever they can strongly believe in. However, it has some limitations though such as the necessity of pixie dust to fly. Pan suggests that Belief magic is stronger than witchcraft, given he claimed he could override the protection spell on Zelena's heart to steal it. The known practitioners of Belief are:

  • Emma Swan
  • Henry Mills
  • Malcolm/Peter Pan
  • Gideon
  • Lucy
  • Rumplestiltskin

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is linked to a person's bloodline and can be used in spells for hiding items from those who aren't of the caster's bloodline. For example, the Wicked Witch was able to hijack the Evil Queen's protection spell over her palace since they shared Cora as a mother; Neal was able to reveal a hidden trove of magical objects in Rumple's castle due to being his son. The same method can be used to seal areas or locations. The Evil Queen later demonstrates that she can enter any area sealed by Regina since they are essentially the same person; Zelena and baby Robin can also pass through these barriers. Another use of blood magic is in Locator Spells, where someone's blood can be used to find a blood relation; such an example is Henry Mills, who can be used to find anyone in Emma and Neal's families. The known practitioners of Blood Magic are:

  • Evil Queen/Regina Mills
  • Rumplestiltskin
  • Mother Gothel
  • Cora

Fairy Magic

Fairy Magic is a type of magic that is used by fairies and anyone who uses fairy dust. If one has been transfigured by dark magic, this dust can undo the spell; example is when Belle helped Prince Phillip, who was turned into a monster by Maleficent. Fairy Magic can also force people to break out into song. The known practitioners of Fairy Magic are:


Foresight is a magic that enables the user to see into the future. To an beginner, however, it would appear as a giant jumble of possibilities that may or may not come to pass; it would take time to learn how to sort out the events that would occur from those that wouldn't. As explained by Peter Pan, this magic doesn't work in Neverland, since time doesn't move forward there. Immortals cannot see the future of another immortal, or one who will become immortal; Merlin could not see Nimue's future, as she was destined to drink from the Grail and become the Dark One. The Authors also possess the gift of foresight in order to write the stories of fairy tale lands; they usually come in dreams, or visions. The known practitioners of Foresight are:

  • Henry Mills
  • Killian Jones (during his time as the Dark One)
  • Peter Pan
  • Rumplestiltskin[6]
  • The Seer
  • Merlin and his apprentice
  • Emma Swan
  • Aladdin
  • The Oracle

Genie Magic

Genie Magic is used by genies (whether they were born genies or if the Nyx evokes the genie curse on them) to grant people's wishes. If a Genie is free, the cuffs that bound them to lamp are left behind; if someone puts the cuffs on, they become the new genie of the lamp as was the case with Aladdin. Their magic tends to backfire on the wisher if they wish for something too big. Such an example is Will Scarlet wishing to end Alice's pain, but as she was dying and suffering emotionally, the price he paid for his wish was to take Cyrus's place as genie. Will's friend Lizard makes the mistake of wishing for him to "feel anything at all" for her, which resulting in her dying so he could feel grief; she knew magic couldn't make him love her, so she was desperate. A great show of genie magic was when the Wish Realm was created by the Evil Queen trying to get rid of Emma; she wished Emma got her wish to never have been the Savior, thus creating an alternate universe where the Dark Curse failed. Genies can perform magic even when not granting wishes. The known practitioners of Genie Magic are:

  • Cyrus (formerly)
  • Jafar (currently)
  • Sidney Glass/Magic Mirror/Genie of Agrabah (formerly)[7]
  • Rafi (formerly)
  • Taj (formerly)
  • Will Scarlet (formerly)
  • Aladdin (currently)
  • Unnamed Genie of the Lamp[8] (formerly)[9]

Healing Magic

Healing Magic is a source of magic that allows the person the ability to heal. This can also repair and mend damaged clothing the injured person is wearing as well, such as when Emma healed Hook from the damage he suffered from Hades' torture. The known practitioners of Healing Magic are:

  • Emma Swan
  • Regina Mills
  • Zelena
  • Rumplestiltskin/ Mr. Gold

Ice Magic

Ice Magic is a type of magic where the users can perform cryokinesis and create creatures made of snow and/or ice. Ingrid shows skill in leaving a time-delayed freezing curse in Maid Marian/Zelena's ice cream cone. Unless the user has exceptional control of their emotions, they will call upon this magic accidentally. The known practitioners of Ice Magic are:

  • Elsa
  • Ingrid


Persuasion is a type of magic that can be used to control others into doing their bidding. Isaac Heller gave Cruella this power, so it is unknown whether this is a unique magic in itself, or a part of witchcraft. As Cruella can no longer take life, "all [her] magic can do is make a dog roll over and beg." The known practitioner(s) of Persuasion are:

  • Cruella De Vil


Potioncraft is a type of magic that involves the use of potions. Although they can also be made scientifically as well, such as by Dr. Jekyll. From Season 4 onwards, Belle is never too far from a potion; she's given locator spells to the heroes, and keeps one that turns the victim into a frog in case a villain tries attacking her. Killian is shown to have kept a potion that enables his hook to take an enchanted heart. Dr. Jekyll creates them scientifically, preferring to call the potions "serums". The known practitioners of Potioncraft are:

  • Belle
  • Jafar
  • Blue Fairy/Mother Superior
  • Evil Queen/Regina Mills
  • Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold
  • Fairies/Sisters of Saint Meissa
  • Wicked Witch of the West
  • King Arthur
  • Dr. Jekyll


Phylactery is a type of magic that allows someone's life force to be bound to an enchanted object in order to keep themselves indestructible. A Dark Ones' life force is tethered to the Dark One's Dagger after they become a Dark One. Zelena bound her magic and her life force to her pendant, meaning that if she dies, she is respawned from the pendant's magic.

  • Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold
  • Zelena

Rock Troll Magic

Rock Troll Magic is a type of magic that is used by Rock Trolls or anyone who uses an artifact by a Rock Troll. This magic can retrieve or erase memories from selected targets. The known practitioners of Rock Troll Magic are:

  • Grand Pabbie
  • Ingrid


Song is a rare magic. Mermaids like Ursula typically have this magic, which can put others into a trance of tranquility. A fairy's magic can cause people to break into song; the songs usually come from the singer's heart and give them strength. Such magical songs can also be collectively placed in the heart of an unborn child, like Emma, to give them strength when they need it.

The known practitioners of Song are:

  • Ursula
  • Emma Swan

True Love

True Love is the most powerful and simple form of magic with capabilities of breaking curses through the act of true love's kiss. A True Love's kiss requires mutual and unconditional affection from both parties. It is also able to reverse effects of any negative witchcraft. True love's kiss can also break the curse of being the Dark One, but doesn't have any effect in The Land Without Magic. This also cannot break a Sleeping Curse if the recipient of the kiss no longer loves the kisser. A special case of being woken with True Love was Mr. Jones, Hook's father; no-one loved him before he was cursed, but Mr. Jones fell in love with the voice of his nurse and she with him, allowing True Love's kiss to wake him. A previous practitioner of witchcraft can gain this magic by opening their heart and loving another. Anyone born as a result of True Love is immune to having their hearts ripped out of their bodies, by an evildoer.

The known practitioners of True Love are:

  • Belle
  • Emma Swan
  • Mary Margaret Blanchard
  • Prince Charming
  • Prince Phillip
  • Ruby/Red Riding Hood
  • Will Scarlet
  • Regina Mills
  • Henry Mills
  • Gideon
  • Zelena


Witchcraft is a form of magic that requires the user to be adept in using spell books and incantations. When used, witchcraft often gives away a pink or violet glow and at times will manifest as a puff of smoke, which can vary in colors, depending on the practitioner. Those who use witchcraft can perform telekinesis, teleportation, transformation spells (on one's self or others), spellcasting, casting protection spells, use of mirror magic, enchanting objects, ripping hearts out of people's bodies, performing healing spells, use of telepathy, and other miscellaneous stuff like creating and/or casting curses, performing pyrokinesis, spin straw into gold, magically torture someone, conducting apparition of objects, being summoned by name, absorption of a barrier spell, restoring dry lakes, control over plants, possession of people, accelerating pregnancies to full term, and aerokinesis.

Magic can be enhanced/strengthened by another being, such as Hades, when he gave the Blind Witch more power to trap the heroes in the Underworld library; Regina noted that the Blind Witch's spells were always half-baked before. Another way to gain these powers without any method of training is to become the host of the Darkness, and thus the Dark One. Zelena is shown to favor using magic to get around Storybrooke, preferring it over the "death traps" everyone else uses.

The known practitioners of Witchcraft are:

Magic Beans

Magic Beans are magical items grown by Giants. Atop a beanstalk in the Enchanted Forest, a race of giants live together in seclusion with no contact with the humans below. In the past, giants often grew magic beans and traded them with humans. However, this stopped once the giants learned the humans were selfishly using the beans to conquer and plunder other worlds. The smallest giant in the family, Anton, is very curious about humans and doesn't understand his brothers' enthusiasm for having beans that no one ever uses. One day, he climbs down the beanstalk to explore and becomes friends with two humans, Prince James and Jack. They tell him about the necessity of gold and treasures to keep the human kingdom afloat, and Anton goes back home to fetch some of the giants' treasures for them, but secretly, Prince James and Jack follow him up to lead an army to slaughter the giants and steal their magic beans. Only Anton manages to survive and destroy all of their growing beans so humans cannot have them. Before Anton's brother, Arlo, dies, he gives him a preserved budding from a stalk that can grow new beans.[10]

As a young child, Rumplestiltskin is frustrated by his father Malcolm's continued behavior as a liar and cheat, despite that he loves him very much. When he is given a magic bean by two spinsters, Rumplestiltskin shows it to his father as a way of escaping the Enchanted Forest and starting over as a family elsewhere. Malcolm settles on a place called Neverland, which he often visited in his boyhood dreams. They arrive in Neverland where Malcolm is giddy with excitement. He attempts to demonstrate a magical ability to fly in Neverland, but it doesn't work without pixie dust. In a desperate act of regaining his boyhood years, Malcolm abandons his son so he can become young and immortal.[11] When he reaches adulthood, Rumplestiltskin becomes renowned in the Enchanted Forest for both his dark powers and cruelty. His only son, Baelfire, becomes increasingly worried that the powers are corrupting his father. The Blue Fairy gives Baelfire the last magic bean in existence, which Baelfire later opens into a portal to a land without magic. Despite Rumplestiltskin's promise to his son, he backs out of their deal due to fear of losing his powers. He lets go of Baelfire's hand and watches him disappear into the closing portal alone.[12]

Years later, Rumplestiltskin meets in a tavern with William Smee, who claims he can retrieve a magic bean for him, but wants eternal life in return; Rumplestiltskin agrees to the deal. His estranged wife and her new lover Captain Killian Jones obtain the bean from Smee and use it in a deal for Rumplestiltskin to spare their lives. After Milah confesses to never loving Rumplestiltskin, he kills her. Hook refuses to part from the bean, so Rumplestiltskin cuts off his left hand containing the item. However, he later realizes he has been tricked as Jones had the bean in his other hand. Hook uses the bean to create a portal to take him and his crew to Neverland.[13]

After the second Dark Curse is cast, Hook looked for a magic bean to get to The Land Without Magic to give Emma the memory-restoring potion; he succeeded. When he told Emma of this, she points out that Magic Beans aren't easy to come by unless one has something of equal value to trade; shocking Emma, Hook reveals that he traded his beloved vessel, the Jolly Roger (which is the swiftest ship in all the realms), for a magic bean just for her sake.

Anton did manage to produce one magic bean from the burnt-out fields which Red used to return to the Enchanted Forest to look for more werewolves like her.

Regina gained one from the Wish Realm version of Rumplestiltskin, but failed to use the portal the bean created as she was distracted by the Wish Realm version of Robin Hood.

In a sneak peek of "Hyperion Heights", Henry uses one to create a sparking circle portal to drive his motorcycle into.

In a deleted scene from "Heroes and Villains", Emma mentions that Anton said that the next bean harvest wouldn't be until spring.

Magic Books

There are many Magic Books that are used in this series where some of them are magical. Among the known books are:

Book of Spells

Regina first learns of the Book of Spells after she is unhappily engaged to be married to King Leopold on her mother Cora's insistence. She complains to her father Henry of her mother's strong hold and he mentions something about a book a man gave her in the past that started her controlling nature. Regina steals the book, summoning Rumplestiltskin, who offers Regina help in getting away from her mother. With Cora gone, Regina returns the book to Rumplestiltskin with no other use for it. Rumplestiltskin informs her that she does not have to turn out like Cora even if she learns how to practice magic and have power.[14]

One of Cora's Spellbooks was kept out of reach by Regina until her father Henry obtained it as the Spellbook can lead them to a hidden location where Cupid's Arrows are located.

Regina Mills later acquires the book in Storybrooke from Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) to retrieve her son Henry after his grandfather David Nolan (Prince Charming) takes care of him.[14]

Great Book of Records

The Great Book of Records is a book in the Land of Oz that is possessed by Glinda. The Great Book of Records foretells of a powerful sorceress who will arrive in the Land of Oz by a tornado to join the sisterhood of witches and take the empty seat of Witch of the West. The other half of the prophecy also speaks of this witch unseating "the greatest evil the realm has ever seen", which the supposed Witch of the West named Zelena accidentally uncovers after a young girl named Dorothy arrives to Oz by a tornado. Fearing her place in the sisterhood will be usurped by Dorothy, Zelena fakes her own death and masquerades as the Wizard to deliberately lead the girl out of the Land of Oz.

Heroes and Villains Book

The Heroes and Villains book is a new story book produced by Mr. Gold at the end of "Mother." He has the Author Isaac Heller write new fates for the heroes and villains in it. However, as a result, history is twisted and sends everyone to an alternate version the Enchanted Forest. The roles have been reversed with the heroes now the villains and the villains living better lives. Examples include Regina and Snow White having the opposite roles, Rumplestiltskin being "the Light One," Hook being Blackbeard's cowardly deckhand, Lily being a servant of Snow White, and Robin Hood to be married to Zelena.

As Henry Mills was born in the Land Without Magic, he was left immune to the changes. He confronted Isaac, using the magic key to take them into a copy of "Heroes and Villains". He reunites with Emma, who was allowed her true memories as torture, and they attempt to have Regina share true love's kiss with Robin to break the book's spell. However, Henry is chosen as Isaac's replacement and uses Regina's blood to write away the false lives. After reality was restored, the book is now empty and all the other copies are now gone.

Jafar's Spell Book

In Wonderland, Jafar owns his own Spell Book. The cover on one of the spell books has the same design as Amara's spell book indicating that Jafar took it after he transformed her into a serpent staff.

Maleficent's Spell Book

The Maleficent's Spell Book is an Enchanted Forest item. It appears in the fourteenth episode of Season 4. The Evil Queen finds Maleficent's old spell book among her mother's things and takes it with her as she journeys to the Forbidden Fortress to meet Maleficent.

Merlin's Spell Books

The Merlin's Spell Books is a Camelot item. It is a set of books owned by the sorcerer Merlin which are kept inside his tower. They contain information about everything from Merlin's own spells to magical toadstools.

Once Upon a Time Book

The Once Upon a Time Book is a book of fairy tales depicting the lives of the characters which in turn are past reality. Its original origins are unknown (it is hinted that the Author in question could either be male or female), however, one day in the cursed town of Storybrooke, school teacher Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White) comes across the book in her apartment. She gives the book to her student, Henry Mills to give him hope as he struggles with belonging after being adopted.[15] From reading the book, Henry becomes convinced that the people in the town are the characters from the book. His adoptive mother Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) is so concerned she begins having him see a therapist, Dr. Archie Hopper (Jiminy Cricket). Despite this, Henry never gives up on his ideas, and one day travels to Boston to locate his birth mother, Emma Swan, who he believes is the "savior" of Storybrooke. Amidst driving Henry back to Storybrooke, Henry tells Emma his beliefs in the book and that she is in it herself.[16] Regina later reads through the book and notices the torn out pages, questioning Henry about it. In an effort to bond with Henry, Emma decides the two must burn the missing pages of the book so that Regina does not see them.[17]

After seeing a comatose John Doe (Prince Charming) in the hospital, Henry Mills shows Emma a picture of Prince Charming in his book and notes that they both have the same scar under their chins. He asks Mary Margaret to read to him and she agrees. While reading him Henry's story book, the man grabs her hand, eventually awakening to his cursed memories as David Nolan. Sheriff Graham (the Huntsman) has dreams of his past life so he visits Henry and asks him if he is in his book. Henry tells him the story of the Huntsman from the book. The book is later lost in a storm and Henry is distraught, though it is soon found by Emma in a puddle underneath her car. Unknown to her, this was all a ploy enacted by August Booth (Pinocchio) to convince her to believe in magic. Henry discovers the newly added story of Pinocchio and informs Emma, who is taken on a motorcycle ride with August to convince her she is the saviour of Storybrooke. Instead, she cannot handle the pressure and decides to leave the town with Henry, though she later returns him, deciding to leave alone. Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) attempts to poison Emma, realising Henry can never truly be hers if she is still alive. However, Henry discovers her plan and prove's the curse's reality to Emma by consuming it. The effect of the cursed apple causes him to fall into a deep sleep. Emma rushes Henry to the hospital and though she shows the apple turnover to Dr. Whale (Dr. Frankenstein), he does not believe it to be the cause of Henry's state. She empties Henry's backpack and discovers the book, which allows her to see the entire story of her parents placing her into the wardrobe, finally allowing her to believe in magic and the curse itself.[18]

Regina later talks with Sidney Glass where she wants him to use his Magic Mirror powers to find the writer of the Once Upon a Time book. Regina plans to use the writer of the Once Upon a Time Book so that the villains in the book to have their happy endings. Henry then joins in the search, even as going far as working at Gold's Pawn Shop to find out if his grandfather knows about the book, only to have Gold later tell Regina that he did not know who the author was. After Henry discovers a secret room in the mansion that contains blank books with covers, all similar to the storybook, Emma joins Henry and Regina in finding the author; unfortunately, it turns out Gold actually lied to Regina about knowing about the author and vows to use the person to change the outcome.

August later reveals that the Author is trapped inside Once Upon a Time, and the key to getting him out is the picture of the door keeping them trapped. Revealed in "Best Laid Plans", there have been many Authors over the eons (which may have even included Walt Disney himself) to record the Enchanted Forest's history. However, the current one, revealed to Disney's successor after his death in December 1966, Isaac Heller, was twisting the facts into stories that amused him despite the anguish he caused others by manipulating them. As punishment, the Apprentice trapped the Author in the book. Many years later, Emma made the mistake of unlocking the door and letting the "Last Author" out. Henry becomes the next author and breaks the magic quill so that no one will be able to manipulate it again.[19]

The Underworld has its own version of the book, which has all the stories of people that have died. As part of a deal he previously made with Liam Jones, Hades forced him to tear out the pages that had his own past with Zelena in it. Unfortunately, the current Author Henry Mills rewrote the stories and finally gave everyone their unfinished businesses before he returned to Storybrooke. Henry left the stories of the unfinished businesses in the Underbrooke Library for the other souls to find.

Henry later finds more copies in a New York library, among the stories shown in the pictures are Gulliver's Travels and Paul Bunyan. This implies that all stories heard about in the Land Without Magic are true.

When Fiona unleashed her curse in the Final Battle, she separated everyone from Emma by sending them back their realms and by doing so used the book to stop Henry from convincing Emma to believe that the stories in the book was real. After Fiona successfully manipulated Emma to turn on Henry, she tricked Emma into burning the book in the furnace, causing all the realms to burn. When Gold killed Fiona, the curse restored the book and restored Emma's beliefs that were tied to them, causing the realms to return to normal.

Another version of the book exists in New Fairy Tale Land, where the life of its inhabitants are recorded in it. The book ends up in Henry’s possession, and later Lucy. After the curse is cast, the book ends up with Victoria Belfrey and once she died, ends up in the hands of Regina.

Magic Broom

The Magic Broom is a broom enchanted by Mr. Gold to discover where is living the Apprentice in Storybrooke. Later, Mr. Gold uses it in the Lakeside Mansion to discover the Sorcerer's Magic Door.

Magic Carpet

The Magic Carpet is a type of carpet from Agrabah that can fly.

Princess Jasmine and Ariel once used a magic carpet to look for Prince Eric's caravan as part of an attempt to fight off Jafar. Later on at the time when the Black Fairy was trying to get Emma to lose her belief in magic and fairy tale stories, Princess Jasmine and Snow White ride a magic carpet to find Prince Charming and Captain Hook after the beanstalk collapsed.

In Wonderland, Jafar owns a Magic Carpet which serves as his mode of transportation. When Alice's true love Cyrus is thrown from a cliff into the Boiling Sea by the Red Queen, she believes he perished. However, it is later revealed that Jafar caught him with a magic carpet to exact his mission onto Alice.

Magic Gauntlet

The Magic Gauntlet is a magical item that originated from Camelot, and ends up in the possession of Rumplestiltskin following his visit to Camelot. It is used to lead to one's greatest weakness and is briefly stolen by the Queens of Darkness to be used to defeat their greatest enemies (Isaac, who took Cruella's ability to kill; Captain Hook, who stole Ursula's singing voice; Snow White and Prince Charming, who accidentally banished Maleficent's daughter).

Following the deactivation of the Spell of Shattered Sight and Ingrid's defeat, Rumplestiltskin has Belle pack her bags and get ready for their real honeymoon outside of Storybrooke and to the city of New York. As she packs, Henry stops by the pawn shop and helps her look for another suitcase. When pulling one down, the boy accidentally knocks a bunch of other items off the shelf, startling Belle. As they go to pick everything up, she discovers the Magic Gauntlet which she thought Rumple traded for her long ago. After Henry leaves, Belle does some thinking and decides to test out the Magic Gauntlet to see what her husband's greatest weakness is. Instead of leading her to herself, it heartbreakingly lead her to the real Dark One's Dagger as she has been keeping a fake since they got married. Belle is able to stop Rumplestiltskin just as he is about to crush Hook's heart and cleave himself from the weapon once and for all.

It is later revealed to have belonged to Merlin. Gunievere attempted to use it to find the Dark One's dagger, to put an end to Arthur's madding quest. However, she traded it to Rumple in exchange for sands from Avalon.

Magic Globe

A Magic Globe is a magical item that uses a locator spell by means of the user pricking their finger on a needle attached to the top and spilling their blood onto the globe to create a map. By unknown means, Cora comes into possession of the globe, and gives it to Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) in exchange for her daughter Regina's whereabouts. The globe indicates the location of New York City as the current place Baelfire can be found. Mr. Gold persuades Emma to accompany and assist in the search in New York so she can finally fulfill her end of her owed debt to him. To the shock of both, Baelfire is Neal Cassidy, who is Emma's ex-boyfriend and biological father of Henry; making all four parties interrelated by blood to each other. After Henry Mills is kidnapped and taken through a portal by Greg Mendell and Tamara, Mr Gold locates him to Neverland. He then agrees to travel with Emma, her parents, Regina and Captain Hook to follow and retrieve him.

In "Wish You were Here", the globe is shown to have limits; it cannot reveal the location of the dark realm the Black Fairy resides in. Mr. Gold was attempting to find his son, and to his horror, realized his mother kidnapped him.

Magic Gloves

The Magic Gloves are special gloves belonging to Elsa. They originally belonged to her aunt Ingrid. These gloves when worn can keep ice magic from getting out of control, if the user has enough belief in their ability to do so. They were given to Ingrid by Rumplestiltskin. Despite seeming to discard them in her film, Elsa is shown to still hold onto them. After Elsa was released from an urn into Storybrooke, she discarded her gloves again. What becomes of them afterwards is unknown.

Magic Hats

The Magic Hats are a type of hat that has magical abilities. Among the known magic hats are:

Jefferson's Hat

Jefferson's Hat is a hat owned by Jefferson who can cross dimensions to other lands by opening portals inside it. As Zelena notes, Jefferson had more than one magical hat because he was a hatter; one of them ended up in Oz.

First Hat

The Portal of Doors is a room in Jefferson's Hat where portals to various other lands are located. It is accessible to anyone who jumps into the hat. The room is circular and rounded with red curtains containing at least seventeen different doors. Some of known doors are:

  • A Tan Door
  • A Grey Door
  • A Pink Brick Door
  • A Green Door with a Hole
  • A Brown Door with Trees
  • A Blue Door with Four Holes
  • A Medieval Brown and Grey Door
  • A Green Curtain Door with O and Z handles : Land of Oz
  • A Reddish Door
  • A Oriental Style Red Door with Golden Knobs
  • A Light Red Door with Logograms on it
  • A Looking Glass : Wonderland.
  • Glass Elevator
  • A Normal Door with a Keyhole
  • A Pink Door
  • A Greyish Door
  • A Stone-like Door

There are other lands that the hat can travel too, but with no confirmation of which portal leads to the lands :

  • Fairy Tale Land
    • Enchanted Forest
    • Camelot
  • Land Without Color
  • Victorian England


Sorcerer's Hat

The Sorcerer's Hat is a pointed hat that when worn or used allows the owner to wield unlimited power. The stars on the hat represent beings of magic that have been imprisoned in it. The Sorcerer's Hat is kept in a box that can be opened by a person that isn't consumed by evil or darkness and is kept under the watchful eye of The Apprentice. When Zoso attempted to acquire the Sorcerer's Hat, he was defeated by a mysterious protection shield. The Apprentice then tells Zoso that the box cannot be opened by someone who has accepted darkness in their heart. Zoso vanishes and the Apprentice says that no Dark One will ever open the box.

The Sorcerer's Hat has become an obsession for Rumplestiltskin in the Enchanted Forest, as he used Anna in his quest to retrieve the item by having her kill the Apprentice (of which he later tricks Anna by admitting to having give her an antidote to save the Apprentice, who turned into a mouse), and in Storybooke, where (as his alias Mr. Gold) has the item in possession and has gone to great lengths to use it, with the Apprentice being his first victim by sending him into the hat's vortex. It is later discovered that Ingrid had the item in possession after taking it from Anna, believing that she was going to use it on Elsa. When Ingrid (now Sarah) in Storybrooke saw Gold with the Sorcerer's Hat, he told her that he has the leverage that she wanted.

Gold would later use the Sorcerer's Hat on Emma in order to take her powers away but was thwarted by Elsa before it could happen, which was followed by using it successfully on the fairies while they were trying to come up with a spell to stop The Snow Queen from enacting the Spell of Shattered Sight on Storybrooke. Gold hoped that by absorbing magic from others, this would free him of the Dark One's Dagger and escape Storybrooke. Just as he almost succeeded in doing so, Belle saw through his deception and used the dagger on him, which resulted in his exile from Storybrooke leaving behind the Sorcerer's Hat.

Due to Gold's manipulations, not only were the fairies released, but the powerful demon Chernabog as well. At that point, it was revealed that the hat could only suck in magical beings once. An annoyed Emma compared the hat's ability to trap magical beings to the chickenpox.

The Apprentice was let out of the hat by Mother Superior, right before the Heroes and Villains book changed history. When the timeline was repaired, the Apprentice removed the darkness poisoning Mr. Gold's heart and send it into the hat; however, it was too powerful to be contained and escaped, and it fatally wounded the Apprentice in an attempt to possess him, before being driven out by Emma's light magic. The stars on the box appeared to be swirling into a black vortex before the Darkness escaped. This could, perhaps, mean that the Darkness swallowed all the other magical beings trapped in the hat to increase its power.

Magic Ink

Magic Ink is a type of ink that when used with a magic quill, allows one make anything possible when it is written. However, it cannot bring back the dead if they died in another world or alter the events that take place in the Land Without Magic. Magic ink is bestowed upon the Author of Once Upon a Time so they may record the events of different realms. However, the current user Isaac Heller began manipulating events and even writing a different book with happy endings in them for the villains. Magic Ink can only be given by the Sorcerer or created by mixing blood from the Savior/someone who has the Savior's darkness in them with the ink.

Seen in the Season 4 finale, the ink can even alter history. It gave Snow White and Regina the other's role, turning the once pure-hearted princess into the new Evil Queen, while making Regina a kind person. Rumplestiltskin also never became the Dark One, but is instead a knight and happily together with Belle.

Now that the Apprentice and Merlin are dead, the only way to create magic ink would be to use either Emma or Lily's blood; however, once they pass away, a new method will have to be figured out.

Magic Mushroom

Magic Mushroom is a growth mushroom found in Wonderland that can increase or decrease the size of the person who eats it. After the Queen steals her father back from this world, she picks a piece of the mushroom and lets him eat it so he can grow back to normal size. In the same land, a woman named Jack once rescued people from a creature called the Jabberwocky and as thanks she received a magic mushroom. Later, she helps Anton the Giant shrink to human size by giving him the mushroom.

During Alice's travels in Wonderland, she steals a piece of the mushroom from the Caterpillar and uses to shrink herself and evade the Queen's guards in the maze. The Knave of Hearts once used the mushroom to shrink the Cheshire Cat back to his original size.

Hook later asked Will Scarlet for a potion derived from the mushrooms, to restore the Jolly Roger back to its former size; when Blackbeard attacked Arendelle, likely seeking the payment Hans promised, Elsa shrank the ship into a bottle, accidentally sweeping Ariel in with it.

Another magic mushroom, the Crimson Crown (also known as Vermiculus Coronam), was discovered in Camelot, which is key to freeing Merlin from his imprisoned tree, but King Arthur would hide the item after David acquired it; the item would later be discovered in Storybrooke once again by David.

Magic Necklaces

There have been some Magic Necklaces that were used in this franchise:

Protective Necklace

The Protective Necklace is a magical item used to protect the wearer in the Netherworld.

Mr. Gold gives Henry a magical necklace that will help him control his nightmares and explains that he is being transported to a dimension between worlds, a side effect left by the sleeping potion.

Purple Gem Necklace

The Purple Gem Necklace is a magical necklace from Camelot.

It was given to Regina by Percival who claimed it was a gift from King Arthur, when in reality, Percival used it to spy on her.

Magic Neutralizing Chains

Magic Neutralizing Chains are an item that can prevent the one bound in them from using their magic. However, the person who cast the spell to put the chains on the victim must be adept at using their own magic, or the spell proves faulty. The flame from a candle can be used as a medium to materialize the chains. Emma attempt this spell to stop Ingrid, but her inexperience caused the spell to fail and Ingrid to cause Emma's magic to fly out of control.

In An Untold Story, Emma was able to conjure the chains on her own, without a medium, to bind the Evil Queen's arms after she split from Regina. The chains were left behind after the Evil Queen dissolved into dust.

Magic Paper

The Magic Paper is a paper that can be magically animated and folded. Cyrus once used it to send a message to Alice that he is alive in Jafar's lair.

Magic Quill

The Magic Quill is a type of quill that is made from an Enchanted Tree and is used by the Authors. Combined with Magic Ink, the Magic Quill makes whatever is written happen.

Chosen to be the next Author by the Sorcerer and his Apprentice in 1966, Isaac begins recording stories. At some point after this, he travels to a world based on 1920s England looking for a good story. Using his Magic Quill, he can write anything into existence as long as it is recorded using a bottle of Magic Ink. Falling in love with a charming girl named Cruella, he explains his ability to her and proves it by using the quill to give her a necklace and earrings. Issac asks her to run away with him. As Cruella still fears her mother, Isaac gifts her the ability to control animals. Insisting that she confront her mother one last time, Cruella decides to go home as Isaac waits for her return. Sometime during this, Cruella secretly steals Isaac's Magic Quill (something he discovers only after Cruella's mother Madeline reveals her daughter's murderous persona to him). After Cruella kills Madeline, Isaac retrieves his Magic Quill and managing to dip it into the ink bottle. Before all the ink spills on Cruella (whose hair turns black and white from it), she corners him at gunpoint only for a fast-acting Isaac writes on paper that she can never kill again. Sometime after this incident, Isaac abuses his role as Author by manipulating the Apprentice into infusing Maleficent's child with darkness and banishing the baby to another realm. While Isaac is in the midst of writing in a storybook, the Apprentice confronts him about his meddling to which the Author casually remarks that it made for a better story. Deeming him corrupt and unworthy of being an Author, the Apprentice formally asks Isaac to forfeit the Magic Quill before banishing him into the book.

When Emma releases Isaac from the book, he escapes into the woods. There, he attempts to carve a new writing quill from a branch until Mr. Gold tells him that it won't have magic unless it is made from an enchanted tree. Mr. Gold insists he come with him, a suggestion Isaac spits on regarding the latter as the most troublesome person he's written about in the book. Upon seeing Mr. Gold has an actual Magic Quill, Isaac questions what he wants. Mr. Gold proposes he write him as well as other people happy endings which Isaac eventually agrees to. Unfortunately, Isaac used the chance to write the stories to alter the destiny of the characters involved because of his hatred for what he saw was good in the heroes.

Upon obtaining Magic Ink with Regina's help, Isaac wrote himself to appear besides Mr. Gold's side as he begins Mr. Gold's plot to write new endings for his "Heroes and Villains" book. When Henry takes Isaac's place as Author, he considers only one selfish desire - to bring back Neal Cassidy. However, after learning the book can't alter the Real World's events, Henry snaps the quill in half, declaring no-one should have that much power. However, the Apprentice tells Henry that's what makes him fit for the role. Hook is later left annoyed by this as it's exactly what the need to combat the Darkness.

In the Underworld, Cruella explains that the Apprentice lied to Henry to make sure he wouldn't attempt to warp reality like Isaac had done. As Henry broke it, the Magic Quill and its powers were sent to the Underworld, and thus have unfinished business. Cruella persuades Henry to try finding the quill and using it to resurrect her. However, though the Apprentice's urging, Henry instead decides to rewrite Hades' story which was torn out of the Underworld Once Upon a Time Book by Liam under Hades' orders. The powers of the quill allow Henry to receive images of stories in his dreams.

Henry took the quill back to Storybrooke, where he uses it to take the Olympian Crystal from Mr. Gold in a bid to destroy magic.

When Henry was looking for the quill, the Evil Queen appeared with it in her possession since she didn't want Henry to use it on her. After Regina transferred some of the darkness of the Evil Queen's heart into her own, the Evil Queen returned the quill to Henry which he used to teleport the Evil Queen to someplace where she will get a fresh start. This sends the Evil Queen to the Wish Realm.

It is later revealed the Magic Quill forced its Author to write the stories. When the Black Fairy arrived in Storybrooke, it send Henry into a seizure-like trance that made him write details about the upcoming fight. It even prevents Henry from trying to make the outcome for the upcoming final battle in Emma's favor.

Magic Rose

Needing Belle to focus on helping the others in their quest to find Emma, Mother Superior conjures a Magic Rose in a jar, which is linked to Mr. Gold's life-force. So long as Mr. Gold is a live, petals will remain on the flower. Once all the petals are gone, his life has ended. Thanks to Emma, Gold is revived and the rose restored; however, she needs his now "blank slate" heart as part of her plan to draw Excalibur.

Magic Ribbons

The Magic Ribbons belonged to the three Arendelle princesses Ingrid, Helga and Gerda find a punctured kite in a tree and become enamored by the yellow ribbons on it. Ingrid, manifesting powerful ice magic, is reassured by her sisters that they will protect her secret. They then make a pact, with each tying a ribbon on their left wrist, to solidify the strength of their sisterhood. Years later, the trio are grown up, but Ingrid still fears she will be a detriment to her sisters' lives if the kingdom finds out about her powers. As a solution, they travel to the Enchanted Forest and bargain with Rumplestiltskin so Ingrid can control her powers. In exchange for their three ribbons, he will give Ingrid magic concealing gloves and an urn to seal herself if she ever becomes too dangerous.

With the casting of the first curse, Rumplestiltskin gains a new life as the pawnshop owner Mr. Gold. The three ribbons are some of the many relics that carry over from his former life and remain in his possession.

As her plan to make Elsa and Emma her sisters comes into fruition, Ingrid asks for the three ribbons from Mr. Gold, and for his benefit, she tells him the last thing he needs to be free of the dagger's control. Regaining the ribbons, she intends to put them on Elsa and Emma's wrists after they learn to accept their magic powers. Mr. Gold unintentionally speeds this scheme along by attempting to trick Emma, who desires to be rid of her magic, into giving up her powers to the hat. Elsa encourages Emma to accept magic as part of herself, and she too learns to do the same. Following this, the ribbons manifest on their left wrists and begin harnessing their powers, which then gathers in Ingrid's own ribbon. Finally, Ingrid shatters her mirror with the ribbon's combined magic and casts the spell of shattered sight. When Ingrid's curse commences, Elsa and Emma remain immune, due to the ribbons' power, while the spell's mirror shards ultimately turn other people against each other. Since conventional means couldn't break the ribbons, due to Ingrid's love for Emma and Elsa, they had to use an equally powerful magical hatred from Regina (whose inner darkness was released by the spell) to destroy the ribbons.

Magic Slippers

Magic Slippers are an item of footwear owned by the Wizard of Oz. It is noted that the Magic Slippers are based on the silver shoes from the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Likely to avoid being too much alike to the film, the slippers are silver instead.

As a young woman, Zelena's adopted father becomes frustrated at her powers and informs her that they are not her real parents, following her adopted mother's death. She decides to visit the Wizard of Oz to find her real upbringing. The Wizard of Oz tells her of her back story and of her half-sister Regina who was favored over Zelena to be Queen. Enraged, Zelena demands to go the land and the Wizard transports her there by means of the Silver Slippers. In Regina's castle, she meets Rumplestiltskin who trains her after she reveals her relations. Rumplestiltskin informs Zelena that she is unwanted to him as the heart of the thing she loves most (Rumplestiltskin himself) is needed to enact his curse; Regina is favorable as she hates him. Zelena leaves, telling Rumple that he blew his only chance to get to the Land Without Magic with the slippers. While posing as the Wizard of Oz, Zelena gave them to Dorothy Gale so that she can return to Kansas.

Some time later, Rumplestiltskin is seen in a conversation with Jefferson discussing the Magic Slippers. When Rumplestiltskin wishes to find the item, Jefferson informs him that the Magic Slippers have been "moved to another land."

Dorothy uses them to return to Oz in order to stop Zelena, but is humiliated. When Zelena goes to the Enchanted Forest to ruin Regina's life, Dorothy hides the slippers. However, once Zelena is banished back to Oz by Regina, she finds them to return to Storybooke. Zelena attempts to leave the Underworld with the slippers, but is coerced by Regina to give them to Ruby. The slippers are currently in Oz in the possession of Ruby and Dorothy.

Magic Staffs

There are different Magic Staffs that are used in this franchise.

Cora's Staff

Cora's Staff is a magical staff that is used by Cora to create a shield around a part of the kingdom of the Enchanted Forest to be protected from the Dark Curse.

Maleficent's Staff

Maleficent's Staff is a dragon-headed staff that is used by Maleficent. It can be used to cast spells, absorb fires, and block physical attacks. She rarely uses it in Storybrooke; the most notable instance was in the episode "Best Laid Plans", when she put all of Storybrooke's inhabitants under a sleeping curse.

Maleficent's staff is one of the most expensive single items (props which aren't duplicated) made for the show.[20] For the show, the dragon head on Maleficent's staff was made from scratch while the orb embedded in the middle was originally a simple acrylic bowl. The staff handle's oddly bent shape was a deliberate touch to make the item stand out.[21] Charron Studios in Burnaby, British Columbia were tasked with carving the dragon, and also cast the glass ball on top. It took them dozens of tries to get the right color scheme for the inside of the orb. The wood came from a branch twisted naturally into spirals.[20]

Serpent Staff

The Serpent Staff is owned by Jafar in Wonderland. In his quest for revenge on the Sultan, Jafar casts a spell on his teacher of dark magic Amara which transforms her into a snake-shaped staff after she was turned into a snake. He, therefore, gains all the power of his master and uses the staff as his companion for various purposes that control his magic. So long as he held the Serpent Staff, Jafar could perform any spell that required two wizards and could easily overpower the magical power of the Red Queen.

When being used against Cyrus, this roused Amara's consciousness from within it, as she didn't wish harm upon her own child; this caused some resistance to Jafar. Following a hint from the Jabberwocky, Alice, Will and Cyrus learned how to free Amara from her staff form.

Magical Seashell

The Magical Seashell is a seashell enchanted by the sea god Poseidon to steal the singing voice of his daughter, Ursula. He attempted to persuade Captain Hook into stealing Ursula's singing voice in exchange for squid ink to paralyze Rumplestiltskin. However, as a result of a triple cross between the two of them and Ursula, Hook did seal her singing voice inside it and kept with him for years. Poseidon later undoes the spell, earning forgiveness from his daughter; they both return home.

Magic Urn

The Magic Urn is a magical object used to imprison beings with some kind of magic. In the Enchanted Forest of the past, it belonged to Rumplestiltskin for a short time, after a deal made with Ingrid/Snow Queen, he gave the urn to her. Later, Ingrid is trapped in the urn by his sister Gerda, after killing his other sister Helga. After many years trapped in the urn, Ingrid is released by Prince Hans. Shortly thereafter, Elsa is trapped in the urn by Anna and remains in urn for 30 years until it was accidentally brought to the future by Emma and Hook, after they travel to the past through the time portal created by Zelena. When Elsa arrives to Storybrooke, she breaks free from the urn and immediately destroys it with her magic.

Mr. Gold acquired the remains of the urn and used them to temporarily trap Ingrid to enact his own schemes.

Magic Wardrobe

The Magic Wardrobe is a small arched cupboard made of enchanted wood, carved by Geppetto. It was made for Snow White and Prince Charming to escape the Evil Queen's curse. Rumplestiltskin tells the two that the only person who can save them in twenty-eight years time is their unborn child. The Blue Fairy asks wood carver Geppetto to make a wardrobe out of the last enchanted tree in the land. When she explains about the curse and the wardrobe's properties of protecting two people from it, Geppetto is concerned about his son Pinocchio's safety. He requests that Pinocchio be one of two who will go through the wardrobe. Reluctantly, the Blue Fairy agrees. Later, she presents the tree to Prince Charming and Show White, but lies and states the wardrobe can only protect only one person from the curse. Geppetto and Pinocchio work on carving the wardrobe as it is decided Snow White, while she is still pregnant, will go through it when the curse is cast. Problematically, Snow White gives birth early on the same day the curse begins to spread and gives birth to a daughter, Emma. The Blue Fairy retracts her previous deal with Geppetto and asks him to let Snow White and Emma be together once they are protected from the curse. After she leaves, he disregards her instructions and places Pinocchio into the wardrobe. Geppetto instructs his son to watch over Emma in the new world. Afterwards, Prince Charming places Emma into the wardrobe and she is successfully transported from the wardrobe into the woods where Pinocchio picks her up from inside the hollow of the tree. Pinocchio takes her into a diner and the two of them are placed in the same foster care home (though he later abandons her to grow up alone).

After the Dark Curse is broken, a mishap in sending a wraith through a vortex in the hat causes Emma to be pulled in as Mary Margaret follows her. Eventually, they end up in an untouched part of the Enchanted Forest and arrive inside the old royal castle where the magic wardrobe is still intact from the day the curse was cast. Mary Margaret suggests taking the wardrobe with them, though Lancelot appears and offers help. Suspiciously, Mary Margaret realises this person is not Lancelot when he speaks of Henry, which was never previously brought up to anyone in the Enchanted Forest except Cora. Cora reveals herself and attempts to gain control over the wardrobe, though Emma is forced to burn it. Cora materializes back into the room to collect the ashes when the two leave, which unbeknownst to anyone else except her, can still be used to make a portal. Cora then teams up with Hook to steal a magic compass from Emma. They head to Lake Nostos to pour the ashes of the wardrobe in, which creates an open portal. They prepare to travel back, though they are defeated by Emma and Mary Margaret who successfully jump into the lake back to Storybrooke.[3]


The Medallion is an amulet that is owned by a cloaked creature called a Wraith. In Storybrooke, Mr. Gold seeks vengeance against Regina for abducting Belle and telling him she had died. Despite swearing on Belle's request that he would not kill Regina, he brands her with the medallion, marking her for death and summonning the wraith to hunt down his prey. The wraith is almost successful in taking Regina's soul, but is interrupted by Emma, Mary Margaret and David who send it through a portal using Jefferson's hat. However, Emma and Mary Margaret are also taken with it.[22]

The Wraith is transported to the remains of the Enchanted Forest. Prince Phillip and his companion, Mulan, arrive at the ruined palace, and he is able to use true love's kiss to awaken Aurora, but are attacked by the wraith. Prince Phillip attacks the creature, causing the medallion to fall into his hand, thus marking him as the Wraith's next victim. Phillip tells Aurora he is going to look for fire-wood, knowing he will never return to allow the wraith to take his soul. Later, Mulan and Aurora realize he has been marked and find him. Mulan suggests she be given the medallion so she can mark herself and have her soul taken in his place, thus saving Phillip from his fate. He refuses, and allows the Wraith to suck out his soul while Aurora and Mulan look on in horror. After taking Phillip's soul, the Wraith goes back into the medallion. Aurora and Mulan pay their last farewell tribute to Phillip, and the medallion is given to Aurora by Mulan.[22]

After Phillip was revived, Aurora likely discarded the medallion to prevent the Wraith from returning.

Memory Stones

The Memory Stones is an Arendelle item. They are crystals that can be used to remove, store and return other people's memories.

Middlemist Flowers

The Middlemist Flowers are a Camelot plant species. They used to grow in the village of Oxleigh and were brought to Merlin's village by Nimue. Centuries later, an entire field of middlemists can be found near the Camelot castle.


Mirrors are an item typically used to see one's reflection; they exist in all realms capable of producing glass. Their size ranges from being handheld to being big as a doorway. They can be used to spy on others, using magic; sometimes this can be used to establish communication, leaving the caster safe.

Upon wishing to always be able to see the Evil Queen, the Genie became trapped in the World Behind the Mirror, becoming known as the Magic Mirror. Regina is known to favor using mirrors to spy and communicate.

Mirror of Souls

The Mirror of Souls is a magical mirror. If somebody has evil in their soul, it will be revealed in the mirror's gaze in which the person's eyes will glow with demonic fire. The Mirror of Souls was located about an hour's ride away from Belle's castle and she eventually recovers it. Later, through the mirror's reflection, Belle discovers that Gaston has evil in his soul which also revealed that he was the one who tortured the young Ogre.

Mr. Gold's Cane

Mr. Gold's Cane is a cane owned by Mr. Gold. After the Dark Curse was cast, Rumplestiltskin arrived in the Land Without Magic under a new identity. Without magic, the new Mr. Gold was forced to rely on his cane to help walk, just like his previous self's walking stick prior to becoming the Dark One. In "Skin Deep", he used it to beat Moe French nearly to death after he becomes infuriated at the memory of Regina's lie about Belle's fate. In Season 3, Mr. Gold discarded the cane to part with his past self, having decided to follow the path of good; as Storybrooke had magic, he could walk without the cane now.

After being temporarily banished from Storybrooke in "Heroes and Villains", Mr. Gold acquired a new cane through unknown means, he latter tossed aside when Cruella and Ursula helped him back inside in "Darkness on the Edge of Town". After being brought out of his coma by the Dark Swan, Gold now uses a walking stick as he no longer has magic to help with his limp. Though an act of sarcastic charity from Hook as his time as Dark One, Gold's injury is permanently healed.

Moe French is show to have a fear of Gold's cane after being beaten by it; Gold tapped it against a counter and Moe flinched. Some fans wondered why Gold resorted to intimidating Moe with the cane, when he could have just ripped out Moe's heart and force him to wake Belle.



The Nautilus is a high-tech submarine that is owned by Captain Nemo. It enabled Captain Nemo and his crew to travel underwater for years without having to worry about running out of oxygen. In addition, there is a component on the Nautilus that enables it to travel to any ocean in any of the known worlds which is powered by the blood of a Kraken.

Captain Nemo piloted the Nautilus where they encountered Captain Hook. Captain Nemo had one of his men infiltrate Captain Hook's crew in order to bring him onto the Nautilus.

When Mr. Hyde had some of the Land of Untold Stories' inhabitants brought to Storybrooke, the Nautilus arrived to Storybrooke Harbor.


Nightroot is a plant which is sought after for its apparent ability to remove its seeker's fear. However, consuming the substance in fact creates a doppelgänger-based fear spirit who represents all of the person's worst fears. A young woman named Rapunzel becomes trapped in a large tower for many years, after she searched for the plant to remove her fears of becoming Queen after her brother's death. After David (Prince Charming) begins to fear that he will not make a good father to his and Mary Margaret (Snow White)'s baby, Robin Hood tells him where to find night-root. He then climbs the tower and eventually helps Rapunzel face her fears by facing what truly scares her: herself. Presented with her own doppelganger, she is encouraged by David and cuts off parts of her long hair, killing the figure and allowing her freedom.[23]

When in Storybrooke, Zelena (the Wicked Witch of the West) had used Rumplestiltskin's blood to steal a Nightroot from the safe in his shop and used it to spike David's tea. While looking for the Wicked Witch of the West, David ended up encountering the fear spirit and ends up in battle with it which resulting in David's sword ending up broken. When David does admit his fear, he uses the hilt of his sword to defeat the fear spirit.


Olympian Crystal

The Olympian Crystal is an Olympian artifact that can be used to end a person's existence by putting their soul in a non-existent state. It has the power to destroy even deities. Hades planned to murder Regina with this, but Robin Hood took the hit instead. In retaliation, Zelena stabs Hades with it, reducing him to sand. Mr. Gold later salvages the fragment of the Olympian Crystal from what's left of Hades. Hades suggests that the state of non-existence might be some kind of realm, as he tauntingly told Regina she would be reunited with Robin.

Gold tethered all of Storybrooke's magic to the crystal, hoping to use it to wake Belle from her Sleeping Curse. Henry later uses it, in conjunction with a wishing fountain in New York, to open a portal to the Land of Untold Stories to rescue his family. Once Regina un-tethered the magic from the crystal, it vanished, no longer serving any purpose or because there was already some extra magic inside of it and it was released into Storybrooke.

Only You

Only You is a record album that belonged to Neal Cassidy. Emma referred to it as "their song." Henry is shown to have liked the song, having it on his MP3 player and picks it at the jukebox at Granny's; this also becomes the song for Henry and his girlfriend Violet. Emma picks this up immediately, noting how much Henry was like Neal (Henry even admitted that Neal taught him that playing this song "always works"); Regina, on the other hand, was quite oblivious to the meaning of the song.


Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box is a magical item containing the world's darkest evil. In Storybrooke, Pandora's Box is one of the numerous items found in Mr. Gold's pawn shop. He originally enchanted the box's hiding place that can only be triggered when the chipped cup is placed back into its saucer in the cupboard. After Mr. Gold goes to Neverland to save Henry, he and Regina form a plan to retrieve the box to defeat the sinister Peter Pan. Regina enlists the mermaid Ariel to retrieve the item from Storybrooke, though upon arrival in the town, she and Belle are stopped by John and Michael Darling, who are carrying out Pan's tasks to save their sister, Wendy. The two men then take the box to destroy it in the mines using a dwarf axe. Belle and Ariel stop them just before it is destroyed, and the men explain their reasoning behind following Pan. Belle promises them the box is the key to destroying Pan for good so Wendy can be free, to which they agree with the plan. Ariel swims back to Neverland and delivers the box to Mr. Gold.[24]

Back in Neverland, Pan attempts a heartfelt father-to-son conversation with Mr. Gold to affirm he does indeed care for him. He asks Mr. Gold to choose him instead so they can start over, but this is met with refusal. Mr. Gold motions to use Pandora's Box, but Pan pulls out an identical replica. It is revealed Pan is in possession of the real box while the other is a fake; he opens the box and successfully contains Mr. Gold within it. Pan succeeds in gaining Henry's heart and becomes immortal. Regina later returns Henry's heart to his body and also steals the box back. They leave to board the Jolly Roger for Storybrooke, after Neal releases Mr. Gold from the box, then trapping Pan inside when he catches him attempting to rip out Henry's shadow. He is however unaware that Pan switched bodies with Henry before being trapped. After a safe arrival to Storybrooke, Mr. Gold seals the box in his pawnshop to prevent Pan from ever escaping. Believing Henry is not himself, Emma and her parents track down Mr. Gold so he can give them box. An armed Emma enlists Mr. Gold to open the box, to a puzzled Henry who finds himself in Pan's body. Henry shares intimate details of his and Emma's relationship to prove his true identity and the two reconcile.[25]

In the Underworld, Pan gave Gold a Pandora's Box as part of an exchange to help save Belle and her unborn child while Gold find a heart for Pan. Unfortunately after Hades opens the portal to take everyone back to Storybrooke Gold tricked his father by switching the heart he took from Robin Hood with a bag of water from the River of Lost Souls and had him killed, as he only wanted the box. Gold then sarcastically tells his papa that "villains don't get happy endings." The box was later stolen by Mr. Hyde, to gain leverage over Mr. Gold; however, he returned the box to Gold along with information on how to break the sleeping curse Belle was under in exchange for ownership of Storybrooke.

Pendants of the Sisterhood

In the Land of Oz, the four witches (North, South, East and West) each have a Pendant of the Sisterhood in their possession. These pendants harness, protect and grow the witch's power. When Zelena asks Glinda if it will make the wearer stronger, she replies with "than you can possibly imagine". However, if the pendants are removed, the witches become powerless. The gem in the pendant is normally clear to represent purity. However, Zelena's turned green when her envy finally won over her desire to be good.

When Mr. Gold attempts killing Zelena, her life-force was freed after the fatal blow; it fled back to her pendant, releasing her magic and completing the time travel spell. It appears that if this is done, the Pendant's wearer regains back all their magic, since Zelena was able to regenerate her body and kill Marian, before "taking her place" with a glamour spell, within the short time that Hook and Emma were distracted. During the episode "Mother", Regina even states she put the magic-canceling bracelet on Zelena to prevent spell-casting. Zelena even implies that her magic is back. In "The Dark Swan" Zelena proves this, by cutting off her hand to remove the magic-canceling bracelet, and magically reattaches her hand.

Peter Pan's Pipe

The Peter Pan's Pipe is a Neverland item. It is a pan flute that has been enchanted so that only boys who feel lost and unloved can hear it. Peter Pan uses it to lure a group of children out of Hamelin, becoming the famed Pied Piper. These boys become known as the Lost Boys. Henry was initially immune to it, but once Pan convinced him that his family wouldn't come for him, he could hear the music.

In the Underworld, Pan leaves his flute for Mr. Gold to call on him if he wants to strike a deal. He does so when Zelena tricks Belle into a Sleeping Curse, in exchange for a living heart. Gold double-crosses Pan and poisons him with a wineskin filled with water from the River of Lost Souls.

Pixie Dust

Pixie Dust is a greatly more powerful version of Fairy Dust. It is capable of granting flight to the user if they believe, and the ability to find a soulmate for a person in need of love. David Nolan/Prince Charming once described the potenecy as "nuclear fairy dust." It can either be highly refined from Fairy Dust or retrieved from the trees of Neverland. When Pan's youth was close to expiring, the trees no longer had any Pixie Dust; likely his breaking of Neverland's rules of only visiting in dreams caused too much strain on the world to continue production of it.

As shown in "Awake", it can awaken the true memories of those under the Dark Curse. It can also be used to open portals to someone connected to the user through True Love. Snow White wanted to use Pixie Dust to break the Sleeping Curse the Evil Queen left behind on her and David, but gave it to Emma to reunite her with Hook.

Pixie Petal

Pixie Petal is a type of flower that naturally contains Pixie Dust. However, it only blooms in the presence of great evil, such as the Black Fairy. One bloomed during the first Dark Curse, due to the presence of Mr. Gold and Regina. When the Black Fairy arrived in Storybrooke, a whole field of Pixie Petals bloomed. Gideon destroyed all but one on her orders.

Poisoned Apple

A Poisoned Apple is an item of fruit infused with poison, typically to be given to a victim to consume. Maleficent creates a sleeping curse to use on her enemy Sleeping Beauty, and Regina obtains the Dark Curse from Rumplestiltskin....sometime after the two trade their respective curses. The apple has the sleeping curse placed within so that if someone willingly bites into it, they will fall into a deep sleep while their body is their tomb and they are tormented by their regrets, all the while appearing to be dead. However, the Evil Queen is unaware that, as with all curses, it can be broken by true love's kiss. At some point, the apple is stolen by the Blind Witch and the Evil Queen sends Hansel and Gretel to retrieve it in exchange for the whereabouts of their father, the Woodcutter.[26] The Evil Queen later offers the cursed apple to Snow White, who willingly bites into it, fully aware of the consequences in order to save the life of her true love, Prince Charming. Moments after Snow White bites the apple, she collapses and drops the apple. As it rolls away, it falls into a portal Jefferson has created in present-day Storybrooke.[27] Prince Charming breaks the sleeping curse and awakens Snow White from her slumber.[18]

In Storybrooke, Regina Mills contracts Jefferson to fetch the apple with his hat. After retrieving the apple, the apple is made into an apple turnover by Regina who offers it to an accepting Emma who is unaware of the turnover's magical powers. Henry takes a bite the turnover to prove to Emma the curse's reality.[27] Once again, the sleeping curse is broken by true love's kiss from Emma to Henry.[18] However, because the apple was eaten in The Land Without Magic, it didn't simply send Henry into a coma; he very nearly died as a result of the instability magic has there.

Poole's Baton

Poole's Baton is a device that appears to use a combination of technology and magic. He keeps it on him at all times, so he can subdue prisoners or anyone else Mr. Hyde dislikes. Those subjected to it are knocked out, and wake up later with mild headaches. It appears to only carry a single charge at a time, as Dr. Jekyll mentioned that the device was useless after being used to knock out Mr. Hyde; ironically, it was the only thing capable of harming Hyde as even Zelena's fireball ended up absorbed by Hyde.

A secondary one was made out of the derigible's power source, to knock out Mr. Hyde.

Poppy Dust

Poppy Dust is a magical substance made from ground poppies. When Emma Swan, Mary Margaret, Princess Aurora, Mulan and Hook search for a beanstalk in the Enchanted Forest, they use poppy dust to knock the giant out and retrieve a magical compass to return Emma and Mary Margaret to Storybrooke. Mulan later grinds more poppies to place Mary Margaret into a deep sleep to communicate with David (Prince Charming) in the Netherworld.

In a later journey to Neverland to rescue a kidnapped Henry, Tinker Bell approaches Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) about their troubled past. Angry at Regina's betrayal, Tinker Bell blows poppy dust in Regina's face, leading her to temporarily fall unconscious.[28]

Snow White and Prince Charming later used some to knock out Ursula and Cruella, who were keeping guard outside the cave Maleficent had given birth in.

In Oz, a poppy field is in Zelena's territory.


A Potion is a magical substance used for various reasons and typically in a liquid form. Some known potions include:

Dr. Jekyll's Potion #1

Dr. Jekyll's Potion is a potion created by Dr. Jekyll to remove the evil in the drinker, taking a blue color. Rumplestiltskin showed interest in the serum back when he began to love Belle, wishing to be rid of it; he helped Jekyll with the bonding problem the serum was having. As Jekyll would explain, everyone envisions their dark side differently and this potion brings it out, albeit in control of their body with awareness of their original identity; due to the trouble Hyde was giving them, Hook quipped "next time imagine an aggressive bunny rabbit."

In a twist, Hyde turns out to be the better half of Dr. Jekyll, as he embodied the more sauve side Jekyll kept buried; Hyde won the heart of Mary Lyndgate, Jekyll's crush, but the doctor killed her by accident and Hyde got the blame because Jekyll turned into him to avoid jail.

Dr. Jekyll's Potion #2

Dr. Jekyll's Second Potion was later created allowing himself and Hyde to exist separately. This new batch is red. After Poole transformed Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde, he used this potion to separate them into two different characters. Regina was later given some of this to separate the Evil Queen from herself. Its later revealed that the light and dark halves are linked; if the original half dies, so does the evil one. Knowing this, Regina decides to have Emma promise to kill her if it looks like the Evil Queen can't be stopped otherwise. However, they later discover that the sword destined to slay Emma can kill the Evil Queen without harming Regina.

Dr. Jekyll's Potion #3

Dr. Jekyll's Third Potion was created with the help of Dr. Whale/Victor Frankenstein. The potion would be used to kill Hyde and the Evil Queen. However, before it could be used on him, Hyde stole it and disposed of the serum.

Locator Potion

The Locator Potion is used for pouring on any varieties of items can enchanted to locate rightful owner. Zelena later explains that if something is owned by someone, it can be used to find another of their possessions; she stole the bow King Furgus gave to Merida to find the enchanted helm given to him by the DuBrunch witch.

David later cooks up a locator spell to find out where his father was on his final day of life. A map and an item the deceased owned is needed for this version.

Memory Potion

The Memory Potion can either restore or remove recollections of a point in time one has experienced. Snow White once drank a potion that made her become darker and meaner by forgetting her love of Prince Charming. However, he was able to cancel its effects by helping Snow remember her true self. Knowing the Dark Curse was being enacted, Zelena "spiced it up" by adding a potion as an extra ingredient to erase the last year from everyone's memory. She later created an antidote to the potion, taking some herself before giving the rest to Rumplestlitskin. However, Neal briefly separated from his father to send the potion to Captain Hook with a message to have Emma drink the potion to restore her true memories, and return to Storybrooke to defeat Zelena.

Mr. Gold created a special variety of Memory Potion, which enchants an object held dear to the user; it would allow one who was victim of the first Dark Curse to retain memory of their Enchanted Forest identity so long as they kept the item on their person. Having the item off their person would cause disorientation as their memory began to distort back its cursed state; in order to pass through the x-ray machine at the airport, Mr. Gold needed to temporarily remove the shawl he enchanted. Passing through, he seemed about to fall over from dizziness until Emma placed the shawl back on him.

Apparently, forgetting potions are an easy recipe. Regina once made one to forget who Henry's birth mother was, ensuring she could raise him without any distractions. Rumple also made one simply by casting a spell on a vial of sea water. However, a remembering potion is harder, given that Regina "missed something" in her attempt to recreate Zelena's memory-restoration potion.

In the Underworld, there is the River of Forgetfulness. It empties into a creak in Underbrooke, and behind the Henry and Cora's mansion. Cora used it to wipe Regina and Zelena's memories of ever meeting and being true sisters. In the Underworld, she attempts to erase Zelena's love for Hades, but she found out what they were doing.

Tracker Potion

A Tracker Potion is used to find someone, often when conventional means cannot produce results; it must be poured on an item owned by the person one seeks. Once the potion has soaked into the item, it will levitate, leading the user to the person they seek. David Nolan acquired one from Mr. Gold, in order to find Jefferson; Mary Margaret and Emma had fallen through the Hat, and he wanted to get the portal working again. While impersonating Ariel, Zelena used Eric's cloak, which sunk into the water as he was with the real Ariel on an island in the Enchanted Forest. Using the Author's flask, David and Mary Margaret track him down, only to learn too late that Emma was going to be turned dark.

Transformation Potion

A Transformation Potion causes the drinker to take a new form. During the course of the series, it hasn't been used for benevolent purposes. Given that Rumplestiltskin brewed them, it would make sense.

The first one was given to Jimmy Cricket who was to get his parents to drink it and be turned into puppets. Being con artists, they saw through this and poisoned Geppetto's parents with it.

Another Transformeration Potion turned the Apprentice into mouse. Anna was supposed to give him the antidote, but Rumplestiltskin tricked her into thinking that it was poison which she didn't give him. Though Anna used the Dark One's Dagger to get Rumplestiltskin to restore the Apprentice to normal.

Belle has been seen to keep one on her in case villains try something - "One wrong move, and you'll be hopping out of here as frogs."

In order to make Mr. Gold a hero in order to free Excalibur from the stone, Emma had Merida drink a Transformation Potion that transformed her into a bear.

True Love Potion

The True Love Potion is a type of potion which Mr. Gold/Rumplstlitskin claims to be powerful enough to allow the user to do anything. He created one from the strands of hair of Snow White and Prince Charming; he later dropped into the Storybrooke wishing well, bringing magic to the town for the rest of the series. True Love can also exist as a form of light magic, not just a potion; Emma has this magic since she was a product of Snow White and Prince Charming's love, and Regina's love for Henry and Robin Hood allowed her the use of light magic against Zelena.


River of Lost Souls Water

The River of Lost Souls Water is a dreadful liquid that exists in the Underworld. The River of Lost Souls is a green river that is one of the five rivers under Hades' platform. If someone falls into it, they become emptied of who they are and become "lost". It flows into the Underbrooke Harbor. Even an item laced with this type of water will have the same effect. If consumed, it turns the person into a puddle of water. Gold later uses a wineskin filled with water from the river glamoured as a heart to poison Malcolm's Peter Pan form with it, dissolving him into green vapor.

Gold later brought some with him to Storybrooke. He gave it to the Evil Queen, who threatened to poison Storybrooke's water with it if Snow and David didn't face her.

Round Table

The Round Table is a Camelot item. It first appears in the second episode of Season 5. This is the legendary table which seats the Knights chosen by King Arthur. The only seat that stands out at it is Siege Perilous, a seat only given to one of pure heart; the seat was filled by only two people: Sir Lancelot and Prince Charming.


Sand Clock

The Sand Clock is a Neverland item. It is a giant hourglass inside Skull Rock created when Peter Pan made the decision to stay in Neverland. The hour glass represents the magic fueling Pan's youth. Once the sand runs out, Pan will die unless he finds another way to preserve his youth.

Sands of Avalon

The Sand of Avalon are special sands that were taken from the shores of the magical isle of Avalon. They can make what is broken appear whole. It can make loved ones stop seeing the flaws of the caster, and make enemies trust and obey without hesitation.

Rumplestiltskin traded a vial of the sand to Guinevere in exchange for Merlin's Gauntlet; she planned on using this to make Excalibur appear whole without the Dark One's dagger. However, Arthur (having been driven insane by his quest to complete Excalibur) used it to brainwash his wife (who threatened to end their marriage as her love for him had faded) and create Camelot's castle. He later used this to brainwash David and Mary Margaret. However, extremely powerful users of magic can undo the effects of the sand as Merlin reversed the effects of the sand on David and Mary Margaret.

Sands of Morpheus

The Sands of Morpheus are special sands that are kept in a vase in the Temple of Morpheus. They allow the user to enter the Dream World. However, this only lasts for an hour and will send whoever is under a Sleeping Curse back to the Netherworld forever. It also has an unintended side-effect on pregnant women; it allows their unborn child to gain sentience in the dream and take form.

Sand Dollar

The Sand Dollar are sea shells that can be enchanted to deliver holographic messages.

Maleficent uses one to deliver a message to Rumplestiltskin in order to ransom Belle for the gauntlet. Years later, Mr. Gold uses a sand dollar in Neverland to deliver a message to Belle.

Scissors of Fate

The Scissors of Fate, alternatively known as the Shears of Destiny, can change the fate of whoever they are used on. The scissors initially belonged to the three Fates. However, they ended up in the sacred vault of the fairies, where Tiger Lily attempted to persuade the Black Fairy into severing her magic to allow her a happy life with her son; she instead cut Rumple's fate and prevented him from becoming the Savior.

Jafar gave them to Aladdin, after showing the Savior that he will die if he continues being a hero; however, as a side-effect, Agrabah, the place he was the Savior of, vanished.

Years later, they end up in Storybrooke when Aladdin is brought by the Dark Curse. He gives them to Emma, so she can choose to stop being a Savior. Hook initially pretending to drop them deep in the ocean, but secretly kept them as he wanted to be able to save Emma. After an encounter with his half-brother Liam, Hook decides to keep his word and dispose of them. However, the Evil Queen rescues them and gives them to Mr. Gold, who wished to protect his unborn son from the fate of being the offspring of a Dark One.

The Evil Queen later used them to sever her link to Regina, freeing her from dying if Regina did.

Scroll of the Dark Curse

The Scroll of the Dark Curse is a scroll that details how to enact the Dark Curse.

The curse is created by Fiona with a combination of two other spells in the Sacred Fairy Vault in Fairy Tale Land. The primary effect of the curse is transportation of all in the curse’s scope to the Land Without Magic, and the caster is allowed to add extra ingredients such as memory wipes, altered memories, a time freezing spell, or a time travel spell to the curse. Proper casting of the curse would result in the crumble of all the realms. It was initially casted by the Evil Queen, but over the years, Peter Pan, Snow White, Captain Hook, the Black Fairy, and the Coven of the Eight all have casted the curse with their own motives. A duplicate version of the scroll exists in the Wish Realm, and Regina Mills decides to use it to cast the curse with love, merging all the realms into the United Realms.

Shepherd's Crook

A Shepherd's Crook is a device used by the warlord Bo Peep (or "extortionist" as David called her) in which has the ability to magically brand humans who do not meet payments or threaten her by turning them into slaves (or as she puts it "Sheeple"). The device is almost used on Anna in the Enchanted Forest.

In Storybrooke where Bo Peep is revealed to now be a butcher, Hook and David finds it and uses the Crook to detect Anna's whereabouts.

Singing Spell Seal

The Singing Spell Seal is a magical box created by Zelena. Its purpose is to steal all the songs being sung by those affected by the Blue Fairy's magic. She discretely sends it to Regina, planning to reveal to Rumplestiltskin that it was her creation; in doing so, Zelena hoped she would be chosen to cast the Dark Curse over Regina. Though Regina succeeds in stealing the songs, they are taken by the Blue Fairy and placed in the unborn Emma's heart to give her strength.

Six-Leaf Clover

The Six-Leaf Clover is a magical item found only in the land of Oz, this magical item allows the user to take on the appearance of their choice. However, as previously stated, only how one appears is changed; the reflection remains unchanged, and thus if too many mirrors are around, the disguise is in danger of being discovered. One theory among fans is that Ingrid saw Zelena's reflection and put the freezing spell in her ice cream cone for the safety of Emma; though for a selfish reason, this would have protected other from the Wicked Witch's insanity.

Robin Hood acquired one during his visit to Oz, so as to avoid the wrath of Rumplestiltskin for going back on their deal; it came in handy when he needed to steal a fairy's wand from him to cure a pregnant Marian. Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West, also possesses one. After sending Emma and Hook into the past, she uses it to pose as Marian. From there, she uses the assumed identity to push and torment her sister by reminding her of her past as the Evil Queen. Afterward, she used the identity to become pregnant with Robin's child, only to later drop the disguise.

Zelena later used it to help the transport tornado home in on OZ, so she could return to a realm where she was free to do as she pleased. However, Regina redirected the spell using Emma's baby blanket.

Soul-Ripping Arrows

Soul-Ripping Arrows are Underworld items. They have the ability to trap their victims' souls in the River of Lost Souls forever which is where Hades forged them upon dipping them into the River of Lost Souls. They also work on immortal people like the Dark One. Hades had them made for Gaston. The Soul-Ripping Arrows were lost when Belle accidentally knocked Gaston into the River of Lost Souls.

Skeleton Keys

Skeleton Keys are a set of skull-like keys belonging to Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) to open various locations in Storybrooke including a crypt that leads to her vault where she keeps a collection of hearts mimicking her collection from the Enchanted Forest. She uses these keys to withdraw Sheriff Graham's heart when he breaks up with her. She later breaks into the house of David (Price Charming) and Kathryn Nolan (Princess Abigail)'s house to steal a letter that Kathryn left David, telling him she would be leaving the town. This is the start of Regina's plan to implicate Mary Margaret (Snow White) in the disappearance of Kathryn. Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) later suggests to Regina placing a skeleton key in Mary Margaret's jail cell after she is arrested, to which she uses to escape. Henry steals the skeleton keys, proving to Emma that Regina broke into their apartment to plant a knife.

Upset that Regina broke her deal with him to assist him in getting his daughter back after he helped her retrieve an item from his hat, Jefferson uses Regina's keys to the asylum cells, and unlocks Belle to find Mr. Gold and tell him that Regina had been holding her prisoner.[18]

August/Pinocchio later added a new lock (a simple bar to keep the door from moving) to Mary Margaret's door, to keep Regina out. This proved ineffective once magic was brought to Storybrooke, as Regina could move it out of the way. Since reforming, Regina no longer needs the keys, but likely still has them just in case of an emergency.

Spinning Wheel

A Spinning Wheel is an item belonging to Rumplestiltskin, who has had the ability to spin since he was a child and was abandoned by his father. Years later, Rumplestiltskin's son Baelfire was a child during the Ogre Wars. The wheel appeared in his small home where they lived together and again, later, in the main room of his grand estate house where he held Belle captive. He also teaches a young Cora to spin straw into gold to marry Prince Leopold. He tells her to think of a moment where she was humiliated and use that to motivate her. When asked what moment he chooses, Rumplestiltskin tells of his humiliation of a King's Duke where he made him kiss his boot. Cora chooses the moment when a young Queen Eva trips her whilst delivering straw to the noble court and being forced to apologize. Cora names the technique "blood-lust" to which Rumplestiltskin approves.[29] Rumplestiltskin is periodically depicted sitting at his wheel and spinning, lost in thought, claiming it helps him to forget.

His wheel is also featured in Storybrooke. One night, Belle finds Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) spinning his wheel and making potions. David (Prince Charming)'s voluntary submission to a sleeping curse to reach Mary Margaret (Snow White) in the Netherworld is enacted by him pricking his finger on the spinning wheel's spindle, which Gold refers to as "the old-fashioned way".

Cora is also seen by Mary Margaret and Regina with the Spinning Wheel in a spirit form within an enclosed room after Mary Margaret, David, Emma Swan, Captain Hook, and her daughter Regina Mills attempt to make communication with her.

Squid Ink

Squid Ink is a magical substance used to prevent magic found in a bottomless sea and taken from the rarest squid. It can be obtained via a mermaid or the Dark One.

When Cinderella realizes she has been tricked into her happy life by unknowingly agreeing to give Rumplestiltskin her first born child, the Blue Fairy gives Cinderella a quill that will freeze Rumplestiltskin. With the quill and ink, Cinderella tricks Rumplestiltskin into signing a new fake contract which leads to his being imprisoned.[30] Secretly, Rumplestiltskin takes a jar of squid ink with him to his prison. Upon learning the name of Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter, he inscribes her name on parchment multiple times to remember if he loses his memories after the curse takes hold.[3]

At some point, Captain Hook learned from King Poseidon that Squid Ink can be used on Rumplestiltskin.

In Storybrooke, Henry has dreams of being in the Netherworld due to recently waking up from the sleeping curse. In this world, he meets Princess Aurora, who informs Henry that Emma and Mary Margaret are safe in the Enchanted Forest, but need to stop the Evil Queen's mother Cora. Mr. Gold tells Henry to pass on information that tells the group to find his squid ink in his cell to stop Cora. The group arrive at the cell, but are trapped by Cora. Mary Margaret remembers Cora practicing magic from her spell book and a certain way she used to make the magical substance appear. Demonstrating, Mary Margaret blows the ink from the parchment, which forms a cloud, and the enchanted metal bars disintegrate; allowing for their escape.[3]

Mr. Gold and Neal later use ink from a giant squid that lurked in the waters near Neverland in order to paralyze Peter Pan.

Straw Doll

The Straw Doll (also known as Peter Pan) is a small figure owned by a young Rumplestiltskin, who was given it by his father Malcolm as a friend to keep him company. Troubled by his father's notorious reputation as a coward and liar, Rumplestiltskin acquires a magic bean to take both of them to another world. Leaving the Enchanted Forest for Neverland, Malcolm wishes to fly, but realises he cannot as he is not a boy like in his dreams when he dreamed of the island. In an act of betrayal, Rumplestiltskin is abandoned by Malcolm as he realises that a boy cannot have a child. As the Shadow takes Rumplestiltskin back to the Enchanted Forest, he watches his father turn into a youthful boy, dropping the doll which Malcolm picks up. No longer an adult, he accepts the namesake of the doll, Peter Pan, as his new name.[11]

In an effort to rescue his grandson, Henry, from the grasp of Peter Pan, Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) embarks on a solo mission in Neverland to accomplish the task. He comes across one of Pan's Lost Boys in the jungle, Felix, who gives Mr. Gold the doll, taunting him and leading him to break down in tears. The doll brings to light Mr. Gold's greatest pain associated with his father's abandonment as well as a fear of turning out just like him; a coward. Ultimately, Mr. Gold throws away the doll into the sea, but later, it drops out of the sky back to him. Unnerved, he uses magic to set the doll on fire, but once again, it reappears in its unburnt form. Decidedly, he retrieves the doll and keeps it in his jacket.[31]

Pan would later explain that he still loved Rumplestiltskin, and thus took the name of his son's beloved straw doll to show how much he mattered to him.

Stone of Excalibur

The "Stone of Excalibur" is rock in which the mystical blade was sealed by Merlin, after it was broke in half by Nimue. It was originally the place the Holy Grail once rested, cursing those not chosen to turn to ash upon touching the object. Arthur later pulled Excalibur from the stone, but misunderstanding Merlin's reason for him doing so, went insane in trying to complete the blade. The stone was later added to the Round Table of Camelot. Hook later sent Excalibur back to the stone, to ensure no-one would be able to control him as a Dark One.

When the third Dark Curse was cast, the stone ended up in Emma's basement. Emma forced Mr. Gold to become a hero worthy of pulling Excalibur out; this succeeded. The stone could not be broken by Dwarf pickaxes.


There are different types of swords that are used in this franchise:

Captain Hook's Sword

Captain Hook's Sword is used by Captain Hook as his last line of defense when he doesn't use his hook hand. It was the sword that was the last item touched by Rumplestiltskin before he became the Dark One, and even used it in a sword fight with Emma during their first encounter in the post-curse Enchanted Forest. When Emma became the Dark One, she acquired the sword to revive Mr. Gold, as it was the last available item that he had touched as a mortal human (as his walking stick was back in the Enchanted Forest).


Excalibur is a magical sword originating in Camelot.

It was originally the Holy Grail that gave Merlin and Nimue their powers. Later, Merlin used the Flame of Prometheus to reforge it into the sword Excalibur when the threat of Vortigan arose and due to Merlin's desire to live a normal, mortal life with Nimue.

It resides in a stone and can only be pulled out by the true ruler of the kingdom it is in. Prince Charming once constructed a fake Excalibur in order to boost Snow White's confidence in her fights with the Evil Queen.[31] The real one would likely belong to King Arthur.

In a flashback, it was revealed that Excalibur was once attempted to be pulled out of the stone by Sir Kay. He fails and is disintegrated. When King Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone, he finds that the tip of Excalibur is missing. It turns out that the tip had been made into the Dark One's Dagger. King Arthur seeks to unite both items in order to make Excalibur complete; this task has driven Arthur insane, and drove those he cared for away from him.

In present-day Storybrooke, Emma has Mr. Gold pull the sword out of the stone again. However, it is explained that forever wipe out either light or dark magic.

Using the Promethean Spark obtained from Nimue's heart, Emma unites Excalibur and the Dark One's Dagger into one weapon. The manifestations of Rumplestiltskin, Nimue, and the other previous Dark Ones tempt Emma into using Excalibur. It is later revealed that Excalibur now bears the names "Emma Swan" and "Killian Jones", who are the current Dark Ones now; this is a twist on the romantic notion of carving a couple's names into a tree. Emma sought to take the darkness out of both of them and put it in Zelena, who she forced to give birth sooner to avoid killing the baby so that no one would have any qualms with killing her to put an end to the Darkness' threat. Killian's name is on it because she removed Merlin's tethering that Zelena put on it, and tethered Killian to the sword instead, in order keep Killian from dying from a cut that Excalibur inflicted on his neck, which Emma previously healed but was beginning to become undone.

Captain Hook later steals Excalibur from Emma to prevent her from using it as a way to prevent those that she knows from taken the temporarily-revived Dark Ones before her and Mr. Gold from taking their places on Earth. When Captain Hook fights Nimue's influence, he uses Excalibur to suck the previous Dark Ones into it. Upon Captain Hook's advice in order to keep the Darkness from escaping, Emma impales Captain Hook with Excalibur, which seemingly defeats the Darkness and kills all of the past Dark Ones, destroying Excalibur in the process.

However, a part of Excalibur may have survived, as Mr. Gold had used a magic potion to turn Excalibur into a conduit, transferring the Darkness back into himself to become the most powerful Dark One ever. In the process, a new Dagger of the Dark One was generated, which may contain some of the original Excalibur's powers.


Hrutning is a magic sword that can inflict damage that cannot be healed and make its wielder feel like a hero. It was forged by the Blue Fairy.

During the First Ogre War, Beowulf wielded it in battle against the invading Ogres. During his fight with a helmeted Ogre, Beowulf was disarmed of it. Luckily, he was saved by Rumplestiltskin who claimed Hrunting.

In Storybrooke, Hrunting is held in Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop and taken by Emma Swan. It is the sword Gideon is destined to kill her with. She planned to kill the Evil Queen wit it as Regina was left unharmed by any wounds the sword gave her dark half. However, it ended up in Wish Realm with her, where it was temporarily given to another version of Henry Mills. Emma took it back.

Upon returning to Storybrooke, Emma is confronted by Gideon who stole the sword from her. During the showdown, Emma prevents her death by grabbing the blade which resulted in it' breaking.

Gideon later learns the Blue Fairy's role of Hrunting's creation and goes to confront her. When Gideon confronts the Blue Fairy to get a blood sample needed to repair Hrunting, Mr. Gold shows up and does the job that is the opposite of what Gideon would've done.

Jack's Sword

Jack's Sword is used by the woman when she ambushes the giants' beanstalk with Prince James. The sword's most distinguishing feature is an inscription of Jack's name on the side of the blade. Laced in poison, Jack wielded the weapon to attack and kill numerous giants, including Arlo, and then met her own demise after being stabbed by her own sword. She dies with the weapon in hand. Many years later, Emma stumbles upon Jack's skeletal corpse. Later, she grabs the sword to threaten the remaining giant Anton with it.

Mulan's Sword

Mulan's Sword is the most powerful blade in all the realms. When Emma decides to climb the beanstalk with Hook to retrieve the enchanted compass needed so she and Mary Margaret can return home to Storybrooke, she asks Mulan for a favor. Emma wants Mulan to cut down the beanstalk with her sword if she does not return at a certain time. Mulan agrees and later attempts to chop it down when she does not return at the designated time, but is stopped by Mary Margaret just as Emma jumps down from the beanstalk. The sword is used to repel magic when Mulan blocks Cora's fire attack.

Prince Charming's Sword

Prince Charming's Sword is his typical chosen weapon to fight his foes. After the Dark Curse is cast, the sword is one of the many items that come into Mr. Gold's possession in his pawnshop. Mr. Gold hands the sword over to Emma when he sends her on a mission to retrieve a potion from a beast so she can save Henry from the sleeping curse. Though she is reluctant to rely on the sword, eventually Emma successfully wields the blade to defeat Maleficent's dragon form. It was later broken during David's fight with his Doppelgänger Fear Spirit. Zelena stole it to use as a symbol of courage.



The Taser is a magical item that can kill or harm magical and powerful creatures. Tamara had one which she used on the Dragon which seemingly killed him. Tamara also used it on August Booth, who was turned into wood at the time. This proofs that the taser is not an ordinary taser from a land without magic.

True Love Scale

The True Love Scale is an Underworld item. It is a scale where a person can weigh their heart to see if their love for someone is true. Both the heart and the one loved one of the heart's owner as engulfed in flames; if the heart's owner choose their lover instead of their heart, they have passed the scale's test.

It is possible that Zeus keeps watch on the test, which may be why he gave Hook a second life, as Emma proved she cared for Hook more than herself.

Trident of Poseidon

The Trident of Poseidon was owned by King Poseidon. It was once used by her daughter Ursula to transform her mermaid tail into octopus tentacles to be similar to the Sea Goddess Ursula.


The Trigger is a diamond-shaped magical item built into the Evil Queen's curse that transported characters to the real world of Storybrooke. If activated, it would revert Storybrooke back into a forest and kill every single person who was born in the realm of the Enchanted Forest. When newcomers Greg Mendell and Tamara arrive in the town with the intention to remove magic, they steal the trigger from Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) and activate it with a pickaxe that begins to erase Storybrooke, slowly converting it back into a forest. Regina attempts to delay the item's outcome, though she is not strong enough. Emma then uses her magic in addition to Regina's to stop the trigger. They succeed, and the item is deactivated.[32]

Trolden Glass

The Trolden Glass is a magic mirror used by the Snow Queen to cast the "Spell of Shattered Sight" in Storybrooke. The Norse mythical tale of The Trolden Glass, in which a king crafted a mirror for his daughter's upcoming birthday so she could see her own beautiful reflection. Tragically, the girl dies before receiving the gift and thus the mirror begins reflecting the king's sadness and pain. Deciding the kingdom should suffer as he is, the king masters dark magic and casts the spell of shattered sight on everyone. Influenced by the spell, people begin to see the worst in their loved ones and turn on each other, nearly wiping out his entire kingdom, until the King was killed.

Ingrid later re-cast the Spell of Shattered Sight. After reading the letter that Queen Gerda left for Anna and Elsa, Ingrid sacrifices her life to destroy the spell, along with the fragments of the Trolden Glass.

Due to the altered perception, the afflicted will forget somethings as they focus on the negative traits in others. For example, Regina forgot that she sealed herself in her vault to keep others safe from herself and came to the conclusion that Emma must have trapped her. It also seems to have a beneficial effect; once curse on Storybrooke was broken, everyone was laughing and getting along. In a way, this curse seems to help people move on from tragedies and confrontations in the past.

There are ways to be immune to the spell:

  • It doesn't work twice on the same subject (as it had already been cast on Anna).
  • The caster can spare others (which Ingrid did on Emma, Elsa, Henry and Belle).
  • Being the Dark One (which Mr. Gold is).
  • Not having a heart at the time (Captain Hook's heart was in Rumplestiltskin's possession at the time).


Underworld Tombstones

Every soul in the Underworld has their own Underworld Tombstone. Pouring magic ale on one will summon the person it belongs to; however, this is only temporary as they soon return to where they were in the Underworld before. If there is interference, such as Hades, the connection is unstable but the summoned soul will know if they beloved was trying to reach them.

As Cruella explained, the Tombstones have 3 "settings":

  • If the Tombstone is standing, that person has unfinished business and is in the Underworld.
  • If the Tombstone is tipped over, they are on Mount Olympus.
  • If the Tombstone is cracked, they are in the "Worse Place" or are into the River of Lost Souls.

They can also trap living people in the Underworld, and make them unable to remove their hearts. However, this may have been an extra power Hades added to them. Additionally, those like Cruella and the Blind Witch like living in the Underworld and prefer not to move on; however, once Arthur takes over the Underworld and improves it, Cruella begins bemoaning the fact she can only move on to the "Worse Place".

After Henry I, Hercules and Megara ascended to Mount Olympus, Hades tasked Hook with carving a name of one of his hero friends on a gravestone for each soul that left the Underworld. When Hook refused, Hades choose Snow White, Regina and Emma to be trapped in the Undeworld. However, Hook later uses the enchantment Hades put on his hook to scratch off Snow's name and replace it with David's, allowing her to return home to Storybrooke. Hades then added Henry Mills and Robin Hood's names to prevent another switcharoo. Emma attempted to burn the names off with light magic, but Ruby's arrival in the Underworld distracted her from completing the idea; however, she decided to call it a fluke and didn't attempt it again.

As part of a deal to help save Zelena for Hades, Emma and her family's names were removed from the graves; although Hades was tricking them, having empowered the Blind Witch and Cruella to keep the heroes trapped in the Underworld. Though the names were removed from the graves, the stones remain standing, perhaps waiting for the day they can be properly used.

Unquenchable Flame

The Unquenchable Flame is a Camelot item. It is a magical flame that is said to be part of the Burning Bush itself. King Arthur uses the flame to light the way as he and David look for the Crimson Crown.


Vorpal Blade

The Vorpal Blade is a weapon that is said to be made from very powerful magic in Wonderland. It is used to seal away an ancient and dangerous creature known as the Jabberwocky, as it was the only weapon that could harm her. Imprisoned for 100 years, she gains freedom when the sorcerer Jafar pulls out the embedded weapon from her. When the Jabberwocky's usefulness has expired, he stabs the Jabberwocky with it and leaves her to be entrapped on the dungeon walls.

Vault of the Dark One's Key

The Key to the Vault of the Dark One is a special key hidden within a book in the Dark Castle, which can be used to open the Vault of the Dark One.



A Wand is a magical item used to carry out various tasks by its instructor. They are mainly used by fairies, though Rumplestiltskin kills Cinderella's fairy godmother to acquire hers.[30] He uses a wand in Storybrooke to steal the magical diamonds from the mines to transport its power into the well and prevent Regina Mills (the Evil Queen)'s mother Cora from entering the town.[3]

In a plan to prevent Peter Pan from enacting his Dark Curse, David Nolan (Prince Charming), Tinker Bell, Captain Hook and Neal Cassidy obtain the Black Fairy's wand from Mother Superior (the Blue Fairy) after her shadow was restored to her body following the Shadow's destruction.[33]

Another magic wand also helped Emma restored her powers after she and Hook time traveled back to the Enchanted Forest. Once her powers were restored, she used the wand to create a new portal that returned her, Hook, and their rescued guest that later turned out to be Robin Hood's wife Marian, back to Storybrooke.

Apprentice's Wand

The Apprentice owns a Wand which can generate a tornado for transport between the realms. It can only work is both light and dark magic are used. The wand itself is light magic, but a dark magic user must also help use it. As Hook points out, Regina might still have "the fire", but her heart has become too pure from loving Robin Hood to properly channel dark magic. Regina tricks Zelena into cooperating, dragging her along with the rest of the group to Camelot.

Regina later successfully uses the wand in the Season 5 mid-season finale, where she uses it to banish Zelena back to Oz, to keep her away from Robin's/her child. The reason Regina failed at using it was because she lacked confidence. Once she had it, she could masterfully control a cyclone to only suck in Zelena and vanish.

Zelena attempts using it again, but accidentally opens a portal to the Land of Untold Stories where she, David, Hook, Merida and Mary Margaret are temporarily imprisoned by Mr. Hyde. The wand was briefly broken, but is now in the possession of Mr. Hyde after Dr. Jekyll repaired it. He later gave it to Mr. Gold, who sent him and a derigible from the Land of Untold Stories.

Black Fairy's Wand

The Black Fairy's Wand is a wand that was originally owned by the Black Fairy who was a powerful praticioner of dark magic. The wand ended up in the Blue Fairy's possession. Unfortunately, she kept this a secret that she took with her to the grave (Pan's shadow ripped out her own, killing her). Luckily, the death of the shadow restored hers and her life; Blue gifted the wand to Tinker Bell, who gave it to Mr. Gold for restoring Henry and Peter Pan back to their proper bodies.

Blue Fairy's Wand

The Blue Fairy's Wand is a wand that is owned by the Blue Fairy. The Blue Fairy's Wand is exclusively good magic and has been used by the Blue Fairy for granting wishes of those who wish upon the blue star. In Storybrooke, it's been used for various things such as attempting to break down a barrier in Mr. Gold's pawnshop, reverting August to his child self Pinocchio, and healing severe wounds on Regina.

Cora's Wand

The Coras's Wand is a magic wand that Cora keeps locked away in her home.

One day, a young Regina finds a magic wand and attempts to transform her doll into a real sister with whom to play, only to have the spell backfire, knocking her unconscious. Cora and Prince Henry realizes that the only way to save her is by bringing a magical family member to wake her up. So Cora visits Oz to bring back Zelena.

Fairy Godmother's Wand

The Fairy Godmother's Wand is a wand that was originally owned by Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. Rumplestiltskin comes to own the wand after killing her (he knew where to acquire it after his deal with King George when he made the deal to bring David to the King). Following a deal with Cinderella, he uses the wand to transform her rags into a gown so she can go to the royal ball.

The wand remains in his possession and is later used in Storybrooke by Mr. Gold when stealing fairy dust from the mines. Later, Mr. Gold has a nightmare where he uses the wand to turn his grandson into a statue and shatter him. At that point, Gold was suffering from inner turmoil as Henry was prophecised to be his undoing.

In Season 7, the wand from the second iteration of the Fairy Godmother is taken by Lady Tremaine to demonstrate to her daughter Drizella that fear is the true power and not magic since magic can be taken. She then proceeds to turn the Fairy Godmother into dust to make a point. The wand is later used to give Wish Realm Hook the younger appearance of the real Hook, and is later used to enchant the hand of Cinderella and Lady Tremaine to give them the heart-ripping ability.

Savior's Wand

The Savior's Wand is used to banish The Black Fairy.


The Wishes is an Agrabah item. They are three tiny tear-shaped rubies given to anyone who finds a genie's bottle. Each of the three represent one wish, and disappear when the wish is granted. They can be given away to somebody else to make wishes.

Coins can also become the vessels of wishes, when they are thrown into a fountain or well. Henry used this methods to accumulate wishes to open a portal in a New York fountain to bring back David, Zelena, Mary Margaret, Hook and Dr. Jekyll.

Wishing Star

The Wishing Star is a necklace capable of granting a wish, however, they are unable to use it since the wishing star requires someone with a pure heart.

When Gerda's eldest daughter Elsa manifests ice powers, she and her husband locate the wishing star, hoping to wish away Elsa's magic, the couple gain the mystical item from the pirate Black Beard.

Five years after the deaths of Gerda and her husband, Elsa discovers the necklace in her mother's belongings, and she decides to give it to her sister Anna for her upcoming wedding.

Witch's Cauldron

The Witch's Cauldron is a DunBroch item that is owned by the unnamed Witch that lives in DunBroch. It can be used to brew potions or create magically infused items.


World-crossing, also known as Magic Portals in some cases, is a magical type of travelling between worlds. Is possible travel between worlds via many ways, like with magic bean, portals to a mermaid's ability to swim from a world to another, etc.

Between magical worlds only

Some methods are limited only to travel between magical worlds. However, travel to worlds without strong natural magic (such as the Land Without Magic) is possible if the location has strong magic (i.e. Storybrooke).

  • Black Fairy's limited ability (from the Dark Realm to a world and immediately back)
  • Cyclones (typically to the Land of Oz, but Regina once tricked Zelena into making a portal which took the heroes to Camelot)
  • Darkness (from wherever to the Vault of the Dark One)
  • Divine magic (Deities' magic)
  • Enchanted mirrors (to the World Behind the Mirror and back)
  • Heroes and Villains book
    • combined with Enchanted Quill or with a magic key
  • Fairy Crystals
  • Genie's wish
  • Mad Hatter's hat (from a magical world to another and back)
  • Keys to the Land of Untold Stories (can turn any door into a portal to the Land of Untold Stories)
  • Kraken's blood
  • Lake Nostos
    • combined with dehydrated Magic Bean or with Magic Wardrobe ashes + Enchanted Compass
  • Looking Glasses (to Wonderland and New Wonderland, rarely back)
  • Mermaids ability
  • Pegasus Sail (from a magical world to Neverland and back)
  • Rabbit Hole
  • Savior magic + Hrunting
  • Shadow flight
  • Teleportation (rarely)
  • Time Travel Spell (from one time to another, and can cross worlds)
  • Underworld Clocktower
  • Wishing Star

Between magical and non-magical worlds

Some methods can be accomplished regardless of whether the location is a magical world or a world without strong natural magic.

  • Apprentice's portal spell
  • Dark Curse (from wherever to Storybrooke and back if undone)
  • Magic Beans
  • Magic Doors
  • Magic Wardrobe
  • New York City Fountain
    • combined with Belief + Wishes
  • Pixie dust
  • Silver Slippers

Between the Afterlife and the Mortal Worlds

Some methods allow travel:

  • Ale of Seonaidh (a soul from the Underworld to another world for a short period)
  • Fiery Cave (from the Underworld to the Worst Place or Mount Olympus)
  • Furies ability (from the Underworld to wherever and back)
  • River of Lost Souls (from the Underworld to the Worst Place)
  • Sands of Morpheus (from a magical realm to the Dream World)
  • Sleeping Curse (sends victim's soul to the Netherworld)
  • Summoning Ceremony (a soul from the Underworld to any world)
  • Underworld portal combined with blood of someone who has come back to life (to the Underworld or back)


  1. Busis, Hillary (February 13, 2012). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Tale as Old as Time". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved March 1, 2014.
  2. "'Once Upon a Time' recap: There's a She-Wolf in the Freezer" from Entertainment Weekly (November 11, 2012)
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 "'Once Upon a Time' recap: There and Back Again" from Entertainment Weekly (December 2, 2012)
  4. Busis, Hillary (March 5, 2012). "Once Upon a Time' recap: A Fairy Tale -- Literally". Retrieved March 2, 2014.
  5. Ratcliffe, Amy (January 30, 2012). "Once Upon a Time: "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" Review". IGN. Retrieved January 30, 2012.
  6. The Dark One did not possess the ability of foresight until Rumplestiltskin stole the power from the Seer shortly after becoming the Dark One. This is depicted in the season two episode "Manhattan."
  7. Sidney's former master, King Leopold, used his second wish to set him free.
  8. This genie was referenced in the sixth season by Aladdin, as a tribute to the late Robin Williams. who portrayed the Genie in the Disney film Aladdin.
  9. According to Aladdin, the Genie was freed and has "moved on."
  10. "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Giant" from Entertainment Weekly (February 10, 2013)
  11. 1 2 Busis, Hillary (17 November 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: A Family Affair". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 17 November 2013.
  12. Sava, Oliver (April 22, 2012). "The Return". The A.V. Club. Retrieved April 22, 2012.
  13. Busis, Hillary (September 29, 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Season 3 premiere". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved September 29, 2013.
  14. 1 2 'Once Upon A Time' Recap: Mother Knows Best And Charming Steps Up In 'We Are Both' by Laura Prudom The Huffington Post (October 7, 2012)
  15. "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Freaky Sunday". Entertainment Weekly. 1 December 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
  16. Orlando, Christine (October 23, 2011). "Once Upon a Time Review: Believe in Magic". TV Fanatic. Retrieved January 21, 2013.
  17. Shaunna, Murphy (October 31, 2011). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: This Town Ain't Big Enough". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
  18. 1 2 3 4 "'Once Upon a Time' season finale recap: Now I'm a Believer" by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (May 13, 2012)
  19. Operation Mongoose part 2
  20. 1 2 Once Upon a Time - Behind the Magic - Page 42. London: Titan Books, October 2013
  21. Once Upon A Time - Fairy Tale Props. 10 May 2013 via YouTube.
  22. 1 2 Prudom, Laura (September 30, 2012). "'Once Upon A Time' Season Premiere Recap: Magic Returns And Brings New Danger In 'Broken'". The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 17, 2012.
  23. "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Fear Itself" from Entertainment Weekly (March 23, 2014)
  24. Busis, Hillary (10 November 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: 'Dark Hollow'". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 10 November 2013.
  25. Busis, Hillary (8 December 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Pain and Pan-ic". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 8 December 2013.
  26. Busis, Hilary (January 15, 2012). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: It Takes Two". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 16, 2012.
  27. 1 2 "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Of Motherhood and Apple Turnovers" by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (May 6, 2012)
  28. 'Once Upon a Time' recap: Faith, Hope and Fairy Dust by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (October 13, 2013)
  29. Once Upon a Time "The Miller's Daughter" S2/E16 Retrieved March 14, 2013
  30. 1 2 Murphy, Shaunna (November 13, 2011). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Read Before You Sign". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 2, 2014.
  31. 1 2 'Once Upon a Time' recap: Doubt: A Parable by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (October 6, 2013)
  32. "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Little Boy Lost" from Entertainment Weekly (May 12, 2013)
  33. Busis, Hilary (15 December 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: The End Is the Beginning Is the End". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
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