List of territorial entities where Romanian is an official language

This is a list of countries and territories and organisations where Romanian is an official language:

Languages of MoldovaLanguages of RomaniaLanguages of VojvodinaVlach language (Serbia)Mount AthosLanguages of IsraelLanguages of UkraineRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaRomanian diasporaLanguages of the European UnionLanguages of the European UnionLanguages of the European UnionLanguages of the European UnionLanguages of the European Union
Map of the Roumanophone World (sensitive map)
  Single official language and language of the majority
  Official language but spoken by a minority

Countries where Romanian is an official language

Country Population Native Romanian speakers Est. total speakers Status of Romanian More info
 Moldova3,461,380 (2014)[1]70.2%2,560,000[2]Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova[3]Languages of Moldova
 Romania21,640,168 (2014)[1]90.7%19,900,000[2]Constitution of Romania, art. 13[4]Languages of Romania

Regions where Romanian is an official language

Region Country Status Population Native Romanian speakers Status of Romanian More info
 Gagauzia MoldovaAutonomous region155,646 (2004)3.9%Statute of Gagauzia, art. 3§1[5]Languages of Gagauzia
 TransnistriaDe facto independent555,347 (2004)32.10%Statute of the Settlements from the Left Bank (Transnistria), art. 6§1 (Latin) [6]
Constitution of Transnistria, art. 12 (Cyrillic)[7]
Languages of Transnistria
 Vojvodina SerbiaAutonomous region1,931,809 (2011)1.45%Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, art. 26[8]Official status of Romanian language in Vojvodina
Hertsa, UA-77Ukraine UkraineRayon32,316 (2001)93.8%Legislation on languages in UkraineLanguages of Ukraine
Tiachiv, UA-21Rayon171,850 (2001)12.4%

Organisations with Romanian as an official language

Organisation Members Status of Romanian More info
 European UnionRomania
and other 27 states
Regulation No. 1 of the EC[9]Languages of the European Union
Latin UnionMoldova, Romania
and other 34 states
Convention of Madrid, 1954Romance languages
Mount AthosRomanian Orthodox Church
and other Eastern Rite churches
Language of religious service

Countries where Romanian is taught in schools


  1. 1 2 "Countries in the world (ranked by 2014 population)". Worldometers.
  2. 1 2 "Romanian". Ethnologue.
  3. "Hotărâre Nr. 36 din 05.12.2013 privind interpretarea articolului 13 alin. (1) din Constituţie în corelaţie cu Preambulul Constituţiei şi Declaraţia de Independenţă a Republicii Moldova (Sesizările nr. 8b/2013 şi 41b/2013)" (in Romanian). Constitutional Court of Moldova. Retrieved 2013-12-20. 124. [...] Prin urmare, Curtea consideră că prevederea conţinută în Declaraţia de Independenţă referitoare la limba română ca limbă de stat a Republicii Moldova prevalează asupra prevederii referitoare la limba moldovenească conţinute în articolul 13 al Constituţiei.
  10. "Grupe realizate - Belgia". Institutul Limbii Române (in Romanian).
  11. "Grupe realizate - Irlanda". Institutul Limbii Române (in Romanian).
  12. "Proiectul LCCR - Italia" (PDF). Institutul Limbii Române (in Romanian).
  13. "Portugalia". Institutul Limbii Române (in Romanian).
  14. "Grupe realizate 10.11.2016 - Spania" (PDF). Institutul Limbii Române (in Romanian).
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