Kelan Antep

Kelan Antep
Course Main course
Place of origin Indonesia
Region or state Jepara
Created by Jeparanese
Serving temperature Hot or room temperature
Main ingredients Meat not fat (beef, lamb or goat), water, garlic, red onion, red pepper, sour, galangal, bay leaf.

Kelan Antep is traditional cuisine[1] from Jepara City of Indonesia. This Jeparanese cuisine used meat not fat. So, Kelan Antep is very secure for people keep healthy.


Ingredients of Kelan Antep is meat not fat, water, garlic, red onion, red pepper, sour, galangal, bay leaf. Kelan Antep can be Side dish or as vegetable soup.


  • Boiled meat, water, galagal, bay leaf, and salt until boiling water.
  • Input red onion, garlic, red pepper, and water sour. cooking until maturating.


  1. "Resep masakan, kue, minuman lengkap dan teruji -".

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