
Exoplanet List of exoplanets
Size comparison
Jupiter Kepler-453b
Parent star
Star Kepler-453
Constellation Lyra[1]
Right ascension (α) 18h 52m 57.91s[2]
Declination (δ) +46° 22 42.5[2]
Mass (m) 0.944±0.010[2] M
Radius (r) 0.833±0.011[2] R
Temperature (T) 5527±100[2] K
Metallicity [Fe/H] 0.090±0.100[2]
Age <2.49±0.38[2] Gyr
Physical characteristics
Mass(m)0.1±16[2] M
Radius(r)6.204±0.039[2] R
Orbital elements
Semi-major axis(a) 0.7903±0.0028[2] AU
Eccentricity (e) 0.0359±0.0088[2]
Orbital period(P) 240.503±0.053[2] d
Inclination (i) 89.4429±0.0091 [2]°
Discovery information
Discovery date 2015
Discovery method Transit
Discovery site Kepler Space Observatory
Discovery status Confirmed[3]

Kepler-453b is a transiting circumbinary exoplanet in the binary-star system Kepler-453. It orbits the binary system in the habitable zone every 240.5 days. It also may have a relatively low density. This is due to its mass likely being less than 32 Earth masses.[2][3] The orbit of the planet is inclined relative to the binary orbit therefore precession of the orbit leads to it spending most of its time in a non-transiting configuration. By the time the TESS and PLATO spacecraft are available for follow up observations it will no longer be transiting.[4]


  1. Roman, Nancy G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation From a Position". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 99 (617): 695–699. Bibcode:1987PASP...99..695R. doi:10.1086/132034. Vizier query form
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 "Kepler-453 b Confirmed Planet Overview Page". NASA Exoplanet Archive. Retrieved 2015-10-08.
  3. 1 2 Welsh, William F.; et al. (2015). "Kepler 453 b - The 10th Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet". The Astrophysical Journal. 809 (1). 26. arXiv:1409.1605. Bibcode:2015ApJ...809...26W. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/809/1/26.
  4. Martin, David V. (2017). "Circumbinary planets - II. When transits come and go". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 465 (3): 3235–3253. arXiv:1611.00526. Bibcode:2017MNRAS.465.3235M. doi:10.1093/mnras/stw2851.

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